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Anatomical Terms Chapter 1 Supine Position Body is horizontal Lying on the back Prone Position The body is horizontal Lying on the stomach Arm Shoulder and elbow Forearm Elbow to wrist Thigh Groin and knee Leg Knee and ankle Chest Area between neck and diaphram Contains heart and lungs Abdomen Area of the truck between diaphrgm and hip bone Contains digestive organs Pelvis Area of the trunk below the hip bone contains internal reproductive organs and urinary bladder Groin Area on the anterior surface marked by a crease where the lower limb attaches to the pelvis al ic ar and ary Mean adjectives um us is and a Means nouns Axial Central part of the body the head and trunk Cephalic Pertaining to the head Cranial Portion of the skill surrounding the brain Facial face Frontal forehead Orbital eye Otic ear Nasal nose Buccal cheeck Oral mouth Mental Chin Occipital Back of head Cervical Neck Thoracic Chest Sternal Breast Bone Pectoral Chest Mammary Breast Abdominal abdomen Umbilical Navel Coxal Hip Pelvic Pelvis Pubic Genetial Area Dorsal Back Vertebral Spinal Column Lumbar Area of the back between the lowest rib and buttocks Directional Terms Superior Above The head is superior to the neck Inferior Below The neck is interior to the head Anterior Ventral Closer to front of body The lips are anterior to the teeth Posterior Dorsal Closer to the back of body The teeth are posterior to the lips Medial Closer to the midline of body The nose is medial to the eyes Lateral Farther from midline of the body The eyes are lateral to the nose Intermediate Between two structures The elbow is intermediate between the shoulder and wrist Ipsilateral On same side of body The right arm and right leg are ipsilateral Contralateral On opposite sides of the body The right arm and left arm are contralateral Proximal Nearer to point of attachment of limb to trunk The elbow is proximal to the wrist Distal Farther from point of attachment of limb to trunk The wrist is distal to the elbow Superficial Closer to surface of body The skin is superficial to the muscle Deep Farther from surface of the body The muscles are deep to the skin Body Planes and Sections Sagittal Plane Vertically through body or organs and divide them into right and left sections Midsagittal Plane Vertically through the midline and divides the body into equal right and left halves Parasagittal Plane Divides body into unequal parts Frontal Coronal Plane Vertically through the body organs and prodcues anterior and posterior sections Transverse Plane Horizontally through the body and produces superior and inferior sections Oblique Planes Pass through the body at an angle forming oblique sections Longitudinal Sections Sections that are produced by a plane running along the long axis of a long narrow structure Cross Sections Sections that are produced by a plan running perpendicular to the long axis Chapter 2 Organ Systems and Body Cavities Overview of Organ Systems Thoracic Cavity Space enclosed by the ribs sternum and vertebral coloumn Pericardial Cavity Around the heart Pleural Cavities Around the lung Mediastium Central area within the thoracic cavity extends from the neck to the diaphragm and from the sternum to the vertebral coloumn Abdominopelvic Cavity Two continuous cavities abdominal and pelvic retroperitonal Located posterior to the peritoneum Pancreas kidney adernal glands portions of the large intestines Pelvic Cavity Large intestines rectum urinary bladder female reproductive organs and male reproductive organs Testes and penis are not located in the pelvic cavity but are located inferior to it Serous Membranes Serous Membrane Visceral layer and parietal layer Visceral layer Covers the organ Parietal Layer Attaches to and covers the ventral body wall Pleura Covers the lungs Pericardium Covers the heart peritoneum Covers the abdominal organs Chapter 8 Bone Structure and Function Epiphyses Enlarged proximal and distal ends of long bones Diaphysis Middle shaft area Metaphyses Area in an adult bone where the epiphyses and diaphysis join Epiphyseal Plate Hyaline cartilage Epiphyseal Line Bone growth stops when the epiphyseal plate cartilage becomes ossified and forms a bony structure Articular Cartilage Composed of hyaline cartilage Covers both epiphyses Periosteum Rest of the bone exterior is covered with a tough connective tissue membrane Medullary Cavity Hallow center of the bony diaphysis Small amount of spongy bone found in this cavity Endosteum Medullary cavity is lined with a connective tissue membrane Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts Bone formation bone tissue repair and bone remodeling Central Haversian Canal Longitudinally Blood vessels lymphatic vessels and nerves that serve compact bone tissue Perforating Volmann Canals Blood vessels lymphatic vessels and verves travel from the periosteum to the central canal through Chapter 9 Axial Skeleton Axial Skeleton Composed of 80 bones located along a vertical line the longitudinal axis of the body Bones support and protect the organs of the head neck and torso Appendicular Skeleton appendere to hang upon Composed of 126 bones that make up the upper limbs lower limbs and the bones of the girdles that attach the limbs to the axial skeleton Cranial Bone Bony cavity that harbors and protects the brain and houses organs of hearing and equilibrium Facial Bones Provide shape of the face house the teeth and provide attachment for all the muscles of facial expression Parietal Bones 2 paries wall Superior lateral walls of cranial cavity Temporal Bones 2 Inferior lateral walls of cranial cavity House organs of inner ear Frontal Bone Anterior portion of cranial cavity Occipital Bone occipit atlas Posterior wall of cranial cavity Sphenoid Bone sphen wedges eidos form Floor of cranial cavity posterior to ethmoid Ethmoid Bone ethmos sieve Floor and anterior wall of cranial cavity Coronal Suture corona crown Joins frontal and parietal bones Sagittal Sutures sagitta arrow Joins parietal bones Lambdoid shape of the Greek letter lambda Joins both parietal bones with occipital bone Squamous Suture 2 squama scale Join temporal and pariental bones Maxillae 2 Fused upper jaw Zygomatic Bones 2 zygoma yoke or bar Cheek bone Lacrimal Bones lacri tear Portion of orbit of eyes near nasal bones Nasal Bone 2 Bridge of bone Inferior Nasal Conchae 2 concha shell or scroll shaped Forms lateral walls of nasal cavity Palatine Bones 2 palatum palate Fused bones that form posterior part of hard palate Mandible mandere to chew

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FSU PET 3322L - Anatomical Terms

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