Chapter 5 Bands small everyone is equal hunter gatherer and extremely mobile unrestricted religious practices Tribes segmentary medium populations segmentary society with an achieved rank horticultural pastoral semi permanent housing and religious leader Chiefdoms Permanent their offices outlast the individuals who occupy them agricultural social status based on seniority of descent lack social classes kinship and descent decides wealth political status and social status States agricultural and industrial control over most aspects of people s lives population control judiciary enforcement and fiscal Judiciary creating laws Population control establishes citizenship Enforcement military and police to enforce laws Fiscal taxes and distributing funds through state Superordinate Upper privileged group in society Subordinate Lower underprivileged group in society The village head The position of village head is achieved but comes with limited authority He cannot force people to do anything The Big Man Like a village head but his authority is regional Has influence over more than 1 village Segmentary Lineage Based upon descent group structure Maximal Lineages Share a common ancestor who lived a longtime ago Inclusive Minimal Lineages Small units in which members share a common ancestor who lived no more than four generations ago Exclusive Mortuary analysis graves and cemeteries Premise people who are treated differently in life will be treated differently in death A person s grave will represent that person s status Burial Mounds High status individuals are buried with copper stone paints exotic minerals etc Low status individuals are buried with ceramic vessels Ascribed Ranking Infants who die will be buried the same way their parents would be buried Chiefdoms and States Often built to be conspicuous interpreted as ceremonial or gathering locations planned and organized by ruling class Cuneiform earliest form of writing with Sumerians and Babylonian Ethno archaeology Studies the present day use and significance of artifacts buildings and structures how they become incorporated into the archaeological record Binford studied the discarding of tools and movement of people among sites Drop Zones Where small pieces of bone fell Toss Zones Larger pieces thrown away in front and behind the individual Tubers digging stick Chapter 6 Changes in the environment or habitat can then help answer questions about biological and cultural adaptations Ocean cores and ice sheets based on ratio of oxygen isotopes O18 and O16 Ocean floor sediments accumulate slowly consist of microfossils called foraminifera during life the foraminifera continuously rebuild their shells the oxygen in their shells gives us a record of oxygen isotope ratios Ice cores give us direct ratios of Oxygen Isotopes within the water molecules O18 Glacial Period ice age O16 Interglacial period no ice age 18 000 years ago a land bridge emerged as sea level fell ice age Florida Rivers changes in the course of rivers affected landscape settlement The Nile and Tigris Euphrates river valleys were areas of early domestication due to rich floodplains Palynology The study of plant pollen spores and certain microscopic plankton organisms Phytoliths certain plants take up silica from the soil The silica is deposited within the plant where after the plant decays the silica returns to the soil as a rigid microscopic piece of the plant Coring Gathering Data Recreating Animal Environment types of animals present the abundance of species present ages development of individuals Tundra Desert Swamp Grassland Forested Tropical Macro Faunal Analysis The establishment of time depth and environmental change Economy and Fauna The presence of certain faunal remains can indicate how a culture ate moved and generally behaved Terrestrial vs Marine species Domestic vs Wild species Old vs Young individuals Evidence of keeping animals alive for secondary products such as milk cheese hides fur or transportation Subsistence Patterns The ways societies transform the material resources of the environment into food clothing and shelter Population size kinship construction social organization and culture change all interact with subsistence patterns Population Density The number of people inhabiting an area of land The carrying capacity depends on subsistence techniques and technologies labor resources and the natural resources people exploit Major subsistence strategies Foraging Pastoralism Horticulture and Agriculture Foraging Relies on food natural available in the environment the strategy for most of human history limits population growth and complexity of social organization Men hunt and women gather and need large amount of land Pastoralism Is based on the caring for domesticated animals from which they derive products and labor primary products and secondary products Primary Products Meat leather and bone Secondary Products Milk blood wool and dung Ruminants Cattle Sheep and Goats were the first food animals to be domesticated followed by pigs possibly to dispose of table scraps and waster products Horses and cattle were domesticated for work and transportation Large herds that eat anything are easier to domesticate Domesticated Animals They are kept for a distinct purpose humans control their breeding their survival depends on humans and they develop traits that are not found in the wild Domestication allows humans To contain animals with right temperament have steady food supply and use animals for companionship religious purposes and draft work Domestication allows animals receive protection and a constant food supply Selective breeding occurs as humans rid animals with undesirable traits Horticulture production of plants using non mechanized non intensive technology Typically a tropical forest adaptation that requires cutting and burning the jungle to clear fields Horticulture involves fallowing and agriculture requires fertilization Swidden Slash and Burn Fallowing A plot of land is planted 2 3 years then left fallow for a year or more Agriculture Production of plants using plows animals fertilization and soil and water control Associated with sedentary villages full time craft and task specialization increased social stratification based on gender status rank and class full domestication of plants and animals Seeds can indicate whether a group of people relied on wild floral resources Mostly wild species indicated lack of intensive agriculture and
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