P a g e 1 Study Guide Test 2 Sp2013 DIE 4310 Fall 2012 Professor Dr Jenice Rankins Designing Community Interventions Chapter 15 1 Be able to describe how to design a community intervention such as understanding the target group having tools choosing the right strategy Need to understand behavior of target population Must have tools or strategies to influence behavior Is targeted at a nutrition related problem An effective nutrition intervention program o Integrates good instructional design and learning principles o Uses media that facilitate a high degree of individualization o Is undergirded by a behavior change theory 2 Describe and give examples of the different levels of intervention strategies Such as build awareness create a supportive environment provide incentives for behavioral change at individual community and system levels Build awareness Create a supportive environment Provide incentives for behavioral change at individual community and system level 3 Describe discuss five theories models of health behavior Diffusion of innovation Social Cognitive Theory Theory of Reasoned Action Health Belief Model Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change know their constructs definitions and examples of their application in designing community nutrition interventions Diffusion of Innovation Model o Developed to explain how a product or idea becomes accepted by a majority of consumers o Consists of four stages Knowledge person is aware of the innovation and has acquired some information Persuasion Person forms an attitude either in favor of or Decision Person performs activities that lead to adopting against the innovation or rejecting the innovation Confirmation Person seeks reinforcement for his or her decision and many change if exposed to counter reinforcing messages Theory of Reasoned Action Theory of Planned Behavior o Behavior is determined directly by a person s intention to perform the behavior Intentions the instructions people give to themselves to behave in certain ways P a g e 2 Value placed on behavioral outcomes Opinions of significant others Intentions are influenced by attitudes and subjective norms perceived social pressure to perform or not to perform the behavior Attitudes are determined by Belief that a certain behavior will have a given An evaluation of the actual outcome of the A perception of his or her ability to control the outcome behavior behavior Social Cognitive Theory o Explains behavior in terms of a model in which behavior personal factors such as cognitions and the environment interact constantly such that a change in one area has implications for the others o Cognitions the knowledge and awareness we have of our environment and the judgments we make related to it o The main focus is on target behaviors rather than on knowledge and attitudes Concept Environment Situation Behavioral Capability Expectations Expectancies Self Control Observation Definition Factors that are physically external to the person Person s perception of the environment Knowledge and skills to perform a given behavior Anticipatory outcomes of a behavior Values that the person places on a given outcome or incentive Personal regulation of goal directed behavior or performance Behavioral acquisition that occurs by watching Implications Provide opportunities and social support Correct misperceptions and promote healthful norms Promote mastery learning through skills training Model positive outcomes of health behavior Present outcomes of change that have a functional meaning Provide opportunities for self monitoring and contracting Include credible role models of the targeted behavior P a g e 3 Promote self initiated rewards and incentives Approach behavior change in small steps seek specificity about the change sought Provide training in problem solving and stress management the actions of others Response to a persons behavior that increases or decrease the likelihood of recurrence Persons confidence in performing a particular behavior Strategies or tactics that are used by a person to deal wit emotional stimuli Reinforcement Self efficacy Emotional Coping Response The Health Belief Model o Developed to explain why people failed to participate in programs designed to detect or prevent disease If a person realizes they are susceptible and that it is a serious risk they are more likely to make the change o Model has three components Perception of a threat to health Susceptibility Let a person know they have the risk of developing a certain disease because of their present behaviors Seriousness How serious is the issue Can it be put off to deal with at a later time Expectations of outcomes related to a behavior Benefits Barriers Economic social and familial Show the person that even with barriers the outcome will outweigh the barriers Self Efficacy Belief that one can make the change Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change o Tailoring an intervention to an individual s stage of change is more effective than not considering their readiness to change o Stages for change Ambivalent Pre contemplation Do not want to do it in denial of need Contemplation Maybe thinking of making a change P a g e 4 Determination Preparation Ready to make the change motivated Action Doing the things in order to make the change Maintenance Making the changes a part of your lifestyle Relapse Give the person coping mechanisms to help during this time 4 Be able to apply the Stages of Change Model What does each stage mean for guiding intervention focus and strategy 5 Define terms such as subjective norm cultural group social group focus group self efficacy expectancies expectations emotional coping response attitude cognitions Subjective Norm perceived social pressure to perform or not to perform a behavior Cultural Group Social Group Focus Group Self efficacy Persons confidence in performing a particular behavior Expectancies Values that the person places on a given outcome or incentive Expectations Anticipatory outcomes of a behavior Emotional coping response Strategies or tactics that are used by a person t deal with emotional stimuli Attitude Cognition The Knowledge and awareness we have of our environment and the judgments we make related to it Principles of Nutrition Education 1 Describe the process of adult education and the characteristics of adult learners and apply to developing nutrition education Acknowledge and relate to the clients needs and concerns Consider his or her prior experiences with and
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