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Hist Notes 5 1 1085 Gregory died but his ideas did not his ideas succeeded bc they were in touch the broader movement of the 11 and 12 C Pope Urban II supported Gregory s ideas the Crusades inspired 100 000 and a goose to go off to holy land and conquer Jerusalem for the rightness of their cause over course of 12th C as a part thanks to Gregory and Pope Urban the papal monarchy was established the last monarchy in the world papal monarchy builds upon hierarchicahl struct by Gregory and Urban departments of government the pope is also an imp administrator all bishops are resp for overseeing their diocies and so they need to be able administrators as well as being holy men over coarse of 12th C the papal gov was most advanced and progressive gov in all of Europe papal gov created formal office of treasury formal writing office pope had a whole series of clerks forming of a writing office and many imp documents become a component also many officials representatives that rep Pope and get sent to foreign areas like England papl court was the highest court in the land and the papal court became in a sense the supreme court of the midevil ages if you wanted to appeal a legal decisions or criminal prosecution you might try to get to the court at Rome where the Pope himself as judge sit as justice judge for 4 5 hours a day as a consequence these Popes developed effective administration the papacy represents the borader changes of the 12th C just as the Church developed elaborate offices and institutions writing treasury diplomatic office etc the kingdoms of Europe France GB German witnessed a similar pattern of the offices of gov so that the written word became an imp tool in function in day to day operations of gov and ultimately all of society churches make Cannon law so there were lots of Church lawyers and the rule of national law or in England called the Common law by Henry II these nationals laws make written law and imp tool of gov and society Pope Innocent III embodies these achievements he ruled from 1198 to 1215 and as Pope became Pope at 37 his predecessor was 87 he brought new youthful energy and as Papacy got bigger and more imp wealthy and administrative many officials had to be paid Jesus was a poor carpenter following after the life of Jesus there is an imp model of Ch behavior so Innocent sees the value of the imp of Crusade and in 1202 he launched the 4th Crusade which ended up losing Const and then after he still promoted the idea of Crusade PI used crusade against heretics Ch who believe incorrectly so he sent a Crusade against heretics in S France which introduced new ideas about how Crusades operate he presided over the 4th Lateran Council 1215 which issued reforms to improve lives of priests he reorganized structure of Church he also defined what happens in the Eucharist at the 4th Lateran council they proclaimed the transubstantiation when blessed wine and bread becomes body and blood of Christ he declared that the Pope is the vicaro of Christ PI said Pope has jurisdiction over all legal matter PI had a dream he dreamt that a simple poor man could rebuild the Church that simple poor man was St Francis Francis embodies the process of dev associated with the Gero Cross the focus on the incarnate Jesus became an imp model and the goal was to imitate the life of Christ and lfie of Apostles Francis was son of a wealthy Italian merchant so he stripped himself naked and said he was no longer son of his father and only a son of the holy father and became a preacher Francis went forth and preached God s message everywhere he could he went out one day and preached to the birds bc birds were gods creatures he also went to Sultan of Africa and preached to him and in Africa he also adopted a life of poverty because Jesus was poor and only preached and this is what Francis did then Innocent realized fundamental contradiction and he knew that the whole poverty movement was very popular Francis attracted many followers who gave up all they owned to follow Francis and preach with him this was a very pop idea and was potentially destructive but what Innocent did was when Francis visited him seeking approval of this lifestyle Innocent approved him to form an order live a life of poverty a nd preach as long as Francis obeyed and he did so Innocent absorbed this idea and made this a formal arm of the Church whereas the other formal arm is the hierarchy way of domesticating an idea and enabling everone that wanted to be poor to be poor indeed the Franciscan order becomes an important movement over 13th C Francis II reminds us that over coarse of 11 12 and into 13th C there seems to have been a general inc in Christian devotion piety interest in participating in pilgrimages attendance at mass building of big churches shows we need to build more churches because the religion is growing and we need to now be able to accommodate more ppl due to growth Church of Notre Dame Chartres Gothic cathedrals rep the inc religious devotion and inc population you need land stone ppl money and CITIES to build Church Cities are becoming more imp areas of commerce ppl too now are becoming prideful in their cities so now they want the best Churches in their cities so we demonstrate city imp to build a big church we ALSO need money for churches so econ expansion enables ppl to build large gothic cathedrals at Chartres we see great walls of stain glas which are imp component of gothic cathedral bc in the stained class we can tell stories about Jesus and the bible and imp Ch heroes these windows like Just HAgia Sofia let in light which represents the body of God engineers that built Churches developed flying buttress key component of architectural design of gothic cathedrals Churches all have great stone columns in common the stone towers support the Chruch and the flying buttress take all of the weight of the building and shift it out to these great towers columns to hold the weight themselves chruches rep growing wealth growing imp of cities Ch identity and pride and connection b w growing power of Kings in France and religion we need engineers and architects and this gets us to the 12th C Renaissance wide spread revival of culture and learning flourishing new ideas of Jesus are reflected in this renaissance recovery of ancient learning one the imp figures in this process is Peter Abelard he represents growing changes in the 12th C and he was really smart and wasn t shy about telling ppl how smart he was

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UD HIST 103 - Lecture notes

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