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Psychology 1100 Exam 3 Exocrine and Endocrine Systems 1 Chemical communication a Exocrine system b Endocrine system i ii iii iv i ii iii iv Chemicals do the communication External between organisms Sweat urine vaginal specialized ducts Pheromones Chemicals released from one part of the body communicate to another part of the body Internal within a single organism Ductless glands via bloodstream Hormones 2 Exocrine system a Pheromones in nonhuman organisms i Ants 1 Foragers communicate location of food 2 Lay a trail of pheromones the other ants follow the trail 3 Territorial markings ii Cockroaches iii Mouse 1 Female pheromone leads to male sexual arousal 1 Male urine pheromone leads to female ovulation 2 Male urinary pheromones cause females to ovulate prematurely a Assure sexual receptivity 3 Juvenile mouse pheromone in tears inhibits adult male sexual advances a ESP22 pheromone secreted in tears only in weeks 2 3 keeps adult males from trying to breed with them iv Bighorn sheep detection 1 Female vaginal pheromone leads to male estrus a Female vaginal pheromone helps male determine if female is in heat b Pheromones in humans Cologne i ii Martha McClintock 1971 1998 1 Synchronous menstruation in cohabiting women a Underarm sweat can change length of ovulation iii Breath pheromones cycle 1 1 Able to identify gender by breath a Male breath is more intense and less pleasant than female breath iv Detection of female receptivity across the menstrual cycle 1 During ovulation pheromones were less intense and more pleasant 2 During menstruation cycle pheromones were more intense and less pleasant v Do vaginal pheromones enhance attractiveness to males 1 Men sniff tampons menstrual ovulatory premenstrual water control 2 Look at photos of women while sniffing tampons all photos were pre rated by other men 3 Saliva was also tested for testosterone while sniffing 4 Women usually less attractive were deemed more and viewing attractive a Increased perceived attractiveness while sniffing pheromones vi Ovulation detection 1 Sweat pheromones a 3 nights ovulation b 3 nights non ovulation c increased pleasant odor during ovulation vii Androstenone If ovulating less negative 1 2 Women sniffed a Non ovulating turned off b Ovulating not turned off 3 If fertile smell less negative viii Ovulatory cycle effects tip earnings by lap dancers 1 Higher tips during ovulation 2 Women not on birth control greater increase in tips during ovulation ix Ovulation 1 Ovulation is special in terms of a Female reactions to male pheromones b Male reactions to female pheromones 2 Fertility adaption x Detection of immune system compatibility 1 Rated men higher when they had different immune system genes offspring get stronger immune systems xi Individual recognition mother infants 1 T shirts worn by children a Mother could identify their own child by pheromone alone 2 xii xiii b Could also identify one of their children from the other 2 Children identify mother s lactation gauze by smell Age identification by Young Raters 1 Young 20 30 years intensity pleasantness 2 Middle aged 45 55 years intensity pleasantness 3 Old aged 75 95 years intensity pleasantness Pheromones convey emotions 1 Male fear pheromones induce fear expression 2 Male disgust pheromones induce disgust expression 3 Human pheromones convey emotional state of sender and induced similar emotions in females a 2 movies horror movie fear disgusting move disgust b gave shirts back to experimenter and gave to women photographed their faces while sniffing the shirts c women sniffing the fear movie shirts showed fear women sniffing the disgust movie shirts showed disgust xiv Pheromone detection mechanism 1 Vomeronasal organ a In nasal passage selectively responsive to pheromones 2 Affects hypothalamus 3 Transducers that send action potentials via neuronal pathways to hypothalamus release pheromones 4 Odor receiving organ olfactory can respond to pheromones 3 Endocrine System a Pituitary i Regulated by hypothalamus 1 Neurohormones a Releasing b inhibiting ii Master gland 1 can cause another endocrine gland to secrete stop secreting its own hormones b oxytocin i dark side 1 lateral septum high density of oxytocin receptors increases fear memories 6 hours after fearful event ii iii iv stimulates uterus contractions in childbirth lactation parent infant bonding 3 1 rat not in maternal state inject with oxytocin will 2 nuzzle baby rats inject the rat with an antagonist receptor sites for hormones are blocked males neglect eat pups 3 monogamous prairie voles more oxytocin receptors vs polygamous montane voles less oxytocin receptors v stimulates sexual arousal and heightens orgasm 1 60 80 more copulation in female mice treated with oxytocin 2 3 5 times greater levels of oxytocin in human males prior to and after orgasm vi trust 1 increases trust administer oxytocin and become very trusting vii viii fidelity social distance promote monogamy 1 administer oxytocin nasal spray to a man in monogamous relationship he will approach a woman with a greater social distance 2 administer oxytocin to a single man he will approach a woman with a smaller social distance ix prosocial behavior 1 promote fidelity in a monogamous relationship 2 2 hour post spray a can get reward if helped b can t get reward c will get reward for themselves if possible c thyroid i thyroxin only hormone 1 growth 2 increased metabolism exposal to thyroxin increases metabolism hyperthyroidism ii 1 excitation increased heart rate etc 2 diet pills iii hypothyroidism tired 1 2 crenatism infants d adrenal cortex a stunted growth mental retardation i ii 2 adrenal glands in humans in kidneys glucocorticoids 1 corticosterone 2 cortisol iii corticosterone cortisol 1 metabolism energy stress 4 2 cortisone exogenous a shock allergic reactions inflammation b side effects emotional problems depression iv adrenal sex hormones steroids 1 androgen estrogen 2 both sexes v What happens when Androgen and Estrogen get out of balance 1 Females a Deep voice b Grow facial hair c Breasts shrink 2 Males a High voice b Lose facial hair c Breasts grow vi Why do men have nipples 1 Male and female have same body plan prenatally 2 Default body plan is female in humans a At 8 weeks of life the circulatory system develops hormones determine sex 3 Hormones sex 4 Males have potential for breast development a Male alcoholics b Non functional vii Prenatal sexual differentiation 1 Mammals undifferentiated sex female differentiated sex via

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UConn PSYC 1100 - Exocrine and Endocrine Systems

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