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Quiz 4 I Leadership Leadership The ability to get others to behave as the leader wishes them to behave Leadership is an influence process Leaders who use a leadership style that is not influential in a given culture are ineffective Trying to get people who work for you do the things you want them to do Employees determine how well you do as a manager A Differences between Middle Eastern Western managers Can t use leadership style that doesn t match the culture you re in Middle east Bureaucratic Authoritarian Old and Outdated West Formal evaluation Sound HR management Modern and management Scientific management Managers in Middle East end up going to school in US or UK and learn our styles of management teachings B OSU and UM Studies Consideration a behavioral leadership style demonstrated by leaders who express friendship develop mutual trust and respect and have strong interpersonal relationships with those being led Initiating structure a behavioral leadership style demonstrated by leaders who establish well defined patterns of organization and communication define procedures and delineate their relationships with those being led C Recent Findings and Insights about Leadership Transformational leaders Visionary agents with a sense of mission who are capable of motivating their followers to accept new goals and new ways of doing things A variation of this is the charismatic leader Inspires and motivates employees through charismatic traits and abilities Transformational Leaders Richard Branson Virgin Airlines is a Charismatic leader Charismatic leaders don t always make good and moral choices Ex Hitler He had a vision and got people to follow it through his motivation 1 Vision and Articulation Vision is expressed as an idealized goal They re able to clarify the importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others 2 Personal Risk Wiling to take on high personal risk incur high costs and engage in self sacrifice 3 Environmental Sensitivity Able to make realistic assessments of the environmental constraints 4 Sensitivity to follower needs 5 Unconventional Behavior Engage in behaviors that are perceived as counter to norms Charisma varies by culture Some places are not influenced by certain types of charisma Transactional leaders Individuals who exchange rewards for effort and performance and work on a something for something basis D Four other types of leadership are less effective than transformational leaders 1 Contingent reward clarifies what needs to be done provides psychic and material rewards to those who comply 2 Active Management by exception Monitors follower performance and take corrective action when deviations from standards occur 3 Passive Management intervenes in situations only when standards are not 4 Laissez Faire avoids intervening or accepting responsibility for follower met actions II Cultural Variations in leadership A Cross Cultural Leadership Insights from the GLOBE Study Leadership behavior can be categorized into Charismatic Value Based captures the ability of leaders to inspire motivate and encourage high performance outcomes from others based on a foundation of core values Team oriented emphasis on effective team building and implementation of common goal among team members Participative extent to which leaders involve others in decisions and decision implementation Humane oriented comprises supportive and considerate leadership welfare of employees Autonomous independent and individualistic leadership behaviors Individualistic Self protective ensures safety and security of individual and group through status enhancement and face saving High uncertainty avoidance B Leadership Styles and Behaviors Authoritarian Dictator approach Tell people what to do Use of work centered behavior designed to ensure task accomplishment Paternalistic In Japan Do what I tell you to do and you ll be taken care of Use of work centered behavior coupled with protective employee centered concern Participative Looking at both task and employee Use of both work or task centered and people centered approaches to leading subordinates C International Leadership Most important leadership attributes NW Europe Great Britain Sweden Finland Denmark Switzerland Germany Austria Czech Republic France SE Europe Latin Culture Poland Slovenia Turkey Greece Russia Georgia Visa Agencies Research is focused on Europe East Asia Middle East BRIC countries Brazil Russia India China Peru is doing well Similarities and differences in leadership styles Don t see research in countries that are not doing well Japan Japan is well known for its paternalistic approach to leadership Japanese culture promotes a high safety or security need which is present among home country based employees as well as MNC expatriates Japanese managers have much greater belief in the capacity of subordinates for leadership and initiative than do managers in most other countries Only managers in Anglo American countries had stronger feelings in this area Japan Leaders delegate authority China Research shows that The New Generation group scored significantly higher on individualism than did the current and older generation groups They also scored significantly lower than the other two groups on collectivism and Confucianism These values appear to reflect the period of relative openness and freedom often called the Social Reform Era in which these new managers grew up They have had greater exposure to Western societal influences which may result in leadership styles similar to those of Western managers India Leadership style in India must satisfy traditional roots while at the same time be effective in a high tech environment Managerial attitudes in India are similar to Anglo Americans toward capacity for leadership and initiative participation and internal control but different in sharing information and objectives Participative leadership styles are becoming more common Latin America As globalization increases so does the transitional nature of managers within the region In Mexico leaders tend to have authoritarian and participative behaviors Managers in Chile Argentina and Bolivia also have take an authoritarian approach Leadership styles in Peru may be much closer to those in the United States than previously assumed D Power Distance High power distance societies Organizations have clear hierarchies and those at the top make Powerful people are expected to look and act powerful Others are a threat to power

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