1 MANAGEMENT 3200 FINAL EXAM REVIEW QUESTIONS MOTIVATION 1 What are the ve needs in Maslow s hierarchy of needs Know what each need is and be able to recognize what need is being satis ed in a given situation Physiological Procreation food water shelter Safety Security and Stability Life insurance retirement plans and bene ts Social Acceptance friendship and love Wine and cheese parties considerate employees Esteem Recognition Respect from other for doing a good job Award banquets Self actualization Maximizing your potential being all you can be self worth Winning an award at an award banquet or getting a raise Money can satisfy all of them 2 According to Maslow what motivates your behavior Lowest unsatis ed need on the hierarchy 3 What does Maslow believe about satis ed needs Once they re met they re no longer motivational 4 If a need is frustrated what will the employee experience according to Maslow Can the employee still be motivated if his her needs are frustrated Stuckedness You can t go down and you can t go up You can t be motivated if your needs are frustrated 5 What needs are typically unsatis ed in most organizations Why is this the case What would help satisfy these needs Esteem and self actualization Most jobs are specialized Enriched jobs would help satisfy these needs Or craft jobs 6 What need is the highest level of personal motivation How many people reach this level Is it ever fully satis ed or ful lled Self actualization Not many reach this level Never fully satis ed once you satisfy one thing you want another or more 7 What is a peak experience Something that temporarily produces self actualization 2 8 What does the research say about Maslow s hierarchy of needs It s not 5 it s 2 or 3 Not everyone climbs the hierarchy in the same way Satis ed needs can still motivate an employee 9 How would you apply Maslow s theory of motivation if you were a manager Be exible and know that people react differently and their motivations change Different strokes for different folks What motivates one may not motivate another and what motivates one today may not motivate them tomorrow 10 What are the three needs in ERG theory that can motivate behavior Maslow s theory repackaged to be more consistent 11 How do the three needs in ERG theory match up to the ve needs in Maslow s hierarchy of needs Existence Physiological and safety Relatedness Social and esteem Growth Self actualization QUESTION ABOUT HOW THEY MATCH UP TO MASLOW S on exam 12 What does Alderfer s ERG theory say about a satis ed need It can still motivate Leads to the frustration regression principle 13 What is the frustration regression principle in ERG theory What does it say about need frustration If existence needs are satis ed then you move on to relatedness needs but you can go back down to existence and get more of those needs met so you can stay motivated If a need is frustrated you can still have motivation Totes a question on this 14 What does Herzberg say is the opposite of job satisfaction The opposite of job dissatisfaction Job satisfaction is opposite no job satisfaction Job dissatisfaction is opposite no job dissatisfaction Two factor theory internal motivator and external hygienes 3 15 What is a motivator factor and what is it related to in 2 factor theory be able to recognize what are motivators on the job Motivators are like what needs in Maslow s hierarchy Motivators are factors that creat job satisfaction Motivators are like esteem and self actualization The factors that cause an employee yo be satis ed were different from the factors that caused them to be dissatis ed Factors the work itself and how it makes you feel Interesting meaningful and challenging work over which you have autonomy 16 What is a hygiene factor and what is it related to in 2 factor theory be able to recognize what are hygienes on the job Hygienes are like what needs in Maslow s hierarchy A hygiene factor is an external factor pay bene ts coworkers supervisors working conditions Hygienes are like physiological safety and social When hygienes are good it creates no job dissatisfaction You can t be motivated by hygienes enriched vs specialized JS NJS JDS NJDS DIAGRAM THIS SHIT ON THE EXAM see picture 17 What does Herzberg advocate as the only way to motivate employees i e make them job satis ed Enriched jobs It assumes everyone has expressive motivation toward work Leaves out instrumental motivation Internal factors 18 What is the effect of good pay good supervision good bene ts etc on job dissatisfaction Can hygiene factors motivate people according to Herzberg No job dissatisfaction It merely prevents it No they can t True motivation comes from within 19 If I gave you an example of a person holding a certain type of job e g specialized or enriched and having either good or poor hygienes e g pay bene ts and supervision you will be able to tell me what the person is experiencing in terms of job satisfaction or no job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction or no job dissatisfaction Enriched job that pays poor and has bad bene ts You have JS but you also have JDS It s a two step process you re always in two steps Job satisfaction is created by enriched jobs Job dissatisfaction is created by bad hygienes 4 The best case scenario is a highly enriched job that pays well because there is job satisfaction and no job dissatisfaction 20 What are the problems with Herzberg s 2 factor theory First off it s a 1 best way theory They re wrong He also based this theory on two samples accounts and engineers which are not representative of the entire job force He ignores instrumental motivation because he never interviewed blue collar workers The data collection method was invalid Some people can be motivated by hygienes 21 What is the basic premise behind goal setting theory There is a direct relationship between the goals we have and the performance we have Intentions goals The goals we have will in uence what we exhibit 22 What does SCARF mean in goal setting theory Speci c in terms of what s desired and when Challenging yet achievable Accepted by the employee Rewards should be given R increases A Feedback should be given based on performance de nitely a question 23 How does one build greater of acceptance of speci c and challenging goals 1 Rewards for attainment 2 Participation in goal setting by employee 3 Autocratic tell and sell method both 2 and 3 are equally effective when used in the right way 24 How does participation in goal
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