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Week 12 ANTH260 Culture Homogenization Space and Place Homogenization How do we homogenize culture To make uniform How do we homogenize the past Place o Urban ghetto o Native past Powhatan Village Werowocomoco 1200 CE 1609 CE 1607 John Smith and Pocahontas How does space have a history Whose history do we capture and value Space and Place What is Space Place The social creation of meaningful space i e place incorporates a wider version of spatiotemporal references i e landscape indicating how a place is connected to others Landscapes are of course multidimensional They include perceptions of physical spaces representations of conceptual space and lived experiences of space that tie together the tangible and imagined How do we experience space place Phenomenology Bodily experiences of landscape specifically the ways people dwell within and move through space situate locations as recognizable places giving meaning to space and time in the process Maps Beginning in the 15th century European colonists narratives of new places were replaced by map documents that colonized space in the process What types of information do maps convey What is good bad space place South Central LA California Bad or good place Who lives or belongs there How does this impact our understanding of space Catching Hell in the City of Angels Look at individual lives History and Place South Los Angeles Catching Hell in a City of Angels Themes why completely excluded from discussion usually 1 Race blackness 2 Racial tension racism xenophobia 3 Criminal justice system 4 Lack of health care 5 Poverty cycle 6 Drugs chemical reliance self medication 7 Community 8 Family 9 Limited resources Racial History of Los Angeles Los Angeles WWII blacks and Asians off limits 1940s 50s Blacks moving into south LA o Racial violence burning crossings bombing and firing at blacks Blockbusting There goes the neighborhood Used by realtors industry s By a house in primarily white area rent to colored family buy houses from white families at low price flip and sell to Police discrimination Rodney King riots Watt s Rebellion Riot August 11 1965 6 days 1032 injured 34 dead 3400 arrested Marquette Drye 21 year old black man pulled over for reckless driving Situation escalated when he was arrested by force triggering reactions by member of the community Root causes poverty high unemployment poor schools and living conditions and police violence Rodney Kind South LA 1992 Riots March 1991 Rodney King was pulled over by officers after a high speed chase was subsequently brutally beaten for 15 minutes by 4 police officers The entire beating was captured on film April 1992 police officers were acquitted of charges of excessive force April 29 May 4th 1992 11000 arrested 2000 injured 53 dead Multi racial rioting

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UMD ANTH 260 - Homogenization

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