POLS Chapter 8 Lecture Notes 10 28 12 Governors and Executives Governors and the political environment Activist governors Governors and legislatures Governors and state agencies Governors and the executive branch Governors Powers Access to meeting and power to persuade Veto legislation Approve budget and help develop it Set agenda Qualifications 30 years of age U S citizen Resident for last 5 years Able voter Legislature to Governor Work up the chain Gubernatorial Duties Chief legislator o Veto power Legislature overrides veto with 2 3 vote o Budgetary power Propose and veto o Agenda setting Outlined in the state of the state address every year Outlined in the inauguration speech during the first year Agenda setting shows us what is important Head of state agencies o Appointment powers o Executive branch Chief spokesperson of state Party chief o Recruits candidates for state office o Supports and campaigns for candidates for state office Commander in chief of national guard o Federal government can require governor to send guardsmen somewhere In TX all major positions are voted on This was tried to change in 2003 but it was defeated Gubernatorial powers o Formal powers Power to appoint Power to prepare state budgets Power to veto Power to grant pardons Power to call special sessions o Informal powers Popular support Party support Coattail effect More popular they are more likely he will be able to drag people along with him Negative effect deadweight Ability to communicate Demand attention of media Bryan College Station Information Senators o Steve Ogden o Carlos Uresti House representatives o John Raney o Tim Kleinschmidt Governor appoints head of state agencies TX has a plural executive All executive positions voted on by the people Rhode Island has no veto power for their governor TX has no referendums or initiatives In TX Lt Governor resides over senate Most powerful position Agenda setting Appoints senators to committees reward system Merging Formal and Informal Powers Push legislative agenda Power to persuade public Demographics Caucasian Well educated Male Protestant o NE is mostly catholic Independently wealthy Wilder of VA and Patrick of MA Only elected black governors 7 latino governors ever in U S Martinez of New Mexico and Sandoval of Nevada Women elected more than minorities 35 women governor in 24 states 1924 TX Ma Ferguson was governor and in 1932 she took over her husband s position after he was impeached o Doesn t represent the people well Professional diversity Gubernatorial Careers Demographic diversity Gubernatorial Elections Timing of elections o TX 4 year term on even years with no limit on terms Off season years staggered from national president election Help avoid spirit of the time Limiting terms makes it more democratic o Campaign finance o State issues o Media attention Political Aspirations Incumbency Impeachment Charged with a crime Recall election o EX CA Davis was replaced with Arnold o Usually from scandal Resignation Term limits Higher offices Executive Offices Lt governor Most powerful State attorney general Secretary of state o Appointed in TX
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