02 04 2014 Trust vs Mistrust For infants trust is a state of feeling confident that they are valued and their needs will be met implicit memory Trust is fostered in infancy and established by 18 months of age through mother infant interactions Biologically we are programmed to be wary of harsh stimuli Socially we are or are not protected from harsh stimuli by caregivers Psychologically we learn that the world is generally safe or not safe The ability of the caregiver to soothe the infant is central to developing trust and an attachment to the caregiver Two components found in infant mother interactions that foster trust Matching presence of same or similar behaviors Synchrony movement from one emotional state to another in a fluid pattern As time goes by mother and baby learn to regulate the amount of time that passes between the expression of a need and satisfying the need Attachment the strong emotional bond that children form with their mothers It is an intense emotional relationship that emerges over time John Bowlby originator of Attachment Theory Mary Ainsworth Two factors that babies both human and animal need for survival Protection Exploration caregiving Way these two conflicting drives are resolved is by using the mother as a secure base Attachment Theory states that Quality of infant attachment will be determined by quality of early Quality of early attachment will affect child s later relationships Attachment Categories Securely Attached use mother as secure base may or may not exhibit distress at mother leaving and usually stop exploration seek contact during reunion and crying is reduced about 60 of children table 6 2 page 154 o Caregivers are warm responsive and consistently meet the child s needs Insecurely attached avoidant unresponsive to parent rarely cry during separation and avoid mother at reunion indifferent to or dislike physical contact about 15 o Caregivers are unavailable sometimes rejecting and not responsive to infant s needs Insecurely attached resistant intensely distressed by separation yet during reunion they seemed to be ambivalent toward mother They are both clinging and angry and are not easily comforted Sought contact and pushed mother away about 10 o Caregivers are inconsistent in their responses to the infant Insecurely attached disorganized look away from mother or approach her with flat depressed emotion 15 o Caregivers are often neglectful and or abusive 02 04 2014 Can infants form multiple attachments They are highly selective in their choices of attachment figures Not all social relationships can be identified as attachments Not all attachment figures are equally important Temperament an innate style of responding to the environment Come variables used in measuring temperament Activity level Regularity in eating sleeping and elimination Response to new objects Adaptability to the environment General mood Intensity of energy level Categories of temperament Easy 40 not upset by novelty regular in eating sleeping and elimination usually cheerful Slow to warm up 15 slow to accept novelty lower activity levels adjusts slowly to new experience Difficult 10 irritable hard to soothe irregular in eating sleeping and elimination 35 cannot be classified a mixture of temperamental responses A child s temperament and the parents responses to that temperament interact to produce particular outcome Goodness of fit creating child rearing environments that recognize each child s temperament and encourage adaptive functioning Example poor it for a difficult child would be angry punitive parenting Difficult and slow to warm up children benefit from warm accepting parents who place reasonable demands on the child The relationship between spouses can affect the way a parent relates to the child Marital Relationship parenting child behavior Marital Temp relationship Jerome Kagan Ph D Ongoing longitudinal study launched in 1989 Does early behavior predict later behavior Are the traits of introversion and extroversion stable Sample 400 four month old infants measured at approx three Is personality stable over time year intervals into adolescence Introduced a variety of novel stimuli and recorded subjects responses Four months of age stimuli such as balloons popping tape recorded voices musical mobiles scent of rubbing alcohol on a Q tip o 20 of babies had a strong disturbed reaction high reactive o 40 of babies were undisturbed low reactive Two years of age stimuli included lady in white lab coat wearing gas masks man dressed as a clown radio controlled robot Seven years of age stimuli included being asked to play with children the child did not know Eleven years of age interviewed about his or her life by an adult the child did not know future o Highly reactive report to have anxiety anxious about the High reactive babies generally develop into serious careful cautious introverted adolescents Low reactive babies generally developed into relaxed confident extroverted adolescents who were open to new experiences Excitable amygdala evidenced by higher heart rate blood pressure finger temperature and rapid eye movements o Emotional brain be afraid babies who are born with highly EA Every behavior has more than one cause The ideal parent for a high reactive child is one who Can read a child s cues and be sensitive to them Is warm and firm without being harsh or hostile Promotes curiosity with gentle encouragement Is consistent in expectations Think about a newborn baby What comes to mind 02 04 2014 Crying Small Cute Helpless Money Car seats Why do we parent Altricial born in a helpless condition requiring prolonged parental Precocial active and able to move freely from birth requiring little care parental care We parent to meet physical needs fed changed warm dry protection bathed touched and loved Socialization learn how to be a person How do we parent When to feed the baby What to feed the baby Where to put the baby Where does the baby sleep When does the baby sleep What to do when baby cries What is baby s schedule Who will take care of baby when parent s aren t around Parenting is biological physical social and emotional task that has evolved through culturally driven ideals and beliefs Sleep Arrangements Japan family sleeps together Two thirds of the world 76 sleep with their babies as a normative parenting practice US England believe babies should sleep independently and through the night by 6months Independence vs Interdependence What does the research
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