Chapters 10 15 Chapter 10 I The Metropolitan Turf Wars A The Beginning 1 Overtime cities became fragmented into distinct neighborhoods often with sharply 2 Suburbanization defined boundaries a b Gave residents of more privileged neighborhoods a set of tools for excluding It increased the geographic distances separating urban populations accentuated this tendency in 2 respects racial and ethnic groups they considered undesirable B Beginning of segregation 1 Developers routinely imposed deed restrictions forbidding property owners from selling to blacks and other groups they deemed a threat to property values a Eventually overturned by courts 2 Zoning Laws though remain largely unchanged and remain an effective strategy for 3 Common Interest Developments regulating residential developments Privately governed gated communities are beginning to evolve more greatly with the potential to create a landscape as fragmented as in the past a Concentrated in the Sunbelt with Florida Texas and Cali leading way C How the suburbs became segregated 1 The present suburban pattern was firmly established in the years following WWII 2 The Federal Housing Authority and Veterans Administration of 1944 a The FHA ensured loans made by banks The VA gave loans to returning vets to 3 To an extent racial and social segregation between cities and suburbs as well as among suburban jurisdictions was fated by the actions of developers a Developers virtually invented an iconic image of the American dream the b A means of escaping the problems of the cities and live in a closely regulated buy homes suburban house social environment D Jessie Clyde Nichols William J Levitt and community builders 1 A major land developer in Kansas city who brought a scientific approach to land 2 Argued that planning was not only compatible with private profit but could actually development increase profits in long run a good planning is good business suburban shopping center 3 Developed the country club district in Kansas City and build the nation s first 4 5 Limiting to the upper class a Self perpetuating deed restrictions laid down by developer required owners to follow requirements b Restrictions specified minimum lot sizes minimum cost and color and style of houses Specified that the houses could be bought only by whites c Levitt Sons William J levitt a Followed Nichols model but also encouraged working class families b Became the largest home builder in US c Transformed Hempstead long island and assured in the biggest private housing d project in history nicknamed Levittown 82 000 residents 1947 51 Levittown had many restrictive covenants like grass being cut and no fences or clothes lines e Not a single black family lived in it E The Imperative of Racial Segregation 1 In 1908 the National Association of Real Estate Boards was established to represent the interests of builders and real estate agents a Real estate boards were guided by written codes of ethics prohibiting members from introducing detrimental minorities in white neighborhoods b Textbooks and training materials pointed out that real estate agent were c ethically bound to promote homogenous neighborhoods Shelly v Kreamer could not be enforced the US Supreme Court ruled that racially restrictive covenants 2 Banks refused to make loans to blacks trying to buy in white neighborhoods and agents refused to show them homes 3 Suburbs did not begin to open up to blacks until the passing of the 1968 Housing 4 Covenants Contracts and Restrictions Act Barred racial discrimination in sale and rental of housing a List of rules the buyer had to sign before moving in mainly to enforce the homogeneity of the neighborhood CC Rs b Still used by every Home Owners Association today c Could not be used to exclude certain groups F The Walling off of Suburbs Incorporation 1 Los Angelo s was able to keep consolidation by monopolizing the water supply until 1927 a The Metropolitan Water District in 1927 Lakewood Plan allowed suburbs to contract municipal services b The number of suburbs multiplied 2 For some the motive to incorporate was industrial a EJ Baldwin Incorporated Arcadia in SoCal so he could open his own racetrack and escape gambling law use a b The meatpacking industry and Monsanto company incorporated suburbs of E St Louis to escape high taxes 3 By 1930 every state legislature had adopted liberalized incorporation laws that allowed suburban residents to determine if they wanted to become annexed by the city or remain independent thus controlling their own destiny G Walling off the suburbs Zoning 1 Zoning is probably the most powerful tool municipalities can use to control land Its origins are rooted with the desire to make it difficult or impossible for less affluent to settle nearby b The first zoning law was enacted in New York City in 1916 To protect Fifth Avenue from encroachment 2 Purpose is to stabilize and protect lawful investment and not injure assessed valuations or existing uses 3 New York s zoning laws a Residential uses assumed first place followed by commercial business districts by building height and warehouses and industry in last b After only 1 year 20 cities had initiated zoning 4 The Department of Commerce drafted the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act serving as the model for zoning in all nations cities 5 Economic zoning is still the most effective way of keeping undesirables out regulations requiring specified minimum floor space Large lot zoning requirements and use of particular building materials a b Most common device for raising minimum price of homes H The Challenge to Exclusionary Zoning 1 Oklahoma City had attempted to use zoning ordinance to exclude apt s the fed said it cannot enact zoning ordinances that had the effect of excluding minorities 2 The Black Jack MS Case went to the supreme court saying exclusionary zoning had a discriminatory effect even if it did not have discriminatory intent it was over a multi unit housing that had been forbidden a Had an enormous impact as local gov everywhere would find their land use 3 Supreme Court in 1971 upheld the discrimination on the basis of income was not practices subject to challenge unconstitutional Chapter 11 I Governing the Fragmented Metropolis A Urban sprawl and New urban form B The New Urban Form 1 Urban sprawl has and the problems of regional governance maybe grouped under three labels a New Regionalism b Smart Growth c New Urbanism people to suburbs creates blighted communities a They
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