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Know Structure is everywhere o Structure Anything composed of parts arranged together in some way o i e earth structure DNA Roads sports building THON Organizing Arranging tasks people and other resources to accomplish the work create structure MGMT Exam 3 Chapter 8 o Arrange Resources o Dividing up the work o Coordinating activities Formal Vs Informal o Formal Structure the official structure of the organization Organizational Chart describes the arrangement of work positions within an organization o Informal Structure the set of unofficial relationships among an organization s members Social Network Analysis identifies the informal structures and their embedded social relationships that are active in an organization Google video Googles Structure o Google grew too fast that they had no structure o Eric Schmidt with Larry Quarterly reports Financials All Together Structure Needed Fixings Staff Meetings Organization Chart Know elements slide 7 elements o Elements Span of control Division of work Chain of cammand Communication flow Major Units Staff V Line Levels of Management Zerox o CEO Services Operations Customer Ops ACS Global Docs CFO o Chain of command Staff and line Reporting o Understand what we are doing o Line doing the Fighting directly involved in producing delivering selling i e marketing production o Staff Supports the people Environmental HR legal Span of Control o The number of persons directly reporting to a manager Wider control of more people Narrow Control of less people Michael Dell Video o CEO had to many people reporting to him o Too many overlaps in the organization o Restructured the span of control from wide to narrow Social Network Analysis o Diagrams People going from person to person People get left out Five Types of structure o Functional Structure groups together people with similar skills who perform similar tasks EOS make efficient use of human resources Functional experts are good at solving technical problems Training within functions promotes skill development Career Paths are available within each function o Divisional Structure groups together people working on the same product in the same area or with similar customers Expertise is focused on special products customers or regions Better coordination exists across functions within divisions It is easier to grow or shrink in size as conditions change o Matrix Structures combines functional and divisional approaches to emphasize project or program teams Performance accountability rests with program product or project managers Better communication exists across functions Teams solve problems at their levels Top managers spend more time on strategy o Team Structure uses permanent and temporary functional teams to improve lateral relations Team assignments improve communication cooperation and decision making Team members get to know each other as persons not just job titles Team membership boost morale and increase enthusiasm and task involvement WL Gore o Get big by staying small o Network Structure uses IT to link with networks of outside suppliers and service contractors Lower costs due to fewer full time employees Better access to expertise through specialized alliance partners and contractors Easy to grow or shrink with market conditions Dream Works o System of network of individuals who have the skills you need o Ron s metaphor for understanding different types of structures Ron s Bean Bag Company Functional pros cons o Cons silos and chimney Chimneys competition grows Silos Workers care only about department Divisional three ways geo product consumer different examples i e GE Divisional deep o Geographical brings together people and jobs performed in the same location o Customer groups together people and jobs that serve the same customers or clients o Product groups together people and jobs working on a single product of service expertise Matrix o Difference between matrix and other structures o Combination of functional and division Brings people together from different functional departments Lockheed Martin R D Military Appearance Network and Team Structures o Network Dream Works o W L Gore Lattice Structure Central Top management keeps the power to make most decisions Decentralized top management allows lower levels to help make many decisions Delegation the process of entrusting work to others Tall more levels narrower spans of control Empowerment gives people freedom to do their jobs as they think best Flat fewer levels wider spans of control Chapter 11 Manager Administers Systems structure Maintains Relies on control Short range view Asks how and when Maintains Status Quo Does things right Leader Innovates Focus on People Develops Inspires Trust Long range view Asks what and why Challenges status quo Does the right thing Leadership when one group individual influences a group of individuals to want to reach important big goals o Right experiences o Right training o Right attitude ambition Big 4 traits trait behavior contingency transform Power position and personal 5 types o Position Power Reward coercion legitimate o Personal expert and referent Sources of power Toffler violence wealth and knowledge Visionary Review Pat Woertz Watch Video o Leading change takes conviction o Have strong beliefs and convictions Keep eyes on destination and value of it Trust in team Trait approach Gardner s List Physical Vitality Accept Responsibility o o Understand Others o Achievement Need o Courage o Decisive o Assertive Leading Self Ethics integrity Drive Purpose Demo Stature Learning Capacity MGMT You o Competencies Center for creative leadership Leading Others Communicate Develop Others Diversity Relationship Building MGMT Teams Leading the Organization MGMT Change Decision Making MGMT Politics Risk Taking Setting Vision Intelligence Task Competence People Skill Motivate Others Trustworthy Self confidence Flexible o o o o o o o Self awareness Adaptability Business Skills Manage Work Behavior Style know 4 stages l e p o e P r o f n r e c n o C Contingency or Situational Fiedler task position leader member relation o Remember the Titans situation turns out to be a big dea o Style LPC Leadership Styles o Situation 2nd combining LPC model Good Poor Leader to Member Relationship Task Structure Position Power Structured Unstructured Strong Weak Hersey Blanchard know table 4 elements and axis i r o v a h e B p h s n o i t a e R i l q e R t r o p p u S Houses path Goal o Situation Factors Follower

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PSU MGMT 301 - Exam 3

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