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Media is there to help us understand who the front runners are Presidential debates daily speeches media coverage campaign ads analysis of these ads 1 2 Nomination a party is endorsing a candidate a stepping stone to the The vote You cast a vote that vote essentially becomes a delegate Larger states are worth more than smaller states You receive a numerical number of delegates based on votes you get People would pay more attention to a state based on that Today the convention is a big party for the political party presidential election You have to win the nomination to be on the general election ballot as a member of that political party Media attention is free publicity Increased news coverage might increase support A plan is necessary to win elections In 1992 Democrats didn t campaign in Iowa bc one of Iowa s senators was running for election Barack Obama in 2008 had a much smaller strategy than Hilary Clinton Obama every delegate matters Midterm election in November we won t know who is running for rep or dem election until after that election Many critics say that 2 years is too long away from your job etc Pic of Obama s shoes as part of campaign end ads 3 4 Delegates are distributed differently in each state Dem and Rep also differ In TX Rep party 3 delegates in TX considered Super Delegates Super Delegates better than you are Gov t elites They re there just in case the people decide to make a bad choice Throw support at better candidates Caucus an informal gathering You ve got to spend some time voting but you might be on television You can go for your second choice Winning performing well in Iowa is essential for funding 5 6 You used to have to vote in front of everyone Progressives started the primaries bc they thought people needed to select candidates The nomination is usually the last person standing Blanket primary The political parties thought this violated their constitutional right to association Not divided by political parties Can vote rep or dem Closed primaries demonstrate loyalty to a political party 7 8 Everyone knew each other you d have to make an argument to your friends When you extend that to the voters you re asking voters who are generally uninterested in politicals to learn about them To find this info voters rely on news media and ads Important to nominating system One thing you remember from campaigns the Horse Race 9 10 11 12 Insurance people rely on young people to offset costs of sick You have to have money It buys organization Other people write out the economic plan not the candidate Can t rely on tv to advertize The more money you have and spend the more likely you are to win Mike Huckabee won Iowa came out of nowhere Had Chuck Norris Voters in Iowa and NH expect to be able to communicate with candidates Canvasing and getting out the vote Democratic party is diverse and is concerned about diversity and making ppl feel like they matter to the political party Dem party made sure that Nevada is second Caucus has hisp pop then New Hampshire black pop Take some of emph of Iowa and NH bc they aren t dem rep of US 13 14 You need a lawyer in a campaign John McCain straight talk express Open to reporters He supported immigration reform conservatives didn t like this Made himself open and available to reports all the time Howard Dean first to attract donations through the internet Then McCain then Obama Web based and phone based technologies In 1992 the calendar of states was spread out pretty widely We want to be in play before this is determined 15 16 Concern that we re nominating people to face off in general election Reformers want same level of turnout to select nominees as selection Media focus on horserace and not other issues so this doesn t happen Plus Americans aren t that interested in politics Rand Paul wasn t considered in media even though viable candidate If there were a 3 way race the convention could matter In 2008 it was a big deal that Obama was going to text You get to meet the Vice President IF you except federal money in a campaign you have to accept spending limits If you don t you can spend as much as you want First person to not accept Barack Obama in 2008 Spending of federal money is bcming outdated in this sense Speakers talk about how great nominees are awesome News coverage didn t focus on Barack Obama s great speech it focused instead on McCaine selecting Palin 17 18 19 20 Last slide offset somewhat by cable All about marketing Media events campaign events You need to have a clear message that people can take away the winning image Obama hope and change News is all about who s winning and who s losing 21 22 Spend a lot of money on advertisements This percentage has been about the Not everyone watches the debates People who don t watch risk being influenced by news coverage First debate with Algore his size made people like him less We usually support the same person before and after debates Positive ads increase voter turnouts Make yourself seem like an awesome same for the past 30 years or so person Contrast ads provide a lot of information My opponent voted to slash funding for but I voted to support Watched 1952 Eisenhower v Stevenson cartoon campaign a positive 1950s jingle that gets stuck in ppls heads 1964 Johnson vs Goldwater campaign commercial negative example 1992 Clinton v Bush v Perot campaign commercial Do you have the life story that fits the problem that the US is facing The Bear represents the soviet union in the video for Reagan v Mondale 23 24 2000 the debates really made a difference this year and people were unsure about Algore October 2012 News coverage 25 26 There weren t many rules regarding how to run campaigns before this Federal Election Campaign Act basic criteria for campaign finance system and established FEC raise Incentive because federal government will match the money you Act in 1974 capped spending in particular Rational behind Buckley v Valeo Political speech costs money if you restrict money you restrict speech 27 28 If it s an independent finance campaign the regular guy would ve had higher limits Taxes allow the rich to form their own group cutting out the middle man the democratic national committee Not supposed to favor or directly seek the election of one candidate over another How good your lawyer is is important to getting past this law Not always clear Citizens United brought Superpacks to the US Elite dominance is still prominent because we still allow such spending 29 30

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UNT PSCI 1050 - Political Selection

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