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Hist Notes 5 3 Helloise and Peter Abalard fell in love Abalard decided that he wants to marry her once she is pregnant and she says no to him bc it wil ruin his career he had to be or appear celibate so that he could seem like he was putting all his time into his teaching and thereafter attract students then Helloise agrees to marry him very quietly though but they tell the uncle maybe Helloise s uncle so Abalard sends Helloise to a convent in Italy so ppl wont know she is pregnant by him and the uncle gets angry and sends a gang for Abalard while in convent and while separated these 2 sent letters to one another which reveal a growing sense of an interiorization of the self and moral responsibility the letters of Peter Abalard and Helloise letters were very moving and eloquent they also refer back to the bible and ancient Church fathers Abalrd is imp bc of his book the Sic et Non means yes and no and he compiled a list of arguemnts over themeaning of the Church and God and he had a list of a series of ideas where thinkers says yes to fundamental questions of Cha and a list where thinkgers say no to fundamentals of Ch way of pointing out that great human thinkers disagree if human thinkers disagree where do we find truth in the Bible bc the Bible is true his book is also imp bc it s the foundation of scholasticism which is the big intellectual movement of 12 and 13th C which also is seen in 16 and 17th C it is a kind of methodology Way of doing theology or philosophy it s a classical dialect where there is a thesis the yes and the contrary or anti thesis the no and then we have an area to reconcile these Peter makes no thesis of his own later scholars will build upon this method Abalard reflects this great movment bc Ab was originally trained in logic and the other authority in logic was Aristotle and over the course of 12th C we see the rediscovery of Aristotle and Gailen and Hypocrates and Plato some and ancient Greek thinkers the same way that Aristotle provided opportunity and challenge to muslim thinkers he brought new challenge based on reason and logic to Christianity Ch like Islam is based on revelation which is based on faith Cordaba was recently reconquored recently in the great Reconquista of Spain and they also took over the great library at Cordoba and had to learn Arabic to translate the books there and then they apply these books full body of Ch thought to Ch thought once they learn Greek they learn from many Greek writings Thomas Aquinas found a way to incoprpate the works of Aristotle as a way of understanding the Ch faith and God died in 1274 all begins with Peter Ab and ends with Aquinas we did all this scholarly stuff in cities like Paris and its gonna start in cathedral schools but even more so than that the studying is going to begin in Universities Universities are a creation of the midievil ages the first of the Universities is the University of Bologna in 11th C Irnerius and Bepo began teaching the corpus Iuris Civilis will have an imp impact on Univ and society as a whole bc it provides a new way of understanding of law and government you go to University in the middle ages to get a good job bc now over the course over 12 and 13th C we see creation of more organized national governments who are using the written word more frequently in their day to day governing and the Church itself is always based on the written word along with its elaborate court system so to get a good job you must read and write there is a growing need for literate ppl in society gov and Church imp for economic life as trade grows and need ppl to write up many diff contracts also a growing need for an educated elite from the U s to fill these jobs when u go to school u study the 7 liberal arts and once you master them you have a masters degree and once you have a masters degree you can go out and teach or set up your own school or sell your services to growing beaurocracy gov biz administrations along with liberal arts there were 3 graduate degrees one is law if you wanted to be a high paid lawyer you would study in Bologna you would study law next was medicine and you would go to Montpellier and then Solerno to study medicine but at Solerno it was coeducational MAYBE there is a famous medical encyclopedia called the Trotula bc it is named after the author and it is on genecology and women s health issues and it reveals insights into women s health and related issues and so it is said that Trotula was prob written by a women associated with Solerno they heavily believed Aristotle even if the human body didn t agree with the medical training form Aristotle Aristotle was still right and the body was wrong if you wanted to be a theologian you would go to the U of Paris theology was course of study that took the longest the guild system applied to U s where the students set the curriculum and were able to hire and fire faculty as they pleased as U s become more imp they will be founded by Kings and Emperors over 1000 to 1300 Europe went through urban econ territorial expansion cultural expansion a pd of great discovery and recovery pd of cultural growth gotchic church and Universities pd of papcy growth all kind of ends in 1300 various monarchies in 1300 fell on hard times they found themselves found in warefare this was a time where accomplishemtns of papacy crash Papcy no longer centered in Rome and centered in S Italy and this causes destruction these problems were rooted from the same things that lead to the expansion all of the benefits of the nice climate old marginal productive farms are not productive anymore this means less food which means less life more weakness and lots of famine rats with flees make way their off ships and spread the Black death a third and a half of the Euro pop died transition from S Asian society to mid evil S Asian society we got to about the year 600 in S Asia and by this point many pol and soc and rel strucutres have been established but following this point a series of reformers emerged in the scene who would contribute ultimately to the further dev of S Asian society and culture and provide a complete definition that defines pol and cultural and soci structures of SA we see how these innovations characterize SA society in 600 a series of reformers emerged one of whom which is associated with a group of books called the Upanishads which are an imp contribution to the evolution …

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UD HIST 103 - Lecture notes

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