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Chapter 9 Managers Must o Encourage Innovation o Develop Culture o Manage Change Culture System of shared beliefs values guiding behavior internal Culture Set of signals of what is considered appropriate vs Inappropriate External Zappos employees talking about how core values shape company Culture is biggest reason people leave jobs PSU Culture o Core Academics Grades Code od Conduct Integrity We Are What to Focus on Quality Education Accreditation Rules Alma Matter o Observed Campus Dress International Fitness Leaders Actions Classes Technology Dating Career Stuff Speakers Orgs THON Augusta National Culture No female members until last year Observed Culture is above water line Core is below water line Corporate Culture Shapes Attitudes Reinforces Beliefs Directs Behavior and Sets Expectations KPMG Mergers culture o Only 17 added value because the new companies were unfamiliar with KPMG Subcultures Academic Functional Geographic Club Ethnic Political Religious Fitness Style Observable Culture experiences Nittany Lion culture o Heroes Shared knowledge of hero stories represent core values o Rites Celebrates connections builds morale engagement shared hands on o Symbols Common understanding of culture easy to recognize Tony the Tiger o Stories Easily Remembered Passed on instills deeper understanding of Core Culture Values or beliefs about right ways to behave Best companies are when performance intersects with culture Weggmans Innovation Taking a new idea and putting it into practice 4 Parts o Process Results in better ways of doing things Southwest reduced costs increased turnaround more output more satisfaction o Product Results in new and improved goods and services iPad Kindle o Business Model Result in ways for firms to make money Blockbuster Dish merger o Sustainability Reduces organization s carbon footprint Toyota Commercialization Selling Innovation Post It Video Structure Supporting Innovation Strategy Management Structure Culture Staffing Change To make the future course of something different from what it would have been before Platform o Transformational Change Major redirection of organization IBM Burning o Incremental Change Process Innovation 1 000 small changes Changing Process Unfreezing Preparing for Change Changing Change takes Place Change Leaders Confident Risk Takers Seize Opportunity Expect Surprise Make things Refreezing Change is Stabilized Happen Status Quo Managers Threatened by change Bothered by uncertainty prefer predictability support status quo wait for things to happen Change is often driven by threat Chapter 10 Human Capital Cost v Asset Economic value of employees skills and knowledge 1 Asset to a business SHRM Large Governing Body over everything Human Resources 3 Functions of Human Resource Management o Attracting Assess Need Define Job Recruiting Strategy Implementation 65 Internal Refferal 35 External Candidate Selection Offer Process In Depth Interviewing Technology and Personality Testing Real Time or Simulated Actual Work Typing Test Background Checks Assessment Centers o Developing Orientation Socialization Training Experiences ASTD 171 5 Billion spent on training 1 228 employee 32 hrs employee Mentoring Coaching Formal Informal Performance Appraisal Measures Documents Work Performance Used as developmental tool to enhance work performance o Keeping Compensation Benefits in Line with Competition Clear Career Path Identified Work Life Balance Age Issues Baby Boomers causing Average Age in Office to Increase Independent Contractors Work as temporary employees can be much cheaper however commitment to the company is a concern Unions negotiate contracts for their members Chapter 14 Teams Teamwork Collection of People who regularly interact to pursue common goals Team Benefits Wider Depth of Knowledge Division of Work Greater of Opinions Shared Workload Collaboration Lots of Ideas Less Bias Leadership Development Team Problems Judging v Perceiving Personalities Time Consuming Miscommunication Freeloaders Groupthink Factions Cultural Disconnect Making Sacrifices Different Definitions of Quality Roles of Managers o Supervisor o Facilitator Provides Assistance when Necessary o Participant Also Creating the Product o Coach Assists Teaches trains Types of Teams o Committee o Cross Functional o Task Force o Self Managing Teams o Virtual Team Team Building Blocks o Inputs Members Nature of Task Org Setting Team Size o Throughputs Team Process o Outputs Team Effectiveness Three Cs of team selection Character Competence Competency Life Cycle of Teams o Team Effectiveness Equation Quality of Inputs Process Gains Process Losses o Group Dynamics Interactions between group members o Forming Uninformed Optimism Storming Informed Pessimism Norming Informed Optimism Performing Task Leaders Focus on Work Maintenance Leaders Focus on People Communication o Decentralized Communication Network High Interdependency on a common o Centralized Communication Network Independent Individual Efforts on Behalf o Restricted Communication Network Subgroups in Disagreement With Ine task best at complex tasks of Common Task Best at Simple Task Another Slow Task Accomplishment Functional Conflict Towards Task Dysfunctional Conflict Towards People Conflict Resolution Accommodating High Cooperation High Assertiveness Negative Avoiding Low Cooperation Low Assertiveness Negative Competing High Assertiveness Low Cooperation Negative Collaborating High Cooperation High Assertiveness Positive Collaborating Middle Ground Positive 5 Dysfunctions of Team Absence of Trust Fear of Conflict Lack of Commitment Accountability Unwillingness Inattention to Results Team Training Developing Skills vs Team Building Goal Driven Group Activity Games Adventure Social Simulation Work Projects Alternative Groupthink Tendency for highly cohesive teams to lose their evaluative capabilities Chapter 17 Global Business Bottom Line Developing Selling Products Services to all 7 Billion People on the Planet How to get to 9 Billion in 2043 Globalization The Increased Mobility of Goods Services Labor Technology and Capital throughout the World The Process of Growing Interdependence Among Elements of the Global Community Reasons to go Global o New Markets Customers Profits o Sourcing Suppliers of Goods Services o Financing Capital to expand operations o Labor Low cost and skilled o Risk Business Natural and country o Technology Communication Data Pressure for Global Integration Pressure for Local

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PSU MGMT 301 - Chapter 9

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