Psychology of Parenting Exam Review Ch 11 12 13 Chapter 11 1 How is SES defined Socioeconomic Status is the Key determinant of childrearing Financial human and social capital Linked to parent s social cognition traits and behavior Physical punishment 2 What is a cultural niche Culture relates to parenting and children s development because it forms the cultural niche within which parent child relationships occur The niche consists of three different components The physical and social environment Customs of child rearing and child care The parent s psychology Beliefs values and attitudes 3 What are the key differences in parenting related to SES Verbal interaction discipline and control and management the use of physical punishment as a socialization tool 4 How many US children are raised in poverty 19 of children 13 4 million children 4 How are poverty and affluence defined in the US Living in a poor quality physical environment Children in poverty live in toxic environments both literally and figuratively Poverty also means crowded and noisy living spaces Frequently changing housing situations Unemployment or low paying jobs Underfunded poor quality day care and schools For minority members especially discrimination 5 How do African American and European America parents differ with respect to parental discipline A number of studies indicate that African American women are apt to spank their children more frequently than white parents do Through use of physical punishment African American parents back up their no nonsense style and desire for immediate compliance with a swift and painful punishment 6 Latino cultural values related to parenting Respeto Proper demeanor refers to maintaining appropriate relatedness to others It is most clearly manifested in parental teaching of children to respect and obey their parents as well as other adults Familismo concerns valuing the importance of the family This family centered multidimensional orientation has been related to enjoyment of family life positive attitudes toward parents and a large and close extended family social network 7 Most important values for Asian American parents Working hard to get ahead education is regarded as the route to success so Asian American parents consider it as a key socialization goal Family loyalty conformity and social harmony in life with their cultural roots 1 Collectivism vs Individualism Collectivism is the idea that the individual s life belongs not to him but to the group or society of which he is merely a part that he has no rights and that he must sacrifice his values and goals for the group s greater good Individualism is the idea that the individual s life belongs to him and that he has an inalienable right to live it as he sees fit to act on his own judgment to keep and use the product of his effort and to pursue the values of his choosing Chapter 12 1 Define maltreatment Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and or emotional ill treatment sexual abuse or neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation resulting in actual or potential harm to the child s health survival development or dignity in the context of a relationship 2 Prevalence of maltreatment in the US From reported maltreatment cases 12 victims per 100 000 children 3 Munchausen syndrome by proxy A parent produces or feigns illness in another person usually the child in an effort to get attention or support for him or herself 4 Risks factors that put parents at risk of becoming abusive Poverty poor social support having been raised in an abusive family and experiencing 4 Definition of physical abuse vs definition of physical neglect Physical abuse involves an act of commission whereby a parent or other care giver injures the child Physical neglect is the classic and stereotypic manifestation A child lives in a filthy unsanitary and dangerous home where we might find piled up garbage exposed wiring broken glass bugs rodents and perhaps animal feces Physically neglected children usually look uncared for they may have dirty hair exhibit poor hygiene and appear malnourished 5 What are the different types of neglect partner violence Physical Medical Emotional Psychological Educational 6 Most common perpetrators of child sexual abuse Heterogenous group 7 Strategies for parents in helping sexual abuse victims They must believe the child s disclosure They need to keep the child safely away from the perpetrator Parents should obtain therapy for the child Parents can help minimize the likelihood of cognitive distortions including self blame guilt and dysfunctional attributions 8 What is psychological maltreatment A repeated pattern of caregiver behavior or extreme incidents that convey to children that they are worthless flawed unloved unwanted endangered or only of value in meeting another s needs What are the rates in the US 41 9 Dose response view of effects of maltreatment The stronger the dose of abuse the worse the outcomes 11 How do Child Advocacy Centers help victims of abuse Physical assistance shelter legal services they help children in abuse situations in order to get out of the abusive situation Chapter 13 1 What is the average number of children per family in the US 2 1 2 What are latch key kids self care children pass the time in unsupervised peer play or in front of the television These children are more likely to experience emotional problems or experiment with alcohol drugs stealing sex than children who are supervised How many are there in the US 2 4 million What is a good antidote for problems associated with latch key kids After school programs 3 What are costs associated with premature births per child 100 000 4 What s the best way to prevent illnesses on a population level Vaccines How much money do vaccines save annually 43 milllion 5 How many high school dropouts are in the US each year 1 2 million What are problems associated with dropping out of high school They might not be able to get a job You re more likely to be below the poverty level lack of health care higher risk for psychopathology and substance abuse 6 How much do costs associated with child maltreatment come up to annually 38 6 billion 7 Who established the first social insurance program Otto von Bismark 8 In what ways is the US slow and reluctant to provide family assistance as compared to other countries Despite spending more on total health expenditures per capita than 12 other industrialized nations the
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