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PSCI 1050 Prof Major Final Exam Review Checks Balances let powers overlap little bit so they control each other Communism govt controls everything Ex China Conservative govt interference in social values no govt interference in economic values De Facto by practice De Jure by law Diversity of Faculties controls factions people have different predispositions James Madison argues that every society will have an unequal distribution of property due to natural human differences in each individual Faction group of people with a common interest any group that is against the common good any size Don t stop factions but get control them keep them from becoming powerful To get rid of Factions get rid of liberty in constitution protect liberty give everyone same opinion impossible and unwise Franchise suffrage right to vote Independent Voters 1 3 independents 2 3 independents lean towards one party they vote in direction they lean James Madison diversity of faculties liberty Responsible for Virginia plan Virginia Plan all big states should have more representatives John Locke natural rights Locke s apple Liberal positive liberty govt spending and no govt involvement in social issues Libertarian economic and social Libertarians always about liberty and people s rights Locke s Apple once it is inside of you it is yours Ex Apple Median Voter Theorem the theory that parties in a two party system can maximize their vote by locating themselves at the position of the median voter the voter whose preferences are exactly in the middle Multiplicity of Sects has as many factions as possible Natural Rights once human being mix labor with nature property said by John Political Socialization influence belief on politics Locke Family School Religion Media Political Popularization excessive partisanship leads to gridlock Random Sample select randomly from a population to represent a sample Republic scheme of representation Sampling Error a measure of the accuracy of a public opinion poll mainly a function of sample size and usually expressed in percentage terms Scheme of Representation Republic Separation of Powers gives each department different exclusive areas of jurisdiction Socialism govt controls industries Ex Sweden Suffrage the right to vote Terms of Office State official elects senators House Rep 2yrs Senate 6yrs Judge good behavior Voter Alienation even if you try nothing will happen Voter Apathy it doesn t matter not worried Voter Fatigue tire of elections too many 510c4 super pacs free speech Absentee Ballots casting a ballot in advances by mail in situations where illness travel or other circumstances prevent voters from voting Apportionment counting people to determine representation Australian Ballot completely anonymous secret ballot Census every 10 years determines population for each district Citizens United v FEC about limits of donating Individual Citizens can donate maximum 2600 to parties Interest Groups can donate maximum 5000 to parties PAC Collective Action Problem hard to get people collectively involved when a incentive not given particular group Collective Goods benefits that are offered by groups as an incentive for membership but that are nondivisible and therefore are available to nonmembers as well as members of Common carrier function serving as a conduit through which political lenders communicate with the public Civil Rights Act 1964 illegal to discriminate in facilities Economic interest group focus on money ability most efficient focus private goods Enumeration Counting American Citizens for purpose of taxation Framing media is process of selecting certain aspects of a situation and using them as the framework for shaping the message Free rider problem benefits offered by a group to its members are also available to nonmembers The incentive to join the group and to promote its cause is reduced because nonmembers receive benefits without having to pay any costs General election when people vote for candidates Gerrymandering draw districts to favor candidates rigs elections Grass roots campaign campaign directly to people High choice media system more information available on internet tv etc people becoming narrower people watch whatever has similar views as them Horse race Journalism media coverage that focuses on poll results and political battles instead of policy issues Interest group pluralism knowledge about groups they are interested in Iron triangle Congress Interest Groups Agencies Linkiage Institution an institution that serves to connect citizens w govt include elections political parties interest groups and the media Literacy test state government practices of administering tests to prospective voters purportedly to test their literacy in order to vote and they were intended to disenfranchise African Americans Material incentives to get members to join interest groups Membership group public interest group variety of issues environment rights conflict general stuff Money free speech recognize political expenditures as a protected form of speech and removing limits on overall campaign spending etc Nudgeocracy idea that government nudges you to do something PAC limited spending 5 000 and has to report spends money on candidates Plurality electoral system winner takes all whoever has most votes they take everything one person gets a chance favors 2 parties and lessens 3rd Party Primary election comes first and determines the party s nominees those who will run for office Proportional electoral system they each get a part of it Rational Voter Theory costs of voting benefits irrational to vote people think it does not matter if they vote Rational Abstention Theory explains why people do not vote Salient Issues an issue that has resonance and intense interest among voters Single member districts one person wins can be in district plurality system winner takes all Soft Money spent during election unlimited amount of money can donate Sound Bites politicians purposely speaking short phrases so it is easily memorable Straight Ticket a voter who votes for every candidate in a single party Super PAC a political organization that use contributions from individuals corporations and labor unions to spend unlimited sums independent from the campaigns yet influencing the outcomes of the elections Unlimited spending and do not have to report Voting Specialist A person who confines their efforts to voting in elections Watch dog media watches govt political parties Winner take

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