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BBH 101 31 August 2015 Impact of Epidemiology o Epidemiology is the study of frequency distribution and causes of infectious has a viral agent and noninfectious diseases heart disease cannot catch from someone else in a population Morbidity how many people have it Mortality who dies of what Based on both physical and social environment Health care services o Largest service industry in the US o Emphasis on prevention has the potential of reducing health care costs Interested in things that prevent us from getting sick if we can learn how to keep people healthy we can reduce money spent on health care because we do not need to get tests MRI s etc o Most people in the US have direct contact with health care services The nature of a patient s access to health care cost distance etc and interaction with their health care system and what it provides can influence outcomes Bodily Systems o How does stress and other stuff influence our health o Stress indirect effects behaviors anxious lack of sleep etc health weakened immune o Stress direct effects physiological changes health o The Nervous System central nervous system brain and spinal cord and peripheral nervous system system Peripheral broken down into autonomic and somatic Autonomic is similar to automatic don t have control over o Broken into sympathetic and parasympathetic Sympathetic activates accelerates fight or flight Parasympathetic slows down brings body back to normal rest and o Emotion and the brain Amygdala digest Cerebral Cortex amygdala screens incoming information for its emotional significant mainly threat i e see a bear amygdala processes that it is a bear tells you to fear it and run i e see cop car lights in your rearview mirror amygdala tells you to be nervous because you did something wrong and to slow down pull over generates a more complete picture can override signals sent from the i e it s just your friend in a fur coat not a bear so you can relax i e you realize that you weren t speeding they cannot be pulling you over but now you are more cautious of how you are driving b c you have the idea that something of a threat to you can be around you so you are cautious Selye s General Adaptation Syndrome

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PSU HDFS 129 - Impact of Epidemiology

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