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CHEMISTRY CHE 101 General Chemistry I Lecture 4 credit hours University at Buffalo Announcement Sheet 1 Syllabus Winter Semester 2022 M F 10 11 AM On line NSC 417 645 4144 Office Hours On line through Zoom schedule will be posted on UBLearns course website You are encouraged to ask questions through email at any time but recognize there will be a lag time before answering STAFF Dr Troy Wood E mail twood buffalo edu MATERIALS NEEDED Required 1 Access code to Cengage OwlV2 homework system https www cengage com dashboard course confirmation E XT9W8F6RR57TK initial course confirmation Instructions for access can be obtained at the following link https cvg cengagenow com ilrn course createBoardingPass do id 2147478085 discipline chem 2 A valid ID card university or government issued will be required for all examinations and quizzes 3 Any type of calculator 4 Electronic Device with Webcam a desktop laptop computer can be used to watch all recorded lectures work all homework assignments and take all quizzes and exams A webcam will be used for proctoring of examinations remotely is needed if the electronic device does not have a built in camera Specifically the university recommends the following To effectively participate in this course regardless of mode of instruction the University recommends you have access to a Windows or Mac computer with webcam and broadband Your best opportunity for success in the blended UB course delivery environment in person hybrid and remote will require these minimum capabilities listed on the following website buffalo edu ubit service guides hardware getting started with hardware purchasing or using an existing computer html Recommended 1 Students should obtain a copy of any General Chemistry textbook we will be following closely Pearson s Chemistry The Central Science 14e Cengage s Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity 10e and TopHat s General Chemistry Open educational resources OER are also available for those with limited finances If you are not completely registered for lecture and recitation please send an email to REGISTRATION Registration Procedure che registration buffalo edu Important Dates Wednesday January 5 2022 First day of course Thursday January 6 2022 Last day to drop add a course Monday January 17 2022 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day observed NO CLASSES Thursday January 19 2022 Last day to resign a course with an R grade Tuesday January 25 2022 Winter session ends and date of Final Examination ABOUT THE COURSE Course Description There is a fee associated with this class Introduces fundamental concepts of chemistry and surveys important chemical elements and their compounds The first semester course of a two semester sequence of Page 1 of 6 general chemistry designed for students in sciences and engineering Topics include stoichiometry reactions in solution thermochemistry atomic and molecular structure and bonding gas laws intermolecular forces and phases of matter Daily M F LIVE Lecture access 10 11 AM plus one 50 minute recitation daily 1 00 1 50 PM will be presented Lecture Remote Recorded Not Real Time This course is taught remotely with all materials provided for on demand access via UB Learns with no in person requirement asynchronously though there are daily LIVE sessions for lecture and recitation that can be viewed in real time or later when the video is posted Students are responsible for allocating adequate time to participate in and complete course requirements Students must be registered for lecture A series of videos for all sections is present at the course website UBLearns https UBLearns buffalo edu and is found under the PANOPTO VIDEOS tab at the left hand side of the main page Students should follow the schedule on the last page and watch each video episode VE by the date indicated in the schedule p 6 Video episodes roughly correlate with Chapter numbers from the textbook Chemistry The Central Science differences between the video episodes and the chapters are provided in the Course Documents folder of UBLearns as the file Text to Video Differences Students should read the text in advance for a better understanding of the lecture and are responsible for learning the material presented whether they view it or not In addition to these required common video episodes the instructor for the course will also be LIVE daily between 10 11 AM These LIVE sessions will involve answering student questions and reviewing example problems and will be presented LIVE via Zoom these will be recorded for those who cannot attend LIVE and will be placed under the PANOPTO VIDEOS tab in a separate folder LIVE Morning Session Recordings To join these LIVE sessions go to Dr Wood s UB Learns Zoom Channel which can be found under the Zoom Channel tab at the left hand side of the main page at UBLearns Recitation Remote Real Time and Recorded Students must be registered for Recitation as well as for Lecture As with the lecture daily recitation sections will be given by the recitation instructors LIVE between 1 00 1 50 PM these will also be recorded and available in the Recitation link in UB Learns There is no in person requirement however it is in your interest to attend LIVE when possible as this offers a forum to ask questions The recitation period involves discussion of lecture material and homework assignments Homework will be due on line through Cengage s OwlV2 program we do NOT use Mastering Chemistry which is used in the normal sequence CHE101 course because data suggests that students using the OwlV2 system outperform those who use Mastering Chemistry The first time you enter OwlV2 you must register with your access code Communication Because this is an on line course communication between the students and instructors is important All emails should use GENERAL CHEMISTRY or CHE 101 in the subject header note Dr Wood has a high email filter set so if this is not in the subject header there is no guarantee your email will get through Paying attention to on line announcements at UBlearns and or by email is critical The instructor is delighted to answer questions about course content the instructor s time is wasted by questions that are easily answered by reading the syllabus or posted course announcements It is the student s responsibility to meet all deadlines and scheduled examination quiz times Questions regarding the homework are best addressed in on line office hours LIVE in afternoon recitations or LIVE in morning lectures Questions regarding

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