Study Guide Exam 1 Chapters 1 2 Vocabulary 1 Adjustment The psychological processes through which people manage or cope with the demands and challages of everyday life 2 Empiricism The premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation 3 Independent Variable In an experiment a condition or event that an experimenter varies in order to see its impact 4 Dependent Variable In an expeiment the varible that is thought to be affected by manipulation of the independent varible 5 Experimental Group the subjects in an experiment who receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable 6 Control Group subjects in an experiment who do not receive the special treatment given to the experimental group 7 Correlation the extent to which two variables are related to each other 8 CS A previosly neautral stimulus that has through conditiong acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response 9 UCS A stimulus that evokes an unconditional response without previous conditioning 10 Positive Reinforcement when a response is strengthened increases frequency because it is followed by the arrival of a presumably pleasant stimulus 11 Punishment when a response is weakened decreases in frequency because it is followed by the arrival of a presumably unpleasant stimulus 12 Observational Learning when an organism s responding is influenced by the observation of others who are called models 13 Self Actualization the need to fill one s potential 14 Case Study an in depth investigation of an individual subject 15 Survey structured questionnaires designed to solicit information about specific aspects of participants behavior 16 Experiment A research method in which an investigator manipulates an independent variables under carefully controlled conditions and observes whether there are changes in a second dependent variable as a result 17 Naturalistic Observation an approach to research in which the researcher engages in careful observation of behavior without intervening directly with the subjects 18 Id In Freud s theory the primitive instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle 19 Ego According to Freud the decision making component of personality that operate according to the reality principle 20 Superego According to Freud the moral component of personality that incorporates social standards about what represents right and wrong 21 CR A learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus that occurs because of previous 22 UCR An unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without conditioning previous conditioning 23 Negative Reinforcement when a response is strengthened because it is followed by the removal of an unpleasant stimulus 24 Reinforce A stimulus such as a reward the removal of an unpleasant event or a punishment that in operant conditioning maintains or strengthens a desired response 25 Punisher any aversive stimulus that is used as a consequence to an action for the purpose of decreasing or extinguishing repeated occurrences of that action 26 Self Efficacy belief about ones ability to perform behaviors that should lead to 27 paradox of progress As humans move forward in order to slove problems we expected outcomes create more problems Conscientiousness 28 Big Five Extraversion Neuroticism Openness to Experience Agreeableness 29 Extraversion Tend to be outgoing sociable upbeat friendly assertive and gregarious More of a positive outlook on life and are motivated to pursue social contact intimacy and interdependence 30 Neuroticism Tend to be anxious hostile self conscious insecure and vulnerable Also tend to overreact in respond to stress and show more impulsiveness and emotional instability toward others 31 Openness to Experience Associated with curiosity flexibility vivid fantasy imaginativeness aryistic sensitivity and unconventional attitudes Tend to be tolerant to ambiguity and have less need for closer 32 Agreeableness Tend to be symapathetic trusting cooperative modest and straightforward People who are on the opposite end of this personality are tend to be suspicious antagonistic and aggressive 33 Conscientiousness Tend to be diligent well organized punctual and dependable Associated with strong self discipline and have the ablility to regulate oneself effectively 34 Psychodynamic theory All the diverse theories desended from the work of Sigmund Freud that focus on unconscious mental force 35 Behaviorist theory A theoretical orientation based on the premise that scientific psycology should study observable behavior 36 Social Cognitive theory a specific approach in which these processes are studied according to the methods of cognitive psychology and information processing theory 37 Humanistic theory a psychological approach that emphasizes the study of the whole person Humanistic psychologists look at human behavior not only through the eyes of the observer but through the eyes of the person doing the behaving 38 Psychosexual Stages of Development Oral anal phallic latent gentital 39 Carl Jung proposed about human consciousness that the psyche was composed of three components the ego the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious 40 Alfred Adler emphasized in his explanation of personality development the uniqueness of the individual and the role of societal factors in shaping personality 41 Stimulus conditioned A previously neutral stimulus that after repeated association with an unconditione d stimulus elicits the response effected by the unconditioned stimulus itself 42 Stimulus unconditioned any stimulus that can evoke a response without the organism going through any previous learning the response to the US the unconditioned response occurs naturally 43 responses conditioned conditioned reflex A new or modified response elicited by a stimulus after conditioning Also called 44 uresponses nconditioned stimuli that can produce responses all by themselves and without any prior learning 45 Maslow s Hierarchy of needs Biological and physiological needs Safety needs love and belongingness needs esteem needs self actualization
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