AMH2095 Study Guide Final Monday April 25th 10 00am 12 00pm Identifies 1 AIM a American Indian Movement A non tribal based activist group Helped to shape state and federal policy Helped to meet the social needs of native people Linked to Red Power and other social activism of the era 2 Allotment and Severalty a Related to the Dawes Act aka General Allotment Act Allotments were primarily given to full bloods However it was up to Congress and BIA agents to determine Indian identity Broke down the family ties Created nuclear households instead of extended family homes Sometimes whites would pretend to Indians to get the land 3 Boarding Schools a Schools that coerced children into cutting their hair and changing their clothes The goal was to force young natives into American culture 4 Carlisle School a Created and established by Pratt Was a boarding school famous for the plaque that stated kill the Indian to save the man 5 Charles Eastman a Native That walked in 2 different worlds was removed from reservation and sent to boarding school Became a doctor and worked for the BIA and sought to help Natives POSTERCHILD OF BEING IN TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS 6 Dawes Act a Aka General Allotment Act Had a goal of assimilation Wanted to creating citizen farmers Reservation lands were split and held in trust for 25 years then given fee simple deeds There was lots of fraud and land sales About 3 4th of Indian land lost or sold Resulted in increased poverty and over crowding 7 Domestic Dependent Nation a Reservations in the West were also known as domestic dependent nations It was the idea that the Indian reservations were nation within the U S and that the U S held law over them 8 Forced Relocation a Many Indians voluntarily move as migrants in wartime But after the war coercing and convincing tactics were common BIA created programs to move families to cities Employment programs were created in the cities Marked the end of communal life 9 Ghost Dance a Native American modern tradition 10 Indian Renaissance 11 Indian s New Deal 12 Kill the Indian to Save the Man a Reservations were designed to break down the Indian identity The BIA was used to break down tribal units Agents came on to reservations to run land and replace the chief Schools were forced to ban traditional language and culture Dances and cultural ceremonies were labeled as taboo 13 Leonard Peltier a Leonard Peltier was part of the Shootout at Pine Ridge Convicted for the murder of two FBI agents in 1975 There was a lot of conflicting and recanted evidence The story later became a movie He is still in prision a The idea that it was God s plan that America will stretch and expand from coast to coast Used to explain American expansion 14 Manifest Destiny 15 Merian Report a Aka The Problem of Indian Administration 1928 Addressed at the problems with the BIA and policy It is an 872 page Brookings Institute study Addressed the issues of widespread poverty malnutrition disease ridden communities and no long term planning It called for the revamping of federal approach to Indians Wanted to close boarding schools encouraged local education end allotment and promote cultural self determination 16 NAGPR 17 Richard Pratt 18 Red Cloud a The act that deals will remains of Native Americans that are older than 50 years Predominantly for archaeology purposes Stands for Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act a In 1875 Richard Pratt takes 72 Plains warriors to Florida for civilization by immersion He was the head of the Carlisle Indian School Beginning of Indian boarding schools that taught assimilation more so then academics a Red Cloud was a Oglala Sioux He stopped the US army at the Bozeman Trail He lured the US army in to an ambush It was known as the Winter of 100 slain Red Cloud wins the battles and then councils for peace He is later asked to give up the land for the Transcontinental Railroad in1869 However he stated the lands are for his children and their futures a The desire to revitalize native culture and keep it alive Creation of 19 Revitalization Movement ghost dance was a result 20 Self Determination a 1965 1980 The rise of self determination corresponded with the rise of liberalism and the Civil Rights Movement It was a time of re forged tribal identities and communities motivated by a Pan Indian movement or Red Power The idea of Self determination helped to undo some of the damages of Termination 21 Sioux Rebellion a The Sioux Rebellion occurred in Minnesota in 1862 300 Sioux Indians were tried and 38 were executed 22 Termination a The goal of termination was assimilation After WWII the main ideas were conservatism and Americanism Targeted tribes who were deemed ready for their Indians the receive citizenship It ended the role of BIA s mismanagement in the Indian lives Termination was very anti Bureaucracy 23 Trail of Broken Treaties 24 Urban Indians a AIM march on Washington made 20 claims and demands a Removed from reservations and sent to cities for the purpose of assimilation into American society Often left natives in ghettos and facing sterotypes 25 Wounded Knee Battle a Battle and slaughter of Sioux women and children in attempt to bring and or force onto the reservation 26 Wounded Knee Occupation a AIM took control of the site during the red power movement Held the site as if saying we still are here Essay Questions 1 Explain the three biggest trends in Native American history since the end of the Indian Wars 1880 to the present 2 Based on modern history do you think Native communities should be optimistic or pessimist about the future Give at least three reasons with historical
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