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DEP 4014 Final Exam Review Chapters 1 13 Thoroughly read the textbook and PowerPoint outlines You are also responsible for concepts discussed in class Some of the questions on the test may contain portions or sections of a concept make sure to choose the best answer in all cases Be able to define describe identify the following be familiar with correlates of constructs below CHAPTER 1 1 Be able to define socialization a Processes involved in teaching children skills behaviors values motivations necessary for competent functioning in a culture 2 Be familiar with the view of infants as a blank slate John Locke tabula rasa a b Rejects notion that children are innately sinful c Children as rational beings did not believe in reward or punishment CHAPTER 2 3 Be familiar with the core premise of Attachment Theory also be able to name and describe the two parts of the behavioral system underlying attachment a Focus is to understand how love between parent and child affects development b Addresses establishment maintenance and consequences of affectionate bonds between parents and children c Novelty seeking d Proximity seeking 4 Be familiar with the term scaffolding a parents are able to elicit more mature behavior from children b Parents erect a structure around a desired behavior to support child s more advanced behavior variables CHAPTER 3 5 Be familiar with the parenting traits approach e g how does this approach conceptualize parenting what are limits of this approach a Describing parents with one major child rearing quality or characteristic 6 Be able to define a mediator and moderator a Moderator variable affects the strength or direction of a relation between two other b Mediator variable explains how or why two variables are associated CHAPTER 4 7 What are experiments of nature What are examples of experiments of nature mentioned in the book a what happens when children are raised without parents or are severely deprived of social stimulation b Genie self and others 8 Be familiar with Bartholomew s classification scheme of attachment based representations of CHAPTER 5 9 Be familiar with the research on socioecononomic status and parenting specifically regarding discipline class parents a parents from lower SES more likely to use physical punishment compared to middle b Explanation parental occupation and general life situations lead parents to hold particular child rearing values 10 Be familiar with parenting children in poor inner city neighborhoods a Parenting characterized by distrust encouragement of independence emphasis on aggression maximizes survival b Results from behavior of stressed mothers c Alternative Results from adaptive response to dangers of environments that d Some parents respond to living in inner city with depression and harsh child punishment whereas others are active and strategic in child rearing 11 Be familiar with the Goodness of fit construct a Parenting needs to be matched to child s temperament b Case of parenting a fearful child 12 What factor is most influential in determining how a parent responds to a child s misbehavior a Parental life experience 13 Different determinants of parenting can influence each other in several ways Most commonly variables can have 1 additive 2 moderating and 3 mediating effects Be familiar with each of these 3 terms and give examples of each a Additive cumulative effects results when variables combine to form a stronger influence on behavior than any other variable has on its own i E g parent has bad temper child difficult parent looses job abusive parenting b Moderating c Mediating i E g supportive spouse i E g perception of economic strain CHAPTER 6 14 What are the effects of delayed parenthood 15 Know the different assisted reproductive technologies available to treat infertility e g IUI IVF GIFT ZIFT ICSI a Intrauterine insemination IUI i Most common ii Frozen sperm placed directly into uterus iii Least expensive b In vitro fertilization IVF Egg and sperm combined in a petri dish and fertilized egg transferred into uterus i 3 variants 1 Gamete intrafallopian transfer GIFT inserting egg and sperm by way of laparoscope into fallopian tube 2 Zygote intrafallopian transfer ZIFT similar to GIFT but fertilization occurs similar to IVF and zygote then transferred into fallopian tube Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICSI single healthy sperm injected into single female egg once fertilized zygote is inserted for implantation 3 16 Know the diffierent types of chromosomal disorders mentioned in the textbook e g Klinefelter Syndrome Turner Syndrome Cri du Chat Down Syndrome a Trisomy 21 extra chromosome b Klinefelter syndrome i XXY in males c Turner syndrome i Only X in females d Cri du chat syndrome i Portion of chromosome 5 is deleted e Dominant inheritance Achondroplasia dwarfism Marfan syndrome f Recessive Inheritance Tay Sachs disease Cystic fibrosis Phenylketonuria PKU g X linked Inheritance Hemophilia Duchenne muscular dystrophy h Multifactorial Inheritance Neural tube defects 17 What is parental sensitivity a Sensitivity is the process of effectively performing common child rearing tasks i Requires attunement to infant child s cues and quick and appropriate responses b Three key indicators of a parents sensitivity are i How rapidly parent responds ii Dependability of parents response iii How successful is parent at comforting child 19 Know about temperament be able to name and describe the three broad factors that characterize temperament identified in more recent research by Putnam and Colleagues CHAPTER 7 18 Be familiar with synaptic pruning a at 2 years through adolescence a Negative emotionality b surgency c effortful control 20 What is structuring a Degree to which parents provide predictable organized environment for the child b Provides stability predictability and security c Ways parents structure environment i Establish routines e g bedtime ii Set limits e g TV iii Structure social interactions iv Structure environment to promote positive relationships and avoid injuries 21 What is prosocial behavior a Actions that are beneficial to others and society as a whole b How parents promote it i Verbalize empathic concern ii Model and reinforce acts of kindness iii Use of affective reprimands 22 What are the findings on the effects of spanking a Positive outcome Immediate compliance b Negative outcomes unintended consequences i Aggression ii Delinquent behavior iii risk of physical child abuse iv Difficulties with

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