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Chapter 12 Conflicting Liberal and Conservative perspectives Why do we select these people to implement policies Conservative o Believe in individual responsibility o Hard work if you are doing good if you are doing bad you are not working hard o If you are not successful and end up being a criminal it s because you are lazy and is your own fault so we should lock you up Liberals o If an individual does not succeed it is societies failure o We are responsible for helping other people o People fail because we fail to supply a good educational system o Highest people in poverty are children today Not their fault to be in poverty if they are under 18 Goals shared by all states o Low unemployment o Low crime and low incarceration o We want high college and high school graduation rates o Good business climates o Good healthcare o Countries who have been serious about education have hit most developed status left in the country High per capita income even if there are no natural resources Education Attainment Correlations Lower poverty rates Higher per capita income More high school graduation rates more people live longer after age 65 Different mortality rates for different ages o Age adjusted death rates Negative rate means less people are dying Babies and elderly have weakened immune systems Low birth rate o Negative because the more educated you are the smaller amount of low weight babies you will have Teen birth rate o Spurious rates with different regions o Rates higher with states that don t have sex education or abstinence only Educational Attainment Consistent results every year Infant Mortality Black infant mortality is almost 3 times as Hispanics Hispanics are very close knit and help each other o Asian families similar Black pregnant women are more or less on their own Predictions of Liberals are met Education may be the key to dealing with problems Education is the key to society How can governments increase education levels High school completion is an explicit goal for all states Is there a positive relationship between educational resources and results Educational Expenditutes and completion of high school Costs money Educate children from kindergarten which is why it takes a long time to improve Lagged Educational Put in money in the 80s As you increase spending for child you see increases of graduation Takes 20 years or more Tax payers don t see the difference in education right away tax payers see how crime has gone down which will lead them to being reelected Countries have spent a lot of money on education have become part of the developed world o Ex Singapore First thing they did after independence was establish their education system Can t just throw money at education money has to go to teachers which matters not administrators and consultants Higher Education We get money and you can graduate o If there are cuts in money professors get fired and they don t offer certain senior level classes that are small and don t make sense to pay a professor to teach Lagged cost of higher Education Increase the amount of students with increased infrastructure Educational Attainment Measures Texas is growing because we import people with college degrees o Immigration might slow down because of drop in oil How can governments decrease poverty levels Lower poverty is an explicit goal for all states Poverty Is there a positive relationship between welfare program efforts and results Poor goes up when population go up Highest with African Americans but the correlation is linked to education o Blacks have low education rates Poverty goes down for everyone in the 2000s Asian americans poverty level has gone down because their college degrees go up Poverty by Age Highest poverty rates used to be poor people After the 60s Social Security kicked in o People can retire with Social Security Poverty for under 18 has gone way up Big group single mothers with children Another big group Veterans of war who are homeless o Came back with PTSD and can t function in normal society Correlations Abortion Give money less poverty TANF CHIP SNAP Rates have been going down Add restrictions you are going to decrease abortion o Birth rate goes up because more restrictions means you can t get an abortion Infant mortality o Goes up with restrictions o Want abortions because of economic issues More restrictions when more republicans Abortion rate is positive because states that have had a lot of abortions are States who are restrictive in the 1998 they are restrictive now continuing to have more abortion Texas and the U S Below the nation abortion rate because of so many restriction Abortions have gone down

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TAMU POLS 207 - Chapter 12

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Pages: 3
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