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PUR3000 Exam 2 04 24 2013 Chapter 1 What is PR Two way communication seeks feedback PR practitioners must get feedback and pass it to management R A C E PR is a Process R research what is situation A action of planning plan to do something about it C communication execution of plan E evaluation was the audience reached and what was the effect Spin Originally positive Lying spin doctor Today positive slant on an event or information with a point of view or Third party endorsement by using PR articles newspapers endorse PR as management function The management communication function that evaluates public attitudes identifies policies and decisions of an individual or an organization with the public interest and executes a program of action to earn public understanding Management Function Practitioner should in highest decision making part of management Chapter 2 The Evolution of Public Relations Stages in evolution of PR PR s ancient roots planned persuasion began in 1800 BC in Iraq where farm bulletins including latest technologies were distributed Ancient Egypt Rosetta Stone helped us understand hieroglyphics The info on the stones was actually publicity releases of Pharaoh s accomplishments Ancient Greece Greece s Olympic games used techniques to promote their athletes Ancient Rome Julius Caesar was the first politician to publish a book Commentaries As Roman emperor his PR tactics rallied public support for his wars Middle Ages Roman Catholic Church s Pop Urban II persuaded thousands to serve G d Holy Crusades against Muslims were used to spread Christianity Catholic Church s Pope Gregory XV used propaganda to propagate faith train priests and supervise foreign Colonial America colonists tried to persuade King George III they had the same rights missions as English First slogan Taxation without representation First greatest and best know publicity stunt Boston Tea Party Early American Education Harvard produced first fund raising brochure King s College Columbia University issued first news release 1800 s America experience the Golden Age of Press Agentry Most well know press agent Phineas T Barnum Promotes America s first entertainment celebrities Amos Kendall member of President Jackson s Kitchen cabinet became first press secretary Publicity and promotion helped populate western U S Post Civil War The Industrial Revolution JP Morgan William Vanderbilt John D Rockefeller Henry Clay 1990 1950 s The Pioneers of PR first PR agencies Ivy Lee became first PR counsel Began open two way communication with news media Edward L Bernays father of modern PR Used behavioral psychology Eras since 1920 Journalistic era PR in the 1950 s WWII brought growth to PR Modern PR 1980 s strategic became buzzword MBO management by objective PR Today Internet influence Feminization Chapter 3 Ethics 3 basic value orientations tell the truth act with honesty and integrity emphasize education may censure or expel but no license is required Accreditation licensing Requires five years experience Bachelor s degree pass test Movement to require continuing education V N R s Code for VNRs Question of whether public is notified of course of VNR Code for Good practice calls for accurate reliable info Is sponsor identified in opening Those interviewed clearly identified on tape Gifts to influence publication PR practitioners should not provide junkets of doubtful news value extravagant parties expensive gifts and personal favors to the media P R S A Public Relations Society of America 20 000 members 116 national chapters top 4 responsibilities 1 media relations 2 writer editor 3 marketing communications 4 corporate communications codes of ethics Advocacy Honesty Expertise Independence Loyalty Fairness Chapter 4 Public Relations Departments and Firms Line and staff functions positions PR management Military type structure Line manger sets rules and everyone under follows the rules Lines product revenue Line manager 1 authority Has power to give order to subordinates Staff managers no direct authority Cant delegate authority Responsible for attaining the organizations goals as efficiently as possible Indirectly influence works of others using suggestion or recommendations Offer advice support and service to line departments Sources of friction for PR Outsourcing using outside PR personnel in communication activities firms Many firms spend more than 40 of their budgets on outside PR Why outsource To bring in expertise and resources not found inside To supplement ongoing internal activity Most frequent activities to outsource Writing and communication needs Media relations expertise Publicity needs Strategy and planning Event planning Pros of outsourced firms credibility geographic Cons Objectivity variety of skills extensive recourses special problems solving skills Superficial grasp of problem lack of full time commitment need for prolonged briefing period need from strong direction by top management need for full info and confidence Advantages disadvantages of using PR firms Pros Objectivity A variety of skills and expertise Extensive resources Offices throughout the country Special problem solving skills Credibility Cons Superficial grasp of client s problems Lack of full time commitment Need for a long briefing period Resentment by internal staff Need for strong direction by top management Need for full information and confidence Costs George Westinghouse first public relations department 1889 hired 2 men to publicize pet project Alternating current electricity AC Chapter 5 Research Research as a tool PR is a process Research is 1st step 1 To achieve credibility with management if you want to be seen as good in public relations learn to do research 2 To define targets you don t know who your target will be until you know who your target is target consists of lifestyles demographics consumption patterns 3 To find the right strategy pollution economy 4 To test messages Ex A paper mill began a program to tell its local community what it was doing about The research showed community already new what it was doing So the strategy changed I became telling community how the mill affected community s Ex Auto dealers thought hybrid buyers wanted to buy to save the environment Wrong Changed strategy toward consumers wanting to save money on gas 5 Helps management stay in touch Periodical surveys help companies know what s on consumers minds 90 of organizational crises are caused not by natural disasters but by

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