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Final Exam Study Guide Chapters 11 12 13 CYU s and Vocabulary Chapter 11 CYUs 1 Define motivation and describe the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Motivation is the energizing force behind student learning Extrinsic motivation is motivation to engage in a behavior to receive some incentive whereas intrinsic motivation is motivation to be involved in an activity for its own sake 2 Describe the relationship between motivation and student achievement Teachers can increase students motivation to learn by beginning lessons with activities that attract students attention promoting high levels of student involvement in learning activities and helping students apply topics to the real world 3 What are the five essential steps in planning for instruction The steps in planning include the following A Select topics Standards curriculum guides textbooks and the teacher s professional knowledge are sources that help make this decision B Prepare learning objectives Though the format for preparing learning objectives varies the important aspect of preparing learning objectives is being clear about what you want students to know understand or be able to do C Prepare and organize learning activities Preparing and organizing learning activities often begin with finding or creating examples as a teacher teaching fractions might do by using pizzas or cakes D Prepare assessments Assessments that are created during planning instead of after learning activities have been completed help teachers focus their teaching on student learning outcomes E Ensure instructional alignment Instructional alignment means that teachers check that their learning activities and assessments are consistent with their objectives 4 What is the additional step when planning in a standards based environment When teacher planning involves standards the first step is to interpret the standard Descriptions of standards vary some are very specific whereas others are quite general When working with a standard described in general terms teachers need to first decide what the standard means in terms of student learning then they follow the rest of the planning steps they plan learning activities and assessments 5 Describe the Taxonomy for Learning Teaching and Assessing Based on Cognitive Science Taxonomy for Learning Teaching and Assessing Based on Cognitive Science is a system to classify objectives questions and assessment items The categories of the system include knowledge of facts definitions and other forms of memorized information such as knowing the definition of equivalent fractions comprehension understanding information such as the ability to state a problem in one s own words or identify an example of a concept such as understanding equivalent fractions application using what one knows to solve an original problem such as adding fractions with unlike denominators analysis the ability to break information into component parts and provide evidence to support conclusions such as explaining why adding one set of fractions requires forming equivalent fractions but adding another set does not synthesis combining information to create an original process or product such as constructing a unique process for finding a solution to a problem and evaluation making judgments about validity or quality of work based on a set of criteria such as determining which of two approaches to solving a problem is more efficient Then these categories of the cognitive process dimension are combined with the four categories of the knowledge dimension factual knowledge conceptual knowledge procedural knowledge and metacognitive knowledge to create a matrix with 24 cells 6 What are the essential teaching skills that all teachers should possess Essential teaching skills are the skills that all teachers including those in their first year of teaching should demonstrate regardless of topic or grade level They include beliefs and behaviors such as caring a teacher s investment in in the protection and development of young people high efficacy teachers beliefs in their abilities to help students learn regardless of students home lives the conditions of the school or the support of the school administration positive high expectations differences on how teachers treat students of high and low achievement questioning teacher effort feedback and emotional support and enthusiasm it s contagious occurs through modeling the tendency of people to imitate others behavior Effective teachers are also well organized the set of teacher actions that maximizes the amount of time available for instruction and they begin their lessons with reviews reminding students of prior knowledge necessary for understanding the content of the current lesson develop their lessons with questioning the single most effective way that you have to promote your students involvement expert teachers must excel in four areas of questioning frequency equitable distribution wait time and prompting provide their students with feedback information about current understanding that can be used to promote new learning and help students apply what they ve learned in new concepts closure and application is necessary after lessons some form of review at the end of lessons designed to help students organize what they ve learned into a meaningful idea 7 How are direct instruction lecture discussion guided discovery and cooperative learning similar and different All of these are instructional strategies prescriptive approaches to teaching designed to help students acquire a deep understanding of specific forms of knowledge They differ in the types of goals they re designed to help students reach For example direct instruction is designed to help students develop skills such as adding fractions lecture discussion is designed to help students understand how ideas in a large body of information are related and guided discovery is designed to help students understand concepts and other abstractions Cooperative learning is designed to support each of the other strategies and helps students acquire social interaction skills 8 What is differentiating instruction Differentiating discussion is the process of adapting instruction to meet the needs of students who vary in background knowledge skills needs and motivations is a response to this diversity Some ways of differentiating instruction include giving extra time offering small group support and creating multi ability tasks open ended use

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