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Folstein PSY3123c Final State Exam Cumulative review sheet Psych 3213c Research Methods April 19 2014 Section 1 1 To describe 2 To explain 3 To predict 4 To change What are the main goals of behavioral science What are the key elements of the scientific approach 1 Based on data 2 Accurate and objective 3 Shared with other scientist 4 Conclusions from data are constantly challenge and debated 5 Peer review What is the difference between a hypothesis and a prediction 1 Hypothesis are about the world in general 2 Predictions are about more specific data Why can t hypotheses be proven 1 Also uncertainty What is a theory what is the function of a theory and what are some different kinds of theories 1 A theory is a claim about the underlying structure of the world 2 Formal theory might take the form of an equation 3 Mechanical theory would describe in the conditions in the brain when associated to a bell with a smell of food 4 Categorization Grade how people name things 5 What is parsimony What makes one theory more parsimonious than another theory 1 Parsimony accounts for observations with the fewest possible mechanisms How can theories be used to generate ideas for an experiment 1 Theories could make different predictions about the same ting 2 Generate predictions 1 Folstein PSY3123c Final State Exam What is informed consent 1 Purpose expected duration and procedures 2 Declining and withdrawal 3 Consequences of declining or withdrawing 4 Risks discomfort or adverse effects 5 Prospective benefits 6 Limits of confidentiality 7 8 Contact Information Incentives for participation What are the main components of informed consent 1 Give a general decription of the project in which they are going to participate Inform the participants that no penalties will be invoked if they choose not to 2 participate 3 Clearly state that participants have the right to withdraw their participation at any time they desire What is the Institutional Review Board 1 IRB a campus review panel for the use of human participants in the research projects 2 Required for all insututions that receive federal funding 3 5 members scientist non scientist someone employed by institution someone not employed my instution and someone knowledge about that population What is plagiarism 1 Use someone else s work without giving credit to the original author What is deception and what is the difference between passive and active deception 1 Passive deception keeping secrets omission unrecognized or concealed observations 2 Active Deception telling lies commission Aschm 1956 PLACEBOO 3 Example AD Participants told they are in reaction time using a keyboard and warned not to press specific keys b c would damage computer LIE 60 seconds into the experiment computer stops working lie accused of pressing bad keys lie sometimes a confederate would witness the subject pressing it LIE 4 Benefits must be justified participants are warned of harm immediate debriefing 1 Final step 2 3 Slowly What is debriefing and what is the purpose of debriefing Involves explaining to participants the nature and purposes of the project 2 Folstein PSY3123c Final State Exam 4 5 Integrity as scientist not wrong or reflection on their integrity or intelligence same state of mind guarantees confidentiality and anonymity IMMEDIATELY following What are construct validity internal validity and external validity 1 Validity procuding the desired results 2 Truth or accuracy 3 Construct Validity Are we studying what we think we are studying Internal Validity Accuracy of claims about causation Elimination of 4 confounding variables 5 External vality do our findings tell us something about the world beyond our specific experiments If the same effect is observed in all groups the experiment has excelled external validity What is an operational definition 1 Operation Definition The set of procedures used to measure or manipulate a 2 Our scientific study has high construct validity if our operational definition is 3 Our scientific study how low construct validity if our operational definition is variable correct incorrect Be able to graph the following relationships positive linear negative linear positive monotonic negative monotonic u shaped inverted u shaped xxxxxxxxxx What is the difference between experimental and correlational methods What are the advantages and disadvantages of each 1 Experimental Methods Manipulate control or create one or more variables Measure a different variable or variables Analyze One variable is manipulated and another measures Manipulate means to cause to change or exert control over Make sure no confounding variables 2 Non experimental method CORRELATIONAL Measure multiple variables as they occur naturally Analyze STEP 1 operational definition of excersie and anxiety ASK how many people exercise per day Ask people how to rate their anxiety level on a scale of 1 10 STEP 2 get a bunch of people and ask them these things STEP 3 Plot and statistically analyze the relationship between our two measures Independent variable is the variable you think is casual 3 Folstein PSY3123c Final State Exam Dependent variable is the variable you think the independt variable causes to DISADVATAGE can t determine cause and effect Third variable problem no direct relationship instead a third variable has an effect on both CONFOUND VARIABLES change What is random assignment and why do we do it 1 Random assignment 2 3 Ex phone book If everyone was equal there would be an infinite possible confounding variables CONTROLLED THROUGHT RANDOM assignment What is the difference between an independent and dependent variable 1 Experimental Independent is the manipulate variable and dependent is the variable you measure 2 Correlation independent is what you think caused the change in dependent Section 2 What is reliability getting the same results each time What is split half reliability participant What is test retest reliability 1 When you measure the same thing multiple times how close are you from 1 Splitting items in half and calculating a total score on each half for each 1 Get many participant and give each one the test twice 2 Does each participant get a similar score on both If yes reliable 3 First score on the x axis second time on the y axis What is internal consistency reliability 1 Multiple questions or items 2 Split half reliability 3 Cronbach s alpha same as split half reliability but divide the items in half in 4 ever possibly way Item total correlations

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