March 26 2015 Under re write of Japanese constitution Japanese women have more rights than women in US AMH 2020 001 page 1 US has no equal rights amendment Japanese women have significantly more rights than Americans Japan becomes a baseball nation even more so than the US Baseball more popular in Japan than in US 1952 Occupation of Japan ends In Germany We divide Germany into zones and assign each Allied country a zone to station troops in Idea that the 4 powers will meet and determine World policy towards Germany o Jointly run Germany o Russians get East Germany and then say that they don t want to cooperate Beginning of the Cold War All Conferences aimed at making peace coming to peaceful solutions They can t come up with peaceful solutions Russia gone from friend to enemy over night Atomic Diplomacy Use threat of atomic bomb to get the country s way Russia steals formula Roosevelt replaced by Harry Truman who is fairly unqualified to be president 12 million Americans in uniform at end of war 7 million are overseas How do we get them home when it took 4 years to get them there o Logistical issue AMH 2020 001 page 2 o Riots on bases in Europe over unfairness Do we want them back home o As Russia becomes enemy do we want to signal that we are pulling out o Russia may invade the other areas o Keep troops there to keep Communists back 52 20 Clubs Returning soldiers are back home without pay with parents Pays 20 dollars a week for a year 10 000 in a year Given so you can adjust to society Divorce was a taboo thing before WW2 After WW2 Divorce becomes more generally accepted Congress Passes Dear John act that prevents women from getting a divorce without permission of husband who is serving in war o Didn t apply after war was over o Dear John Dear John I don t love you anymore I want a divorce Women undergo massive changes during war in WW1 millions of women took men s jobs and then relinquished the jobs to men After WW2 women refuse to give jobs back to men o Women advance tremendously into 100s of 1 000 of jobs held almost exclusively by men Baby Boom People could have gotten married in 1930 but it was during Depression so they waited in 1940 economy came back but next year war starts and husbands go to war Babies put off until after WW2 o Women getting older and the clock is ticking so there s a rush to have children AMH 2020 001 page 3 and the Birth rate soars beginning in 1946 o Kids going to be getting to college age all at once Converted Florida College for Women into FSU Used old military base for men How to reward vets from WW2 Not going to give out land or cash o Still paying war benefits from the war of 1812 134 years later Came up with specific programs aimed at helping veterans o Came up with the GI Bill of Rights Biggest right is that if you want to go to college the federal government will pay for it Back then most Americans didn t go to college but now 12 million Americans get opportunity to go to school on GI bill They find out there are not 12 million open seats in colleges Federal government has to get involved in making colleges Gave them low interest rates for buying home Loans to start businesses Farm loans Help the veteran get help and adjust Hospital perks American economy undergoes huge changes Had wage and price controls to stop inflation AMH 2020 001 page 4 After war lots of people have lots of money because of wage and price controls o After 4 years of income you had accumulated more money than you ever would again o People want to spend the cash they have been sitting on o Efforts to control spending disappear overnight Inflation soars President Truman s attempt to keep wage and price controls fail miserably Economy becomes a mess Companies bid on projects because of wage controls President Truman s popularity sinks like a rock o Big companies are making huge amounts of money but there are no pay raises Can t possibly win reelection but he defeats Dewey and does win reelection Republican Tom Dewey runs a terrible campaign Once Truman is reelected his popularity sinks again International affairs Russians and splitting of Germany Berlin capital of Germany gets split o Russia gets half of city and the other allies get the other half o Russia cuts off transportation into West Berlin As a result US launches Berlin Airlift Everything Berlin needs to survive is flown in by the US Air Force Looked like there was going to be WW3 over the issue AMH 2020 001 page 5 Marshall Plan communism Countries do not have capability to rebuild on their own We are concerned that as countries plunge into chaos wwe think they are going to turn to o US realizes that it s in their best interest if the little countries can buy things again Pumps billions of dollars into European nations Russia applies for money under Marshall Plan o US doesn t want to make it look like they are adding war to the cold war fire by denying them money under Marshall Plan o Solution tells Russia that we lost their application and the deadline to refile had past o No communist countries get money Stops communism puts countries back on feet Tremendously successful Truman Doctrine keep Greece and Turkey out of communism We are going to be communist police of world stopping communism Fall of China A bad Lesson dictatorship China has been a so called Democracy but actually a military dictatorship For about 20 years there has been a communist movement trying to overthrow military US sending millions to prop up dictatorship that was corrupt AMH 2020 001 page 6 o Most money goes into people s pockets Disney couldn t find out who owned land next to Disney park o The Dictator of China had bought that land 70 years ago 1949 communist comes to power in china Fall of China is downfall for Democrats Republicans retake congress after being out for 20 years Young members of Congress watching this go Uh oh o Lead us into Vietnam because they don t want to lose anything to communism Korea Lots of Compromises Korea captured by Japan o Communism and non Communism present o divided on 38th parallel o North is communist and South is non communist North Korea makes most of Fake goods and most of Chinese goods 1950 North Korea invades South Korea o Almost take all of South Korea o Countries from all over the world send in troops but 90 is American o Americans land in Pusan and push them way back in the north Joseph McCarther Doesn t think China will attack troops on North Korean Chinese border Chinese troops pour in and push
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