1 Romeo and Juliet Los Vendidos Video that we watched in class that guy sold robot Mexicans Example of theatre for social change El Teatro Campesino Cultural arm of the United Farm workers This arose from treatment of Mexican farm workers great strike in 1960s At these union meetings they did skits to express the ways they were being treated unfairly and they took these skits octos and toured them around country to get idea out there Luis Valdez father of Chiano theatre Chiano theatre founded upon traveling up and down state trying to make living picking fruit anything that happened to be around Lack of real formal education system Angels in America A Gay Fantasia on National Themes by Tony Kushner Review short clip on this from lecture Shakespeare Behind Bars EXTRA CREDIT ONLY The Tempest What major musical composers and producers came up Wicked Univ Pictures Ragtime Livent Inc Color Purple Harpo Opera Lion King Disney Hairspray New Line Cinema What did American audiences go to see in the late 19th and 20th centuries Vaudeville shows Dadism mocking high art why is it that somebody can decide what is art If I feel if something is art who is the world to tell me otherwise Gas Heart most famous Dada play The Anti art acting against the insane destruction Absurdism Pessimistic version of Dadaism Epic Theatre 1920 1950s In Germany Bertolt Brecht did not want emotional involvement in theater and wanted to distance audience so that they would be forced to look at what they were seeing in a critical way Broadway 500 seats Off off Broadway 99 seats or less Obstacles Whatever is standing in their way Text What you see black and white print on text Subtext All layers of meaning between Do these pants make me look fat No you look fine Inside out representational when you start with emotions appears sad so you think about when someone you know died Outside in presentational when you deal with physical appearance aspect of your character do a certain movement cut hair in order to create emotional level Examples Marilyn Monroe Marlin Bando Dustin Hoffman Video clip When Harry Met Sally Directing 90 of directing is done in casting MAIN GOAL UNIFICATION AND INTERPRETATION 2 Interpretation director reads script and comes up with concept and decides what to say with play Unification overseeing all designers and making sure that you come out with cohesive scene Worshipful Textbook definition Heretical Very different Director takes own path and spin on story Individual Societal individual who is against society at large or what society thinks Social ills problems of society what is wrong with society Actos Los Venditos little scenes were called this AgitProp Performing theatre for reactions Alienation Effect eliminate illusion that things happening on stage are real Wanted audience to be clear that this is theatre They would do things in way of getting audience to get emotionally into play would show things backstage Cut off audience emotionally Astor Place Riot first time that the soldiers fired on Americans during peace The Black Crook The FIRST musical ever Parisian ballet dancers and faust story about selling soul to devil and lavish spectacle Blocking Where how actors are going to move Book Integrated Musical Music always focuses on plot and character development normally happy ending optimistic Ex Oklahoma and West Side Story Burlesque Ziegfled series of productions focused on female body glorification Concept Fragmented Musical focuses on the themes idea plot loosely or not at all connected doesn t necessarily have a story Dark musicals endings Ex Hair and Assassins The Cradle Will Rock Federal theatre play that has to do with agitprop theatre for theatre for social change Musical about unionization in a steel town with a theme of prostitution Cult of Shakespeare Putting Shakespeare above all other writers in the Western theatre idea we need to keep perpetuating him as THE best not an actual cult Dime Museum Oddities freak shows Abraham Lincoln poop biggest ball of yarn like Ripley s believe it or not Gesamtkunstwerk complete total art work Ford s Theatre Where Lincoln was shot Fourth Wall Theatrical convention imaginary invisible wall at front of stage at proscenium theatre barrier between audience and actors Breaking the 4th wall finding ways to cross that barrier talk to audience Given Circumstances things events background that they playwright gives to you what actors build character off of Imagined Circumstances All the things added t characters that actors will add to create a background for their character Globe Theatre Reconstruction Shakespeare s theatre GRID The idea that AIDS is Gay related GRID Gay related immune deficiency Humours the fluids that flow through you body and give you emotions Magic If what allows to invest in scenario in front of you without breaking reality Stanitosky Way to construct new reality of being Method Acting Depends on a lot of emotional recall Melodrama Action movie of the theatre Character types and clear cut morality Poetic Justice Good guy gets good stuff bad guy gets punished 3 Objective What actor wants will be fighting for Off Broadway 100 499 seats Lower production costs allowing for more experimental theatre intimacy and good breeding ground for art A lot of shows start Off Broadway to ensure they have the audience for it Oklahoma Example of book integrated music form Strict emphasis on plot character Production Concept Directors approach and interpretation to the play Execution of the central theme idea Quem Quaeritas whom do you seek Medieval morality plays Latin questions that propelled medieval morality plays that re exposed theatre to the community Christian saying tied in with bringing back theatre Realism Henry Gipson father of realism Writing in lifelike dialog that is how people normally speak to each other and it makes it relatable to the audience Darwin Freud Comte Marx and the Industrial Revolution set the stage for realism Shakespeare Conspiracy the theory that William Shakespeare didn t write his own plays or sonnets Social Drama Another word for social change when theatre was about social change and social ills Stage Yankee The dumb character with a heart of gold comic relief Joey from Friends Tactic Steps that are in your way to achieve objective 10 of 12 Actors Equity Association Actors Union for every 12 hours of technical hours time actors can only be there for 10 Tragedy and the Common Man Author Miller wrote it in response
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