Diversity and Global Cultures chapter 16 What should We know about Diversity among global cultures Culture shock comes from discomfort in cross cultural situations Culture shock is the confusion and discomfort that a person experiences when in an unfamiliar cultures Global business concern because they need their employees to be successful Stages of culture shock 1 Confusion first contacts with the new culture leave you anxious 2 Small victories continued interactions bring some success confidence grows in handling affairs 3 Honeymoon time of wonderment viewed positively 4 Irritation and anger when negative overwhelm positives and new culture becomes target of criticism 5 Reality time of rebalancing you are able to enjoy the new culture while accommodating its less desirable elements Cultural intelligence is the capacity to adapt to foreign cultures Cultural intelligence CQ ability to adapt to new cultures and work well in situations of cultural diversity Ethnocentric so self centered that he ignored High in CQ higher cultural awareness more flexible see as opportunity not threat The silent languages of culture include context time and space 1 Context High context cultures reply on nonverbal and situational cues as well as spoken or written words Low context cultures emphasize communication via spoken or written words 2 Time Monochromic cultures people tend to do one thing at a time typical US 1 meeting on 1 issue Polychromic cultures people accomplish many different things at once more flexible who is in Proxemics is the study of how people use interpersonal space ex japan small house Cultural tightness and looseness varies around the world Tight cultures social norms are rigid and clear and members try to conform Loose cultures social norms are mixed and ambiguous and conformity varies the strength of social norms and degree of sanctioning within society 1 strength of forms that govern social behavior 2 tolerance that exists for any deviates from the norms Hofstede s model identifies five value differences among national cultures Power distance the degree to which a society accepts unequal distribution of power Uncertainty avoidance is the degree to which a society tolerates risk and uncertainty Individualism collectivism is degree to which a society emphasizes individuals and their self interests Masculinity femininity society values assertiveness and materialism Time orientation degree which a society emphasize short term or long term goals Ecological fallacy assumes that a generalized cultural value applies equally to all members of the cultures Intercultural competencies are essential career skills Intercultural competencies skills and characteristics that help us to be successful in cross cultural situations 1 Perception management person must be inquisitive and curious about cultural differences and be flexible and nonjudgmental when interpreting and dealing with situations in differences are at play 2 Relationship management person must be genuinely interested in others sensitive or their emotions and feelings and able to make personal adjustments while engaging in cross cultural interactions 3 Self management person must have a strong sense of personal identity understand their own emotions and values and be able to stay self confident even in situation that call for personal adaptations because of cultural differences Foundation for Global management success Goal global knowledge Goal intercultural competency Goal management skills
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