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1 MANAGEMENT 3200 FINAL EXAM REVIEW QUESTIONS MOTIVATION 1 What are the five needs in Maslow s hierarchy of needs Know what each need is and be able to recognize what need is being satisfied in a given situation Physiological Needs the need for food water air sex procreation sex for survival of the species money Safety Needs the need for security stability freedom from fear or threat avoidance of pain peach good life health insurance money Social Needs the need for friendship affection interaction with others acceptance group membership wine and cheese party company picnics money Esteem Needs the need for self esteem recognition respect responsibility sense of accomplishment award ceremony money Self Actualization Needs the need for realization of one s potential creativity independence self expression and intellectual curiosity having endless money The lowest unsatisfied need is what motivates you physiological Once that lowest is satisfied the next lowest unsatisfied is safety so on Start from top and move to bottom once you satisfy top move to the next one under money could satisfy any of them 2 2 According to Maslow what motivates your behavior Lowest unsatisfied need in the hierarchy None of the needs are met physiological physiological needs are met safety safety needs are met social and so on 3 What does Maslow believe about satisfied needs Once a need is satisfied you re no longer motivated your motivation decreased The greater the satisfaction of a need the lower the importance of that need and the greater the importance of the next higher need Once you satisfy a need you move on Satisfied needs are no longer motivation they go away 4 If a need is frustrated what will the employee experience according to Maslow Can the employee still be motivated if his her needs are frustrated No very negative you re basically stuck there is nothing you can do about it A state of stuckedness basically screwed can t be motivated will be demotivated 5 What needs are typically unsatisfied in most organizations Why is this the case What would help satisfy these needs Esteem and self actualization Because most jobs are specialized Can give an enriched job 6 What need is the highest level of personal motivation How many people reach this level Is it ever fully satisfied or fulfilled Self actualization knowledge for the sake of knowledge doing things because it s what you want to do Never fully satisfied Very few people reach this level and if they do its only momentary 7 What is a peak experience Momentary self actualization Where you re the best you can be at that time 8 What does the research say about Maslow s hierarchy of needs You have to climb the hierarchy of needs satisfied needs can motivate Satisfied needs can still motivate If a need is frustrated you will be stuck 9 How would you apply Maslow s theory of motivation if you were a manager Not every employee is moticated by the same needs As a result a manager must tailor the reward to fit the individual 3 What motivates an employee today may not moticate them in the future As a result a manager must be flexible in motivating the same employee over time 10 What are the three needs in ERG theory that can motivate behavior This theory is a reformulation and extention of Maslow It reworks Maslow s to be more constistent with the research on motivation Instead of fifve needs this theory proposes three needs and it believes that a satisfied need can still motivate behavior 11 How do the three needs in ERG theory match up to the five needs in Maslow s hierarchy of needs Growth needs self actualization never fully satisfied Relatedness needs social and esteem Existence needs physiological and safety 2 2 1 12 What does Alderfer s ERG theory say about a satisfied need You can move down the pyramid and you can become more satisfied You can become motivated by lower levels Even when needs are frustrated people can still be motivated unless existence is frustrated the pyramid 13 What is the frustration regression principle in ERG theory What does it say about need frustration ERG says that if a need is frustrated you can still be motivated by moving down o Maslow says that if a need is frustrated you are stuck If the existence need is frustrated you are going to be totally demotivated o You cannot recover from this it s the lowest level Satisfied needs can still motivate you 14 What does Herzberg say is the opposite of job satisfaction The opposite of job dissatisfaction This theory is really a theory of job satisfaction more than it is a theory of motivation Traditioanally job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction were opposties but Herzberg broke away from this view He also believed that the factors that cased an employee to be satisfied were different from the ones that caused them to be dissatisfied Herzberg said JS motivation NO JS o Neutral states Motivators are internal hygenes are external 4 15 What is a motivator factor and what is it related to in 2 factor theory be able to recognize what are motivators on the job Motivators are like what needs in Maslow s hierarchy He believes that what causes satisfaction is different from what causes dissatisfaction These factors that satisfy people are called Motivators o Interesting challenging work o Achievement o Recognition o Advancement o Sense of fulfillment He was the first to suggest that the work itself can be motivational If you have an enriched job you will experience job satisfaction with interesting challenging work o With a specialized job you would experience no job satisfaction with this According to him the only way to motivate people at work is an enriched job o He thinks that people on specialized jobs will never receive motivation because of their kind of job o He thinks everyone should have an enriched job would not work for everyone He is assuming that everyone has an expressive motivation to work This does not apply to everyone Motivators are like Esteem and Self Actualization True motivation comes from within demotivation comes from outside 16 What is a hygiene factor and what is it related to in 2 factor theory be able to recognize what are hygienes on the job Hygienes are like what needs in Maslow s hierarchy These are the factors are the ones in between JDF No JDS More Safety Social and Physiological o Pay o Benefits o Co workers o Supervisors o Working Conditions o Company Policy When hygienes are good it will lead to no job dissatisfaction You want no job

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