AMH 2020 0001 page 1 March 17 2015 World War 2 Great Depression Congress wanted to know whose fault it was o WW1 was a leading cause in great depression which lead to WW2 o Congress didn t want to blame itself so it blamed WW2 o Began passing Neutrality Acts designed to keep us out of any European war Not going to ship to countries at war Not going to give credit Banned doing anything that we did in WW1 to prevent WW2 Hitler solves Germany s problems faster than Roosevelt solved the US Many US citizens went to Germany Hitler got progress faster because it was a dictatorship Had war machine Developed a highway system in 1930s Musolini 1922 Japan becomes more aggressive in 1920s Seeking to become powerhouse in Asia 1939 Hitler invades Poland Americans said they weren t going to get involved 1940 Roosevelt ran on anti war campaign o Didn t know Russia would be Germany s allies AMH 2020 0001 page 2 o Germany to take on Britian France and Russia so America thought those powerhoused would crush Germany Germany does peace treaty with Russia When he invades Poland France and Britian realize that Hitler will only be stopped with a war Took Czechoslovakia and Austria without offense Germany defeats France in 30 days France boxed in completely o Distracted by internal problems and didn t pay enough attention to Hitler France creates Fortress in the Ground like an upside down skyscraper Greatest fortress ever built It only goes to border of Belgium o Belgium declared itself neutral o Hitler goes through Belgium illegal Just months into the war only Britain is in the war Roosevelt wants to help Britain o Has to go very slowly o Creates Cash and Carry Britain has to come and get it in their boats and pay cash Re establishes war jobs guns and uniform companies to give US jobs and Britain their goods Britain runs out of cash o Buys British military bases to protect the US not help the British Gives us an excuse to give money to Britain AMH 2020 0001 page 3 Denmark owned two pieces of property and wanted to sell you one but not the other Base in Iceland Iceland is original land scam o Gave names to pieces of land o Greenland sheet of ice o Iceland nice livable land Base in Iceland has been a real concern Fear is that Germany would attack Iceland to gain the base If Germany attacks Iceland they would attack US troops and that s not something that they want to do Britain burns through money from base purchase and Roosevelt has to get another idea Want to lend critical supplies to Britain so that Britain can deal with the problem to Comes up with Lend Lease Act o Lend them things that we want back o Loaning war material is biggest joke o Sounds good to American people prevent it from getting to the US Final blow as far as Germany is concerned is the Atlantic Charter Atlantic Charter is a plan for after Hitler is defeated Churchill and Roosevelt meet in Atlantic to create it America slowly worked itself into WW2 Germans retaliate by attacking US ships Destroy subs in our water AMH 2020 0001 page 4 Meanwhile Japan of minutes 1937 they invade China and attempt to capture key cities Rape of Nanking Japanese soldiers take bets on who can kill more civilians in x amount o 250 000 civilians murdered in a span of minutes o Adolf Hitler is repulsed by it and tries to negotiate 1939 US and Japan trade insults 1940 Japan joins axis nations Axis Nations Germany Italy Japan Allied Nations United States Britain Russia and bunch of others Axis Treaty Germany will come to Japan s aide if Japan is attacked America knows and attack is coming but we don t know when or where We know the codes but we don t know when the attack is coming 1941 attack is eminent to US despite Japan sending and ambassador saying that Japan wants a peaceful solution Goal was to drag out discussion until Japan was ready to attack Thought pearl harbor was a long shot for Japan Facts you need to know about Asians Can t fly planes be oriented in air and ground Can t shoot guns o Poor eyesight because of rice diet o Baby carries on chest that allow for dangling feet and destroys natural ability to AMH 2020 0001 page 5 Pearl Harbor General Short in charge of base Looks around Hawaii and sees hundreds of thousands of Hawaiians o Thinks that they are Asian and that they will help Japan if Japan attacks Gen Short puts plan in Daisy formation so that only one man was needed to guard plans o Planes can t take off easily from Daisy chain Japanese spies went on tour of base and took loads of pictures to know exactly what happened on base Didn t take Japan seriously Coders thought that one day was going to be the attack but it was on Dec 7 that they decided that the attack would actually happen o Didn t decide to put everyone on alert until Saturday o Attack was due tomorrow o Message wouldn t go through because the weather was bad Sent a normal telegram that was being delivered by a kid on a bicycle the morning of the attack 3 8 battleships sunk 4 8 destroyed 1 8 run aground 175 planes destroyed on ground 2 000 American servicemen attacked o Philippines Guam Hong Kong Singapore also attacked at the same time The next day Roosevelt goes to ask for war against Japan because they aren t ready for war against Germany 2 days later Germany declares war on US because of Axis Treaty and he s crazy AMH 2020 0001 page 6 First threat comes along Florida coast First blackouts also on Florida coast Vero to Daytona beach o Oil tankers sunk o PT boats small torpedo boats meant to destroy German subs Savannah on day of Pearl Harbor had 90 shipyard workers Within 2 years they had 30 000 Gone from nation with too many workers to not enough workers People now have money to spend and the economy needs to be addressed o Government doesn t want people to spend money so they want they to buy war o Realizes that if people spend money it will cause inflation and drive up cost of bonds war o Wage and price controls established o Hitler doesn t go to total war until 1943 o US instantly goes to total war o Dec 1941 no cars made for 4 years All automobile makers stop making cars and produce military vehicles Willis automobile company facing instant bankruptcy but then get contract from gov and begins producing the Jeep Now part of Chrysler Corp o Refrigerator companies make refrigeration units for military o All industry switches to Military industry Price control put on civilian goods previously made in now military AMH 2020 0001 page 7 industry US tries to soak up money in
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