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A D OLESCEN CE 12E L A U R E N C E S T EIN B E R G CHAPTER 3 SOCIAL TRANSITIONS Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education CHAPTER 3 OVERVIEW 1 Social Redefinition and Psychosocial Development The Elongation of Adolescence Adolescence as a Social Invention The Invention of Adolescence Emerging Adulthood A New Stage of Life or a Luxury of the Middle Class Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education CHAPTER 3 OVERVIEW 2 Changes in Status During Adolescence Drawing a Legal Boundary Inconsistencies in Adolescents Legal Status The Process of Social Redefinition Common Practices in the Process of Social Redefinition Variations in Social Transitions Variations in Clarity Variations in Continuity Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education CHAPTER 3 OVERVIEW 3 The Transition into Adulthood in Contemporary Society Special Transitional Problems of Poor and Minority Youth The Effects of Poverty on the Transition into Adulthood What Can Be Done to Ease the Transition The Influence of Neighborhood Conditions on Adolescent Development Processes of Neighborhood Influences Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education SOCIAL REDEFINITION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1 Social redefinition The process through which an individual s position or status is redefined by society In all societies the following is true Adolescence is a period of social transition The individual comes to be recognized as an adult The specific elements of this social passage from childhood into adulthood vary across time and place Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education SOCIAL REDEFINITION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2 Identity Attaining adult status causes adolescents to feel more mature and to think more seriously about future work and family roles Autonomy Adult status leads to shifts in responsibility independence and The adolescent turned adult faces a wider range of decisions that have serious long term consequences freedom Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education SOCIAL REDEFINITION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 3 Relationships Young person faces new decisions about intimacy dating and marriage recognize as an adult Age of majority Age 18 The designated age at which an individual is Statutory rape Sex between two individuals even when it is consensual when at least one of the persons is below the legal age of consent in the United States the specific age of consent varies from state to state Achievement Adolescents must attain a certain age before becoming a full time employee or leaving school of their own volition Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education THE ELONGATION OF ADOLESCENCE family later culture mature Adolescence lasts longer today than ever before Individuals start puberty earlier and enter into adult roles of work and Experts define adolescence as beginning in biology and ending in Elongation of adolescence has had important implications for how young people see themselves relate to others and develop psychologically Today individuals live with their parents long after they are sexually Because the cost of living independently has risen economic maturity lags far behind psychological maturity More formal education is now necessary to take on adult work roles Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education ADOLESCENCE AS A SOCIAL INVENTION Some argue that adolescence as a period of the life cycle is mainly a social invention Inventionists Theorists who argue that the period of adolescence is mainly a social invention Adolescence is defined primarily by the ways in which society does or does not recognize the period as distinct from childhood or adulthood Adolescence is defined differently in different cultures and historical periods Problems experienced during adolescence may be due to society s definition of adolescence not cognitive or biological changes This contradicts G Stanley Hall s views that psychological changes of adolescence are driven by puberty Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education THE INVENTION OF ADOLESCENCE 1 The Impact of Industrialization Industrialization broke the connection between what individuals learned in childhood and what they would need to know as adults Parents encouraged younger people to stay in school longer Staying in school lessened job competition between adolescents and adults Child protectionists Individuals who argued early in the twentieth century that adolescents needed to be keep out of the labor force to protect them from the hazards of the workplace Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education THE INVENTION OF ADOLESCENCE 2 The Origins of Adolescence as We Know it Today In the late nineteenth century adolescence came to be viewed as a lengthy time of preparation for adulthood This view started in the middle class and spread Teenager A term popularized about 50 years ago to refer to young people it connoted a more frivolous and lighthearted image than did adolescent Youth Today a term used to refer to individuals ages 18 to 22 it once referred to individuals ages 12 to 24 Copyright 2020 McGraw Hill Education All rights reserved No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw Hill Education EMERGING ADULTHOOD A NEW STAGE OF LIFE OR A LUXURY OF THE MIDDLE CLASS Emerging adulthood is a term for ages 18 25 caught between adolescence and adulthood Emerging adults are characterized by five main features the exploration of possible identities before making enduring choices instability in work romantic

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