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Final Theatre Study Guide TERMS Actors Luis Valdez father of Chicano theatre Writer of los vendidos Agitprop agitational propaganda excite an audience into action Alienation Effect eliminate illusion that the things happening on stage are real Astor Place Riot conflict between two actors Edwin Forrest is a physical actor most popular in the 19th century American actor he beat himself with a tennis ball William Charles Macready is an English actor who identifies with the upper class They both played roles of Macbeth on the same night which caused a huge riot The Black Crook the first musical at niblo s garden theatre lasted more than 5 and half hours a fire destroyed the theatre which left dancers stranded This caused the beginning of musicals in America Blocking the movement on stage Book Integrated Musical not always written as a book first they usually always end happy continue to refer to the plot or story all the time The first musical was Oklahoma Burlesque started as a parody of plays always showed lots of skin the first show grossed over 370 000 00 working class entertainment Concept Fragmented Musical usually end with dark endings dark theme characters and plot are developed as needed the theme and idea is primary The Cradle Will Rock 1937 by marc Blitzstein dealt with unions and problems with steel During the federal theatre project Cult of Shakespeare a social phenomenon which worships Shakespeare and his work It reveals translations staging and screening of Shakespeare s life Dime Museum freak shows Ripley s believe it or not put a person on display because they look different middle class entertainment Fords Theatre john Wilkes booth killed Abe Lincoln on April 14 1865 He is our American cousin Fourth Wall looking in to what is going on from the boundary if the actor begins to interact with the audience then they are breaking the boundary Given imagined circumstances given need a summary of fences to make the description gives us information about the character Imagined objective is what the actor wants can make up the character Globe theatre reconstruction it was important to build a theatre that was authentic to the globe theatre of William Shakespeare The original theatre was in London and it is associated with William Shakespeare A fire destroyed it the same theatre was built on the same ground GRID 1981 the AIDs crisis began GRIDS stands for gay related immunodeficiency disease this was from angels in America Humours this is the explanation why people had certain temperaments It had to do with the various bodily fluids that people had Knap it is a sound affect or a voice that takes place for something For example instead of slapping someone they make the sound affect Magic if the power to get into character you say what would I do IF I WAS in this situation it is a method of acting Melodrama poetic justice character types clear cut action and spectacle poetic justice battles floods earth quakes example the octoroon Objective what the actor wants or is working for Off Broadway they are all located in Manhattan new york between 5th and 9th avenues and 34 56th street the type of Broadway is determined by the number of seats that are in the house off Broadway has 100 499 seats Off broad way has 99 seats or less It is the birthplace of many great plays many people start their careers here and it allows experimentation and fun satire Broadway also in New York City it is huge made up of seats with 500 and more Oklahoma it is the first musical often ends happily integrated or book musical linked to golden age of American musical Production Concept the director s approach to the play the execution to the central theme and idea part of the directing process Quem Quaeritas medieval drama Latin for who do you speak Rapier and Dagger a type of stage combat weapon these weapons are usually paired together Realism set the stage for realism truth reenacting something nothing is ever really true henrik Ibsen is the father of realism long term effect on theatre created in a way so that it is dramatic and exciting Shakespeare Conspiracy the idea that Shakespeare did not write all of his work they said that his education does not correlate with his extremely well written plays Social Drama theatre for social change this included different social problems in society questions morality good vs evil also shows problems with individuals vs the society most of Greek theatre august Wilson lots of things we read this year waiting for lefty Stage Yankee a character that is good loyal hard working protects the weaker archetype of the American dream This person is someone who works hard to succeed not always the brightest For example forest Gump Tactic the strategies someone uses to get the objective needs to try different things to get by the obstacles that come in the way 10 of 12 during dress rehearsals they may be working for 10 hours out of the 12 hour work shift This would mean that they would get a 2 hour break Tragedy and the Common Man argued that in the USA we have to reevaluate how we look at tragedy 1949 Arthur Miller Vaudeville clean family entertainment it is a clean version of Saturday nightlife cannot curse and there is no sexual content Diagrams People Groups Blue man group type of modern physical theatre make sure you come in to the presentation early they will pick on you take a camera and record you as you do the walk of shame then they sing a song about the late person They encourage you to drink alcohol during this performance John Wilkes booth killed Abe Lincoln at the ford s theatre British actor Bertolt Brecht was famous for distancing the audience This is called the alienation effect eliminates the illusion that things happening on stage are real doesn t want emotional involvement Chris burden found in SHOOT and gang movies or the mafia Cirque du soleil colors and cultures combine in a world beyond human limitation with the integration of music dances puppetry mimes or acrobatics Federal theatre project 1935 1939 began agitprop is when they try to excite an audience into action Edwin Forrest part of the Astor place riot in 1849 many issues still going on with identity he is a physical actor who was the most popular American actor He got in a riot with another guy who was playing Macbeth at a nearby theatre Coco fusco Guillermo Gomez Pena dress up as natives go into a large cage and go on tour they made people think that they were FORCED to do this undiscovered

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