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Urban politics final exam study guide Marschall Paper The new racial calculus Electoral Institutions and black representation in local legislatures Longitudinal data Two stage process The size of the black population and electoral arrangements matter more than ever especially for overcoming the representational hurdle Legislative size in an underappreciated mechanism by which to increase representation o Particularly in At large elections More black representation in single member districts Larger population threshold in at large systems Oliver Paper Vote Choice in Suburban Elections Survey data o Phone survey of randomly selected registered voters Suburban politics are dominated by a non representative group of stakeholders who are highly informed and interested in local affairs o Stakeholders typically homeowners educated parents of school age children sense of home in the community Community size is the most important determinant of local electoral politics Suburban voters are more likely to base their decisions on the candidates stances on specific issues rather than party id or personal traits In suburbs that are larger or less diverse voters are less informed about or interested in local politics and tend to support incumbents more often In suburbs that are smaller in size its voters become more animated by issues involved in local politics and more likely to support challengers for office The smaller and more diverse and the more political conflict the more voters will be informed interested and motivated by a particular issue Where turnout is low elections will be driven more by the concerns of the motivated stakeholders rather than by the general group membership Politics of small democracies can be as issue specific partisan and candidate centered as many larger elections No riots in New Orleans because people have a sense of home there is something Percy Paper New Orleans Mon Amour unique there lots of good restaurants New York is a vacuum Mobile is a pressure cooker most interesting city in America New Orleans seems to be habitable by everyone without doing anything to make it that way while other cities like Detroit try really hard with no progress Mardi Gras run by men women have no say in it King Zulu heads the Black mardi gras parade Praying for Sheetrock Melissa Greene Ed Finch shot in the face mouth by police started black movement Thurnell Alston and the black community went to city hall and demanded change Thurnell Alston Sammy Pinkney and Nathaniel Grovner three musketeers Thurnell s first job was as a turpentiner with his dad Thurnell s wife s name was Rebecca becka GLSP Lawyers sued city and county o City denied discrimination Ended up being split into two districts north and south o County settled Divided into four voting precincts Tom Poppell sheriff who ran shit he was law o Owned S S truck stop front for prostitution o Allowed blacks in office to get federal money o Never indicted for any crimes o After his death his way of ruling running shit fell apart The boycott o They took over city hall again o All blacks voted to boycott Darien business owned and run by the white people o Why The mayor fired all the blacks employed by the city o Lasted three weeks o The list of objectives demands was distributed in the Darien News Thurnell finally gets elected and immediately feels rage First lawsuit was about jury selection Second and third lawsuits were about voter discrimination Thurnell never voted with his white coworkers he never allowed unanimous votes Thurnell s son Keith dies while crossing the street after buying moonpies for himslf and his twin sisters o Thurnell never really greaves his death but he was devistated o Thurnell s wife blames him because the day before he ignored Keith and keith told his mom that he wished he was dead o Thurnell s marriage started to end the day Keith died o Thurnell started to hang out with Irvan drug user small time dealer Thurnell become corrupt o J R comes to him offers him money Thurnell suggests 1 200 biweekly to help him open a teen club o The teen club talk turned into real club talk and the need for a liquor license o Thurnell helps J R get the license o J R uses Thurnell to rely drug messages to Irvan o Thurnell and Irvan get arrested for the involvement with J R o J R is an undercover cop Thurnell goes to jail o He finally gets to rest and finally greaves for Keith o Gets divorced She Marley did not have to sell the hotel because they found Indian bones Sunshine State Speaker Brian Driskell Knight Philadelphia politics Street money Endorsements Corrupt politics

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FSU POS 3122 - Urban politics

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