AMH 2020 0001 page 1 April 7 2015 African American leadership emerges after civil war Booker T Washington leads in last part of 1800s o Emerges as the first Af Am leader o He is just what the white man ordered Southerner from Mississippi Message for Af Am don t challenge the white man don t try to enter white dominated professions be a small farmer do a trade that won t threaten whites once whites see that you are a fine human being they will o Whites in south loved Booker s message because it kept blacks out of white give you rights professions Early 1900s W E B DuBois emerges as 2nd leader o Involved in NAACP o His message is completely different from Washington s o Blacks should demand their rights o Blacks are equal to whites o Has nothing but disdain for Washington o 1st Af Am to get doctorate from Harvard o Early champion for Civil Rights o He decides Civil rights are never going to work and goes to Africa to be a communist because he thought it wouldn t work Marcus Garvey emerges in 1920s AMH 2020 0001 page 2 o Originally from Jamaica moves to New York o Says that Washington is wrong we shouldn t wait for rights o DuBOis is wrong we are not equal o believed that Blacks were superior to whites Calls on Black pride Doing surgery while Whites still attaching leeches to people o Af Am are better and superior than whites o Sent him to prison on phony charges o wanted to leave whites and go back to Africa Starts selling tickets on steam ships Gets arrested for selling shares when he wasn t Put in jail to ruin his effectiveness as Af Am leader World War 2 was a major change for African Americans Af Am fought for George Washington in Revolution o Washington urged Af Am to fight in war War of 1812 initially didn t want any negro soldiers but then when saw army they enlisted Af Am to help Civil War went the same way for Lincoln North o enlisted 10s of 1 00s of blacks WW1 Wilson didn t want blacks but then changed mind Reversed need for blacks as war progressed WW2 is the first war where Blacks could join army from the onset o Segregated units AMH 2020 0001 page 3 o 1949 army is integrated o tens of thousands of African Americans go to Europe Many come from south where they grew up in segregation and figure out that they can do anything that they want overseas When they come back from the war they find out they can go to college Worst KKK violence takes place in Orange County Florida Wave of violence comes about to keep Af Am in the fields picking oranges Harry T Moore Christmas night 1950 his home is blown up by the Klan Late 1940s to early 1950s the worst violence towards Af Am o Klan was present in the authority so nothing was done to punish the Klan Grandfather clause struck down You have the same rights as your grandfather o Whatever your grandfather could do you could do o Deemed unconstitutional Later establish that Blacks SHOULD serve on juries o 50 years later blacks still excluded from southern juries routinely o Blacks weren t summoned for jury duty 1930s and 1940s Supreme court chips away at segregation in schools with separate but equal clauses o Room built for Af Am students with crummy lab o But when the Af Am students want to pursue higher education there are no such schools for Af Ams o Courts say that Af Am have to have school for them or put them in white school AMH 2020 0001 page 4 Southern schools pay Af Am students to go north for school o Cut programs that allow Af Am to go to higher education and prepare them for careers in home service or farm service FAMU Academic programs cut and replaced with service programs After WW2 1947 Jackie Robinson does more for civil rights in Florida than anyone else o Signed by Brooklyn dodgers LA Dodgers plays in Canada o Comes to Spring Training in Daytona Beach o Grew up in California never experienced Jim Crowe south o Took a plane from LA and stops in Pensacola Jim Crow south o Gets off plane with wife and attempts to go into coffee shop buys coffee from window and tries to sit down but sits in white section and are told to move o Tries to reboard plane but they are told that the plane was overbooked o Dodgers put him in a bus for 15 hours to get to Daytona o White players in nicest hotel he is told to stay in a blacks only boarding house 1954 Supreme court rules over Brown v Board of Education Comes out of Topeka Kansas Brown bought home next to elementary school Shows up on first day of school and is told that it is the white school and is told to black school 88 miles away Goes to court in 1954 Separate but equal since 1896 Supreme court overturns separate but equal and says that schools should integrate with all AMH 2020 0001 page 5 deliberate speed o all deliberate speed is interpreted by the beholder o Done purposely so they won t anger south o 1961 is when south actually achieves integration o Schools ordered to be integrated but no other issues were addressed Montgomery Alabama Rosa Parks worked as a seamstress for a department store o Member of NAACP and been active in meetings of challenging segregation on o Montgomery NAACP never went around to making a definitive decision on bus the buses desegregation o Says no to giving a white man her seat on a full bus o Launches civil rights movement in Montgomery Argument begins over who should lead the movement Martin Luther King Jr has no rivalry with anyone and is chosen to lead the movement 1957 Little Rock Arkansas Main high school is chosen to be integrated o Father was major church leader in Alabama o Unbelievably eloquent o 9 students go to school at the high school o Turns into a disaster o President Eisnehower has to call out National troops to protect children and force integration AMH 2020 0001 page 6 82nd air borne First time federal troops called out since SCLC depends on stupidity of white leaders in the south o King Jr finds lots of stupid leaders in the south o SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference o Operates outside of other organizations like the NAACP o When he organizes his marches he takes cameras to record their treatment o Is extremely effective at drawing attention to racial discrimination in the south Emmett Till Galvanizes a generation of Af Am Most people in the south didn t own wallets From Chicago sent down to Mississippi Smart Ass Experiences a whole different world Goes to Money Mississippi Goes to an integrated school in Money Mississippi Has pictures of white kids and white women in his wallet Goes into …
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