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Expressed specifically granted by the constitution Implied interpreted by presidents as necessary to faithfully execute the laws and to protect and defend the constitution Delegated delegated to the president by congress Source of constitutional power Expressed The Presidency President Responsibilities Executive Responsibility Execute laws Organize federal bureaucracy Appoint department heads Recommend department budgets Issue executive orders Exercise executive privilege Legislative Veto legislation Deliver state of union address Make policy recommendations Convene and adjourn congress Implied Expressed Delegated Implied Implied Expressed Expressed Expressed Expressed Judicial Appoint justices Expressed Appoint judges to federal Expressed Check on power Pending budgetary support by congress Pending budgetary support by congress Requires senate confirmation Requires congressional approval Limited to matters involving policy execution and enforcement Limited to instances involving national security Can be overridden by congress Serves informational and persuasive rather than declarative purposes Requires congressional approval Can convene only under extreme circumstances can adjourn only given congressional conflict over adjournment Requires senate confirmation Requires senate courts Grant pardons and reprieves Diplomatic Appoint ambassadors Receive ambassadors Enter into treaties with foreign nations Enter into executive agreements Serve as head of state Military Expressed Expressed Expressed Expressed Implied Implied Serve as commander in chief Expressed Public opinion Represent the public will None Shape the national agenda None Political party Implement party priorities Shape the party agenda None Symbolic head of the party None None confirmation Prospect of reelection limits its practice Requires senate confirmation No constitutional check Requires senate ratification Executive may require congressional approval Role is merely symbolic Requires congressional authorization to engage troops None None None None None

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UNT PSCI 1040 - The Presidency

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