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Directional Terminology differs between species do to the 90 degree rotation of the brain in bipeds Rostral nostril Caudal Anterior Posterior Basic Directional and Anatomical Terminology Where you are in the brain 1 orientation view of the brain 2 Plane of section how brain is cut dorscal view top ventral view bottom lateral view side Quadrupeds terminology ends in al Bipeds terminology ends with ior Quadrupeds Dorsal Bipeds Ventral Superior Inferior Both bipeds and quadrupeds use lateral going away from the midline medial going towards the midline Other anatomical directional terms Ipsilateral on the same side as Contralateral on the opposite side of Proximal located close to Distal located away from Section of Brain Type of Cut Sagittal cut down the midline the cut is perpendicular to the ground Horizontal rostral to caudal the cut is parallel to the ground Coronal cut from dorsal to ventral vise versa perpendicular to the ground and midline Other information that will be on the quiz Peripheral Nervous System part of the nervous system that is made up of nerves and ganglions that are outside of the brain and spinal cord Central Nervous System brain and spinal cord Classification of cells Neuron is the functional unit of the nervous system nucleus collection of neurons in the CNS ganglion collection of neurons in the PNS Axon transmission lines of the nervous system connected to the cell body and conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body Terminals where neural signaling occurs including the release and uptake of neurotransmitters Cell body the soma contains the cell nucleus where RNA is produced and where protein synthesis can occur proteins are carried in microtubules down the axon Dendrites conduct electrical stimulation received from other neural cells to the cell body Classification of Fibers groups of axons The axon is a cellular extension that allows long distance communication peduncle large collection of axons in CNS Eg Large part of the brainstem is made up of these tract medium sized collection of axons in the CNS Eg Optic tract carries information to the occipital lobe fasciculus small collection of axons in the CNS Eg Fasciculus cunteas is a bundle of axons that transfer info from the forearms to the brain collection of axons in the PNS are called nerves Eg Sciatic nerve vagus nerve ulnar nerve radial nerve Cerebral Lobes Gyrus bumps on the brain the hills Sulcus Fissure crevices on the brain valleys the precentral gyrus and the tissue that folds into the central sulcus comprises the primary motor cortex controls voluntary movements language processing in humans Frontal lobe control of motor function coordinating planning controlling and executing behavior choosing between good and bad Occipital lobe processes visual information disorders of the occipital lobe can cause visual hallucinations and illusions Parietal lobe somatosensory information pain touch temperature Temporal lobe processes auditory and visual information Know corpus cerebelli and vermis are in the cerebellum

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FSU PSB 3004C - Basic Directional and Anatomical Terminology

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