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Consumer Behavior 4201 Midterm 2 Study Guide Motivation the preconditions 1 Motivation a Entices you to do something b Can be extrinsic or intrinsic c Our genes evolved to motivate our bodies to get the things we need d Expected benefits expected costs e Perceived gain must be perceived give transaction costs 2 Exchange Theory a Behaviors are exchanges b We are motivated when what we get what we give 3 Profit Reward Benefit is the satisfaction of a Godfather of motivation b Studied monkeys deprived of affections i Discovered we have a basic need of affection c Studied humanistic psychology i People with good psychological health ii Holistic approach iii The best parts of being human a Mild psychological disorder that nearly everyone has a Preconditions b Deficiency needs c Neurotic needs d Growth needs e Subconscious needs 4 Abraham Maslow 5 Neuroses 6 The five preconditions a Striving b Freedom c Curiosity d Need to know e Self expression 7 Goal of motivation a Functional autonomy 8 The hierarchy of needs a Growth b Self esteem c Social esteem d Love e Belongingness i Satisfy all needs by yourself ii Requires an accurate internal model Security f g Safety h Physiological i j Preconditions Sensory pleasure i Pre potent 9 Needs 10 Desires a Universal human necessities a Means to satisfy needs 11 Striving cycle one 12 Deficiency needs 13 Growth needs a Metamotive higher needs b Less needed for survival c Spiritual illness if not satisfied 14 Purpose of the preconditions a Facilitate satisfaction 15 Striving a Little rest after we achieve a goal satisfy a need b Multiple needs present so as soon as one is satisfied you move on to the next a Universal human tendencies that cause physical illness if unsatisfied a Fight for needs b Satisfaction is short lived c d MARKETING people who suffered for something are happier with it Identify with people who work hard love underdogs 16 Freedom of choice a Striving requires freedom b React strongly to threats to freedom i Reactance effect 1 Threats to freedom produce attempts to establish or demonstrate freedom ii Marketing appeals to scarcity or time limitations 17 Curiosity a Different ways to satisfy needs b Variety novelty c Consumer promiscuity i Switching brands or categories 18 Need to know understand a Directs curiosity b c Info seeking If we don t have knowledge we feel uncomfortable 19 Self expression a Performed for intrinsic motives b Express true thoughts and feelings c Inability to express prevents need satisfaction and esteem 20 Expressive behavior a True thoughts and who we are b Primary source of pleasure 21 Coping behaviors a Stuff we re doing for rewards b External rewards Deficiency Needs 22 Physiological needs a Hunger sleep b At the bottom of the pyramid c 23 Sensory pleasure a We pay attention to pleasure b Discount factor Includes sensory pleasure and homeostatic needs i Pleasure now pleasure later c Procrastination i Put off extrinsic behaviors for intrinsic behaviors d Psychological hedonism i Motivated by pleasure and avoid pain e Ethical hedonism i Moral obligation is to maximize pleasure or happiness f Epicurus thoughts on happiness i Greatest good is to seek pleasure and avoid pain ii Simple pleasure are best iii Best pleasure is knowledge and friendships virtue 24 Homeostatic pleasure a Body s chemical equilibrium b Physical psychological harmony c Hunger sex sleep 25 Drive states Internal tension from lacking homeostatic pleasures a b Action impulses 26 Drive objects a Objects needs to fully satisfy need 27 Substitute drive objects a Object that partly satisfies drive state 28 Safety needs a Fight or flight responses b Conflict internally with choice between safety comfort and growth c Physical safety i Stability protections order d Security i Freedom from fear chaos cognitive consistency 29 Belongingness needs a Desire for social contact with others b Friendship intimacy 30 Consequences of rejection Increased awareness of others a Social pain physical pain b c Ambiguous situations are threatening d Dislike people who rejected you e Consumers want to buy what everyone else has a Love and affections b Most important in the first 3 years of life c d Romantic family compassion friend job brand Important to give and receive 31 Love needs a Reveal true intrinsic self 32 True intimacy 33 Esteem needs a Social i Esteem from others ii Reputation prestige status b Self i Strength dignity mastery confidence ii Comes after social esteem iii Guardian of growth needs c Ways to fulfill esteem needs i Self affirmation ii Develop non contingent self esteem iii Focus on growth helping others d People sacrifice self esteem for social esteem 34 Neurotic needs a Unnatural need states from problems satisfying deficiency needs b Happens early in life c d Persistence past normal satisfaction e Less satisfaction from gratification Increases need activity 35 Deprivation 36 Affluence 37 Satisfaction a Under satisfied needs a Spoiled over satisfied needs Growth Needs 38 Growth needs a Feels good so keep doing it with different drive objects a Meta needs motives b Self actualization i Process of satisfying growth needs ii Never ending c Universal noncultural instinctual d All 16 have equal potency e Peak experiences f Only humans experience these g Less common needs and less urgent 39 Meta motivation quotient a Extent to which motivation is directed at growth needs b High good health c Pro social d Mere activation feels good 40 Peak experience a Satisfaction from growth needs b Memorable c Less common d More happiness e Self discovery identity 41 The 16 growth needs a Truth b Justice c Goodness d Beauty Art e Perfection i Honesty sincerity i Fairness to self and others i Putting others needs before our own i Appreciation and creation i Value perfection in self and others ii Want the best f Completion i Attain closure ii Finish tasks g Playfulness h Aliveness i Simplicity i Fun joviality humor i Vigor excitement zest for life i Performance with ease flow state i Focus on essential j Effortlessness k Self sufficiency i Functional autonomy l Comprehensive i Satisfy all needs m Uniqueness i Being different uncommon self expression n Order i Seek to learn organizing principles o Meaningfulness i Relate past experiences to future problems ii Achieving purpose iii What you cant buy p Unity i Belonging to something greater 42 Metapathology a Absence of a growth need 43 Meta motivation requirements a Satisfy deficiency needs b Positive character i

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