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Why is cost effective software engineering so important in today s design and development of Information System solutions Cost effective software engineering according to what I read takes into account quality And quality is defined as software that meets its requirements as closely as possible and those requirements must meet the wants and needs of the customer Braude Bernstein 2011 Taking into account that most software inevitably contains defects according to the authors and that defects discovered later in the software development cycle cost more to fix it makes sense that the goal of software engineering is to remove as many defects as possible as early as possible According to the authors the cost of repairing defects after software is released to customers can be 100 times greater as compared to fixing the same defect early in the development cycle Braude Bernstein 2011 One of the aspects of cost effectiveness must also be that a customer s trust will be demolished if a software developer releases a product that is full of defects If I am working with a developer and we agreed on certain requirements and the final product still contained defects or did not function as promised I would wonder why this did not come up during the testing phase I would also feel like this developer or company cost me hundreds of thousands of extra dollars in time and resources by not managing the software development lifecycle better The main point I got out of the reading was that software engineering to be cost effective not only depends on the final product delivered to the customer but the process that it takes to get to that final product is important as well Reference Sons Inc Braude E J Bernstein M E 2011 Software engineering Modern approaches 2nd ed John Wiley Based on the Barr 2010 article what are the risks associated with outsourcing enterprise development Should these risks be mitigated by only outsourcing the maintenance of legacy systems

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UOPX BSA 385 - Cost effective software engineering

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