MSU ISS 215 - Intro to Poverty and Hunger

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ISS 215 1st edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Poet Model II Organization of Hunger in Society Outline of Current Lecture III Culture and Hunger IV Environment V Technology Current Lecture Culture and Hunger Individualism and Hunger Ethnic Wars and Hunger Illiteracy Wastage of Food o Many wars around the world are caused by lack of food Environment Lack of resources o Some regions around the world don t have resources in their environment and because of this the community around it suffers Climate Depletion of Soil Low productivity in agriculture Technology Lack of technology o Most poor countries don t have the money available to create new technology that wealthier countries do Because of this they fall behind on the growing technologies of the day Transfer of inappropriate technology These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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MSU ISS 215 - Intro to Poverty and Hunger

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