PSCI 1040 October 28th 2014 Iron triangles subgovernments Eisenhower 1961 warning military industrial complex relationship between congressional committees and exec agencies and interest groups conflicts of interest arise Bureaucrats award contracts for government work fix disputes over rules and regulations propose new regulations dispense resources distribute funding to interest groups make friends with congressmen who want money in their districts Congressional committees pass legislation to help find funding often under pressure from interest groups to pressure bureaucrats to fund projects want big budgets and big power Interest groups provide jobs for constituents campaign contributions for people who help them out provide jobs for congressmen after the leave government as a lobbyist for the firm they regulated How to Influence the Bureaucracy want to influence government officials Inside lobbying among the public face of Washington representation is important groups hold influence Rules Can Matter Most what bureaucrats are asked to do on behalf of interest groups interest groups often ask congressmen to lobby for bureaucracy for them Corporate Welfare federal subsidies to businesses 100 billion every year goes to corporate welfare to businesses to combat competition convince the government that you need a special exception Special Bills for Special Interests Wright amendment gift to American Airlines restricted non stop flights to places within TX so southwest couldn t compete watch video myths of budget in powerpoint
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