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Review Exam 3 The Mystery and Myth Story of Adolescence 1 Just a Phase o Adolescence is not something to get through o Not a bridge between childhood and adulthood o Important and meaningful time of life 2 Storm and Stress o Recapitulation Theory recapitulating or recreating our history as a species as we grow as individuals we are o How do adolescents see themselves o Psychological self body image well being o Social self vocational educational values o Sexual self not about intercourse in adolescence o Familial self well functioning family relationships 3 Generation Gap o Basic values are shared with parents morals o Transient values with peers interests o Strong ties with peers does NOT equal weak ties with parents 4 Adolescents are all alike o Over emphasis on peer influence o Great variability Adolescence is a period of individual development uniquely marked by multiple changes that indicate transition from child to adult Pubertal Development Reproductive maturity o Not a single event a process Gender differences o Girls mature 2 years before boys Status vs Timing o Status o Timing late individual physical development started in the middle done physical development in relation to peers early on time or Consequences of early on time and late o Early boys generally positive popular and muscular o Late boys more negative inadequate or insecure o Early girls generally negative less sociable shy poor body image o Late girls mixed only negative when VERY late Adolescent Cognition Thinking about Thinking What if thinking about possibilities If then thinking through hypotheses and considering consequences Thinking about abstract concepts Thinking about thoughts metacognition o Adolescent egocentrism Personal fable Imaginary audience Adolescent Identity Who am I Crisis exploration and experimentation with different values orientations and beliefs Commitment coherent adherence to a set of values orientations beliefs Four Statuses of Identity o Foreclosure no crisis made a commitment o Diffused in crisis no commitment o Achieved no crisis no commitment o Moratorium made it through crisis made a commitment Individuation ability to sustain individuality and connectedness Four Factors of Individuation o Self Assertion individuality o Separateness individuality o Mutuality connectedness o Permeability connectedness Necessary for Adulthood Role transitions Cognitive Emotional Behavioral Responsibilities What is not necessary financially independent decide on own personal beliefs establish equal relationships w parents control of emotions avoid petty crimes use of contraceptives accept responsibilities keep family and children safe o Finishing an education having a child marriage o Long term relationship o Growing to full height having sex Social Roles Definition expected behavior and attitude associated with a social position Role Conflict when two or more roles are incompatible Role Strain mismatch between person s ability and demands of a role Social Role Transitions of Adulthood o Independent adult leaving home o Becoming a spouse partner o Becoming a worker o multiple new roles leads to conflict and strain o Young adulthood is arguable the most stressful time of the life Career Development Theories Person Environment Fit Perspective o Individual chooses occupations based on interests values and skills Social Cognitive Theory Developmental Theory o Cognitive evaluations of occupations influences choices o Individuals in a constant state of development o Career choices based on current self concept o Critiques on super s 8 stages of career development theory Assumes linear progression does not take variability into account does not take freedom constraints into account Implementation early 20s try out work 1 Crystallization adolescence ideas about career 2 Specification college focus on certain career paths 3 4 Establishment mid 20s committed to a career goal 5 Consolidation mid 30s try to move up in career 6 Maintenance mid 40s career goals meet or given up on 7 Declaration late 50s begin to distance self from work 8 Retirement around 65 Theories sometimes fail to acknowledge how outside forces shape career choices What characterizes diversity in the Workplace High of women in the workplace o Gendered Horizontal Segregation different occupations and women are disproportionately represented at different levels men and women concentrate on within and occupational sector men o Gendered Vertical Segregation High of ethnic minorities in the workplace Low incidence of glass ceiling o Glass ceiling effect women and ethnic minorities from being promoted to higher rungs on the corporate ladder the extent to which the workplace prevents Middle Adulthood Why is there so little research on middle adulthood 1 Assumption that little happens during middle adulthood 2 Difficulty getting midlife adults to participate in research 3 No clearly demarcated age boundaries When does midlife begin 30 55 40 70 35 45 60s Temporal shift and recalibration of goals o Younger adults future Older adults past o Balancing challenge and frustration o Maintaining just manageable difficulties Social roles of midlife 1 Departure of Children 2 Gender roles 3 Becoming a Grandparent 4 Caring for an aging parent higher depression and lower marital satisfaction positive greater marital satisfaction women more assertive men more nurturing warm and loving relationships sandwich generation caregivers report Bert Brim last uncharted period of a life course Caregiving daughters 3 times as likely as sons if sons participate usually same sex as the parent Erikson s Adult Stages of Psychosocial Development Intimacy vs Isolation o Young early adulthood o Task form intimate relationships with others love mutuality Generativity vs Stagnation o Middle adulthood o Task assist younger generation developing useful lives care Integrity vs Despair o Late adulthood o Task look back and evaluate your lives wisdom Timing of Events Model of Behavior Normative age graded influences biological and environmental influences that are highly similar for people at a certain age no matter where and when they live Normative history graded influences biological and environment influences that common to a generation of a birth cohort Non normative life events unusual events that have major influence on individual lives Does Intelligence change during adulthood Cross sectional Studies o Younger do better than older test taking abilities o Developmental or

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PSU HDFS 129 - The Mystery and Myth-Story of Adolescence

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