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5 15 12 Chapter 1 Introducing Tourism Introduction o The complexity of tourism o Interacting factors Home environment Daily environment where you live Destination environment Where you re travelling too o Since the 1950s number of tourists travelling internationally have increased Franco a dictator in Spain created the model of contemporary tourism Since Spain did so well using this model other countries began to use this model too o Domestic tourism has increased as well o Asia and Latin American markets have experienced significant growth What is meant by tourism o Going away on a holiday is commonly referred to as tourism o The idea of travel for pleasure as opposed to travel for necessity a recent phenomenon o Until the 19th century travel was not common People didn t have the money Roads weren t created o Railways had the biggest impact on tourism It made travel easier and economical o Today more than 800 million tourist travel internationally every year o The shareholders in tourism include Governments Tourism industry Local governments regulation Local communities museums attractions Non governmental organizations NGO and tourists AAA Definitions and types of tourism o To define tourism is difficult and complicated It is difficult to arrive at an agreeable definition o It includes many diverse parts Human feelings Emotions Natural and cultural attractions Accommodation and many other services Suppliers of transport o Most agree that tourism involves travel o The World Tourism Organization WTO has endorsed the following definition Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside the usual environment for not more than one consecutive year reasons for leisure business or other o Recreational tourism is the most usual form of tourism o Other types of tourism include Study education Business Religion Health Impacts of tourism o Economic o Social o Environmental Tourism in some cases is tolerated or forced upon the host communities and not necessarily welcomed Tourism and the creation of wealth o International attention o Success in Spain in the 1950s o Possibilities for developing countries Costa Rica What is the tourist industry o The World Travel and Tourism Council WTTC in 2007 established that tourism s contribution to the global economy was 10 3 of gross domestic product GDP 234 4 million jobs 8 7 of total employment o Extremely difficult to define o Does not have the usual production function o Its output can not be physically measured o It is difficult to evaluate its impact upon the economy o Some practices are similar to industrial production o Mass Tourism Standard package Usually includes transportation and accommodations Relies on mass consumption Keep prices low Package holiday which relies on mass consumption Fordist production o Can not be compared to other industries o Does not produce identifiable product o Tourism industry refers to many different businesses and organization o These industries are connected by the services they provide Tourism as a system o Tourism incorporates businesses societies and environments o No manager or owner has complete control o Individual decisions and actions have consequences throughout the Ex Oil prices rising less people visit food industry goes down Beaches rain forests mountains system o The analogy of a spider s web Everything is connected o Important inputs Environment Government Policies Regulations Subsystems Tourism retailing Destination Transportation Hotels Airlines o Outputs of the System Environmental and cultural changes Conserve and pollute the environment May bring positive and negative cultural changes o Positive jobs Can create economic opportunities Can also bring economic overdependence Price inflation 5 16 12 The Growth in Demand for Tourism Pre industrial tourism o Roman Times Resort Areas Transportation One Currency Middle Ages Roman Empire collapses o Middle Ages Lasted 800 years Travel was more difficult Religious pilgrimage Trade th Century o 17 Silk route into China Monks from one church to another Grand Tour Aristocracy leaders needed to learn so they travelled to Florence Italy European Culture Visit to major cultural centers Lasted three years Private tutors Adam Smith o Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations which is the foundation of capitalism free enterprise th century Ended first part of the 19 o Health Tourism 18th Century Southern France Escaping the winter Spa towns of Europe Stockholm and Copenhagen traveled south for warmer weather Creating the conditions for the growth of contemporary tourism The influence of industrialization and urbanization Industrial Revolution Steam Engine in 1871 and 1875 gave workers a four day holiday o Last quarter 18th century in England o Economic and social changes o People moved from rural to urban environments o Work and leisure high differentiated o Bank Holiday Acts Now families have time for tourism o New creation of transportation systems Transportation o Another major change was the steam engine o Railways and steamships o Travel became easier o Needed to carry more people to cover cost 20th Century o Growth of tourism continued o Motor car o Ari travel 1950s and 60s o Access to foreign countries became easier 21st Century o Information technology has made it easier to Obtain information on price location and availability Visual tour Booking of flights o Tour of operators emerged o Price of travel was reduced Mass Participation in International Tourism Most evidence in Europe Increased prosperity Geographical proximity No longer for a small elite the middle class has days off now allowing them to travel Second Wave of Mass Tourism From the United Kingdom to Spain Increasing level of disposable income from the late 1950 s Surplus war aircraft provided cheap transportation Emergence of tour operators Promotion of Spain as a destination Cheap land for hotel development Number of International Arrivals 1950 was 25 million 1980 was 270 million 2000 was 687 million 2020 projected 1 6 billion Tourism Flows The Influence of Climate and Nature Upon Demand for Recreational Tourism Expenditure on tourism o Dominance of developed countries o Growing prominence of countries with expanding economies o Top Spenders Germany 72 7 billion U S 69 2 billion United Kingdom 59 6 billion Japan 37 5 billion France 31 2 billion Worlds most numerically significant flow of tourism o Northern Europe to The Mediterranean o North East Asia China

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