AMH 2020 0001 page 1 March 31 2015 Joseph McCarthy Is a pathological liar Young man out of Wisconsin gets law degree and becomes a judge telling half lies o In the middle of a depression 20 000 per year is decent o Claims that judge is making 100 000 but then backs off saying that it was the budget for entire court system o Do you want a judge who is 77 years old actually he was born in 1877 and is 68 years old o Claims something and then back tracks o His whole political career is based on lies o Elected a judge but then becomes a marine serving in the pacific but he never sees o Begins lying by sending press releases saying that he is a tail gunner on an air combat plane sends pictures next to equipment to prove himself begins somewhat of a hero in Wisconsin o Wins senate seat after war Alcoholic Pathological liar Alcoholic train wreck McCarthy is a disaster in Senate o Defended Nazi s on senate floor o Reelection is coming and he needs a topic and focuses on Communism AMH 2020 0001 page 2 McCarthyism idea that you can ruin somebody with false charges o Had a list of known communist in state department but never revealed list o Members of congress have protection against accusations of lies and slander o never mentions name of who he is accusing Died from sclerosis of liver from alcoholism Roy Cohn Wants David Chen sent back to him as a Lieutenant o Army doesn t cooperate and so Army is accused of being a Communist army o 1954 Army McCarthy Hearings start Army McCarthy Hearings Go on for 40 days ABC has no daytime programming so they begin broadcasting the hearings Whether Army provided Special favors for Chen o Cohn claims secretary of Army was one who wanted favors o Cohn had a picture of the two together McCarthy cut the picture down so that it looks like Secretary of Army was just chatting with Chen Fairy pixie were gay synonyms desperately trying to hide it fairy pixie Cohn was afraid that he was going to be revealed as gay so he is McCarthy is trying to make it look like Army general was gay by using Cohn is the only one who wasn t laughing looked nervous
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