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Based on the Keston 2010 article under what circumstances would you consider using Agile software development methodologies Why has flexibility become so important in developing viable system solutions Keston s article 2010 stated that Agile software development methodologies take into account user and stakeholder input This methodology is beneficial when requirements are not fully stated in the beginning of the development process but take shape as the project progresses which often happens as users and stakeholders give more information on how the software is expected to interact with legacy systems and applications necessary for business processes Flexibility is important when developing viable system solutions because sometimes further into an implementation of a project other factors come to light such as how other system which are in place handle the new software or how the new software can handle applications that are necessary for the organization s business processes One thing that the article stated was breaking down projects into small phases I agree with this because if you break the project down into small phases it would be easier to find defects and fix them before you are too far into the project This would seem more cost effective than waiting to be all the way at the end of the implementation to find a bug that might take you all the way back to the beginning of the project Not to mention that the amount of resources it would take to implement a very large project versus a large project that is broken down into smaller phases Reference Keston G 2010 Scrum project management techniques Faulkner Information Services

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