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Can use energy from the sun to make organic matter o C02 H2O Sunlight CH2o O2 Good Studying Mates 3 27 Chapter 12 Plankton Plankton are the most biomass on earth o Phytoplankton Autotrophic organisms o Zooplankton o Bacterioplankton Heterotrophic Eat other organism Very small very abundant viruses o Viroplankton Viruses in the ocean Plankton Classes based on life cycle o Holoplankton o Meroplankton Spend entire lives as plankton Spend juvenile life as plankton Plankton Classes based on size o Marcoplankton Large floaters o Mircoplankton Jelly fishes Very small floaters such as bacterioplankton and veroplankton Benthos Organisms that live on or near the oceans bottom Epifauna Benthic animals that live on the surface of a substrate such as rocks pilings marine vegetation or the sea or lake floor it Epifauna may attach themselves to such surfaces or range freely over them as by crawling or swimming Mussels crabs starfish and flounder are epifaunal animals Infauna Aquatic animals that live in the substrate of a body of water especially in a soft sea bottom o Benthos organisms are most abundant in shallow water but their populations are limited by the amount of food left in the oceans bottom 3 28 There is more biomass in cooler water because of upwelling Marine organism are classified by the type of environments they are able to live in o Temperature dependent Stenothermal o Salinity dependent Steno small variations Organism that can live with only small temperature changes they reside mainly in the deep oceans where temperature doesn t change often Organisms that is able to stand large variations in the ocean temperature They reside along coastal waters Eurythermal Sternohaline describes an organism usually fish that cannot handle a wide fluctuation in the salt content of water Stenohaline is derived from the words steno meaning narrow and haline meaning salt o Found in Open ocean Euryhaline organisms are able to adapt to a wide range of salinities o Found in coastal waters Salinity adaptations concentration Diffusion the transfer or salt from high concentration to low Osmosis the transfer of water from lower to higher salinity o Hypertonic low salinity less than that of the o Hypertonic high salinity more than that of the surroundings surroundings o Isotonic same salinity as the surroundings Water goes from hypotonic solution to hypertonic Chapter 13 Marine Vs Freshwater fish o Marine fish Highly concentrated small urine They secrete salt because of their high salt concentration Lost their water through gills o Freshwater Fish Release a lot of dilute urine Picks up water though osmosis and diffusion Kidneys excel excess water Dissolved gasses o Animals extract dissolved oxygen Ocean zones are based on light availability o Euphotic surface where light availability is high and enough to support photosynthesis o Disphotic small but measurable quantities of light usually stops at 1000 meters o Aphotic no light is available below 1000 meters of the surface Fisheries o Fisheries All Marine organisms taken out of water for commercial reasons 1 Shrimp 2 Fish 3 Clams Most of continental shelves 3 8 from Open Ocean Over Fishing any given time o Standing Stock the mass present of an organism in an ecosystem particular region at o Overfishing when fish are harvested before sexually mature Standing stock is depleted Taking more than maximum sustainable yield o Maximum Sustainable Yield the maximum that can be removed yearly and still have sustained the capital amount We tend to take out the biggest of fish which are most capable to reproduce A The bigger the fish the more offspring it can produce Fish are being captured illegally and not all overfishing is documented so estimations are actually lower o By Catch Non Commercially species are taken incidentally by commercial fisheries and they are thrown out and die because of the time they ve spent outside the water Bycatching is Illegal A Tuna and Dolphin let to Marine Mammals Protection act o Fishermen catch tuna and while catching them they capture the dolphins which die and get thrown overboard o Requested selective fishing laws but it takes so much money to enforce laws that it didn t go underway US people decided to only buy fish with dolphin safe stamps People were forced to change Fisheries Management method to control fish intake Found balancing point which how much resources can be used without damaging the existence of the resource A They want self sustaining marine ecosystem B Regulations in place Canada is major enforcer and places up north C We need Ecosystem Based Fishery Management o We need educated public to stop this overfishing Chapter 14 Adaptations o Avoid Sinking with internal adaptations Pelagic Small animals are denser than water therefore should sink but don t Zooplankton Have large surface area which helps the float Have spines that help them float Secrete oils that help them float Big animals with hard containers o Avoid sinking with external adaptations I e Squids Have gas containers where they store oxygen which helps them to float Soft organisms with swim bladders Let gas in and out from swim bladder causing them to go down and up Some fish just swim up when they are sinking Copepods tiny crustaceans with body and legs that they use to travel around 80 of zooplankton in any ocean is Copepods 10 Chetognaths or arrow worms have hook like structure to feed Krill larger zooplankton important in Antarctic waters because they are fed on by blue whales o Swimming Organisms Squid Trap water and push it out making it moves in the desired direction Fish angulating thrust motion using caudal fin Back 4 Types of fins o ROUNDED CAUDAL FIND for flexible movements but very slow o TUNCATE OR FORK FIN good for thrust and fast movements o LUNATE FIN Built for speed thrust power o Heterocercal fins similar to lunate Sharks fast speeds but can t make quick turns has additional fin that provides thrust to go up 4 11 13 Coldblooded vs warm blooded Poikilothermic o Body same temp as ocean o Cold Environments o Slow sluggish Homoeothermic o Regulate body temp and can change their own heat o Very fast o Warm environments Adaptations for feeding Lungers o Sit and wait predators Don t move but when prey come by the lung at it and kill it o They have mainly white muscle tissue thick muscle rids White muscles good for quick acceleration Not good for going long distances Lots of power but very little endurance They have truncate fins Ex

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FSU OCE 4008 - Plankton

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