AMH 2020 0001 page 1 February 5 2015 Grades will be posted on Friday Pay no attention to the numbers in webcourses Alexander Graham Bell Elijiah Gray did most of the work for doing the telephone Bell given the patent Deaf people were inspiration for phone Harmonic Telegraph know what it was saying Philadelphia exposition 1876 1976 o Idea was to hook up telegraph to some tactile thing so that it would hit skin and Phones are used primarily by the rich so that they could be rich o Call down to stables to tell them to bring the carriage There is no telephone switch board therefore everyone needs to have their own telephone and line to one other person o One phone per contact Bell tries to sell idea to Western Union Telegraph Company o They won t buy it from him because the telegraph is the perfect form of communication Ends up selling it to a group of investors who est AT T o Later an engineer comes to AT T and tries to sell them the cellular phone o AT T won t buy it because the telephone is the perfect form of communication Verizon gets into the cellular business way early and is why they are such a large AMH 2020 0001 page 2 presence Bell has two other inventions o Metal Detector Thought it was a failed invention because the President was sleeping on a metal box spring which is why he couldn t find the bullet in the President His new child died shortly after o Vacuum Jacket Iron Lung Helps people breathe Thomas Edison Had ADD Dropped out of school to sell newspapers o And causes one of the great train wrecks in Midwestern history After train wreck he focused on inventing 140 years later the electronic voting machine is still in use o Machine would count votes for the political officials and give results in a few minutes instead of a few days o No mayor wanted it because they didn t want to be honest about vote counts Invented the stock ticker that shows the latest stock prices o Allows everyone to find out latest stock prices immediately o Makes him a lot of money and gives him positive image He creates a research lab just to make inventions 99 of all Secretaries are male and 98 don t have type writers AMH 2020 0001 page 3 o If people needed to have a letter dictated they would have to sit there and say what they wanted while it was transcribed o Invents phonograph Take a disk and dictate a letter onto the disk that the secretary plays back later and writes the letter with Revolutionizes business industry again Takes people 25 years to figure out that they can put music on the disks and sell them His first words into the phonograph were Mary had a Little Lamb Mary had a little dress that was too small but who cared when you could see her calf Dirty lyrics Didn t invent electricity or light bulb electrocuted electrocuted General Electric is his electricity company He does the movie o Came up with a Carbon Filament to put into the lightbulb o Rockefeller made commercials with people turning lights on and being Electricians would turn lights on and off to keep the rich from being o Didn t believe that people would show up for a movie at the same time o Didn t think that people would sit through a movie more than a few minutes long o Also worried that people would sneak into the movie if he sold tickets AMH 2020 0001 page 4 Look into a box and turn a crank to view a movie George Westinghouse invents the Air brake Had a co inventor but he was pushed to the side and forgotten African American Elijiah Woods Also invents and electrical system to compete with Edison o Edison DC Direct Current Using battery life o Westinghouse AC Alternating Current When plugged in Westinghouse wins o Westinghouse holds a demonstration to show ultimate power of electricity Shows the Electric Chair to people to impress them They didn t know how much voltage to give him and the guy ends up catching fire o Comes back later to show the danger of Alternating Current and a movie Kills the Elephant Isaac Singer is a thief Begins to take sewing machines apart and back together again from stolen machines Hall wins the court marshal and Singer pays him royalties and a fine for continuing to make sewing machines Singer sewing centers were like Best buys they were all over and huge stores o Had Sewing machines patterns thread and repairs o Sewing machines were very complex o People could get their questions answers in the specialty stores so that the people who buys the Singer sewing machines know how to use them AMH 2020 0001 page 5 Leaves his fortune to 15 children by 5 wives o Singer s son becomes tabloid star o Goes to all south beach parties and they get all of his pictures o Paris Singer was his name and he carries a Chihuahua around just like Hilton Curse or Blessing Problem with sewing machine is that it is an expensive sewing machine o The more you need it the less you can afford it o Singer realizes this and start a buying on credit system so that poorer families can afford the machines 1 a month Gustaf Swift Without him there wouldn t be fast food Drops out of school early to sell meat door to door o Pushed a cart with some beef hanging down from it o Would cut the beef off and give it to them It was very expensive and refrigerators weren t invented yet Comes up with an idea to make beef less expensive and more accessible o Trains take cows to butchers so that they can choose their cows o His idea was to slaughter the cows and ship sell sides of beef Railroads turn him down Idea only works in the winter because the cold preserves the meat o Takes his idea to Canada Canada gets in on the idea Because it is colder in Canada he can ship more times out of the year AMH 2020 0001 page 6 Makes Beef a large part of our diet Swift now sells to stores but not under its own name Vocabulary John D Rockefeller o Didn t want the electricity to catch on Standard oil company Edwin drake yellow dog contract Knights of labor Haymarket Riot Andrew Carnegie American Federation of Labor National Labor Union Sear Roebuck and Co Isaac Singer Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison
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