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Chapter 1 1 Research producer needs to be able to properly construct an experiment while also being aware of ethical issues Research consumer needs to properly now different sources and how to properly interpret those sources information 2 Facilitators can accidently cause a miscommunication between what the participant wants knows and this related to the research producer A research consumer needs to do a lot of background research to prove that what they are reading is accurate Facilitators found to not be a good method after later research 3 Four Scientific Cycles Theory Data Cycle Scientist collect data test it change or update theories scientific method Pg 8 10 In the book the contact comfort theory vs Cupboard theory was an example Question Babies cling to Mother because more valuable food source or comfort source Harlow theory Babies attracted to mother because of comfort not food source Monkeys spent way more time with the comfort mother Tested by created mothers one for comfort only one for food only Results supported theory Basic Applied Cycle Pg 13 14 Applied research done with a specific problem in mind that can be directly applied to the solution Ex In book Psychologist doing research on new methods of teaching math to mental disordered kids Basic Research does not address a specific problem the goal is to just enhance general knowledge Example in book Want to know the structure of visual system capacity of human memory motivation of depressed person The Peer Review Cycle Pg 15 Submits research to a scientific journal and the editor sends it out to be peer reviewed o Sends to 3 4 editors o Editors check for errors make sure enough research was done clarity o If good then published if rejected writer is told what to fix then given another chance to submit or it is completely rejected by the editors because it was not good at all Journal to Journalism Cycle Journalism is more associated with popular magazines news shows or television shows Journalist hear or read from a scientific journal interesting research Add a catchy headline and make it understandable to the audience Bad journalist choose sensational story that hasn t even been peer reviewed and checked o Ex In book Ugly babies are least likely to be buckled in shopping cart Bad The journalist doesn t tell the research accurately o Ex In book Playing Mozart makes your baby smarter 4 Theory describes general principals about how variables are related Hypothesis predictions about an outcome or a falsifiable statement 5 A good theory is supported by data falsifiable and parsimonious 6 When a researcher uses basic research to apply it to a problem applied research then it is said to be transitional research 7 Peer reviewed is when fellow scientist in that field reads the journal or article submitted by the researcher and edits it The fellow scientist can Say its good and it can be published Say its good but needs work so it is sent back to the researcher writer and they are told what to fix Say it is bad Not going to be published at all 8 The biggest issue is that journalist do not always get the information right when trying to convey scientific research to the public CHAPTER TWO 1 Relying on personal experience is bad because there is bias and not comparison group There are also many other variables that could have caused a certain outcome Personal experience lacks controls to figure out what specifically caused the outcome 2 Confound potentially alternative way explanation for a research finding you believe you have more energy because you drank an energy drink o Are you actually getting more sleep o Did you eat something high in energy 3 Good stories believing something because it makes sense Present present day bias tendency to rely on only what is present Noticing what is not what isn t Noticing patients that got their blood drained not the patients who did not pg 32 Pop Up Principal things that easily come to mind tend to guide our thinking We notice when they grocery line is moving very slow but we do not notice when we just walk up and check out The type of death that is on the news is the one that we would say people die the most of because that s the one that we here pg 33 4 We can reduce these tendencies by looking at data in an objective way We can also only use empirical and systematic observations to guide our thinking 5 Empirical Journal Provide summary of all research that has been done in one search area Combines results of many studies and gives numbers in magnitude of relationship met analysis Reported for the first time Have statistics study methods numerical results Peer reviewed Review Journal Chapter Edited Books Describe their research in one chapter Good for just a summary of research Book full of similar research 6 PsycInfo is an online search engine for psychology Pros Updated weekly Only sources of psychology Mostly peer reviewed articles Cons Must have access to a college university or library computer that has it Cannot use from any computer Concise summary of article Hypothesis methods and study results 120 words Explains topic Background research Specific question and goals for experiment Detail how researchers conducted experiment How well the data supported the hypothesis The studies significance All contributing articles participants and researchers 7 Abstract Introduction Method Discussion Reference List CHAPTER 3 1 Variable an attribute that varies having at least two levels 8 be aware for the potential of bias create special situation where behavior can be observed and create many comparison groups Manipulated variable controlling its level by assigning participants to different levels of that variable ex One patient gets 10mg meds another 20mg meds another 30mg Measured variable observe and record its measures or vales ex Height IQ blood pressure 2 Independent variable the variable that is manipulated Dependent variable the variable that is measured depends on the independent variable 3 Conceptual abstract concepts such as depression debt stress Operational test the hypothesis with empirical research A research interest in conceptional debt stress could be operationalized turned into an experiment as a structural set of question usually used to diagnose level of stress 4 Three Claims Frequency Claim rate or level of something involves numbers0 o 8 Million Americans Consider Suicide Each Year o Half of Americans Struggle to Stay Happy Association Claim one level variable is

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