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Chemistry 101 Final Exam Part I December 14 2019 1 Carbon dioxide CO2 g dissolves in water to produce carbonic acid H2CO3 CO2 H2O H2CO3 While carbonic acid is not stable it does do acid base reactions in water until the CO2 is consumed Aluminum carbonate Al2 CO3 3 s can be used as an antacid not the best choice however How many grams of aluminum carbonate can be formed from combination of 10 0 L of CO2 g at STP with 500 ml of 0 543 M Al OH 3 2 Given the data 2 N2 g O2 g 2 NO g H 180 7 kJ H 113 1 kJ H 163 2 kJ 2 NO g O2 g 2 NO2 g 2 N2O 2 N2 g O2 g i Use Hess s law to calculate H for the desired reaction below N2O g NO2 g 3 NO g ii Using the desired equation from i how much heat is needed if one starts with 22 0g N2O and an excess of NO2 iii What volume of NO g is produced if 100 kJ are required at 25 C and 1 00 atm for the reaction below N2O g NO2 g 3 NO g 3 3 For each formula below i Draw the best Lewis structure ii Calculate the Formal charge on all the atoms for your Lewis structure iii Give the molecular geometry name iv Circle if it has a dipole v Indicate if resonance structures exist by circling yes or no vi Give the hybridization of the central atom where indicated a SF4 i Lewis Structure ii Formal Charges iv Dipole Polar Non polar v Resonance Yes No Polar Non polar v Resonance Yes No vi Hybridization Polar Non polar v Resonance Yes No vi Hybridization iii Molecular Geometry Name b CO3 2 i Lewis Structure ii Formal Charges iv Dipole iii Molecular Geometry Name c ClO3 i Lewis Structure ii Formal Charges iv Dipole iii Molecular Geometry Name 4 A beaker is known to have a weight of 126 grams To the beaker is added 13 3 grams of substance A and 1 57 grams of substance B Properly expressed in terms of significant figures the total weight of beaker and contents is now in grams a 140 b 141 c 140 8 d 140 9 e 140 87 Correct names for the following compounds are CCl4 FeCO3 Al NO3 3 a monocarbontetrachlorine carbon tetrachlorine b tetrachlorocarbon c carbon tetrachloride d tetrachlorocarbon e iron III carbonate iron carbontrioxide iron III carbontrioxide iron II carbonate iron II chlorate aluminum nitrate aluminum III nitrate aluminum trinitrate aluminum nitrate aluminum nitrate For reaction of H3PO4 with KOH the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation are aKOH bH3PO4 cK3PO4 dH2O a b c d e a 2 b 2 c 2 d 3 a 1 b 2 c 2 d 1 a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1 a 2 b 1 c 1 d 2 a 3 b 1 c 1 d 3 The number of moles of hydrogen atoms in 1 0g of glucose C6H12O6 is a 0 13 b 0 083 c 0 0056 d 12 e 0 067 In the reaction of 1 00 mole of O2 with 2 00 mole of H2 if 30 0g of H2O is formed what is the percent yield a 83 3 b 167 2H2 O2 2H2O c 50 0 d 88 9 e 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 How many mL of 0 125M H2SO4 are needed to neutralize 100 mL of 0 0500M NaOH a 10 0mL b 40 0mL c 100 mL d 20 0mL e 50 0mL 5 7 Place the following gases in order of increasing average molecular speed at 25 C Ne HBr SO2 NF3 CO a NF3 SO2 HBr CO Ne b Ne CO HBr SO2 NF3 c HBr SO2 CO NF3 Ne d Ne CO SO2 NF3 HBr e HBr NF3 SO2 CO Ne How many different orbitals can have the principal quantum number n 3 a 9 b 4 c 6 d 5 e 18 8 9 The number of 5d electrons in the electronic configuration of element 75 Re is a 2 b 3 c 7 d 5 e 10 10 Which of the following is not a valid set of quantum numbers for an orbital in an atom A possible set of four quantum numbers n m ms for the highest energy electron in arsenic As is a b c d e a b c d e 11 n 3 1 m 1 n 1 0 m 0 n 6 1 m 0 n 5 4 m 4 n 2 2 m 1 4 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 6 The number of unpaired d electrons in the ground state electron configuration decreases in the following order 12 15 16 13 What is the electron configuration of Fe2 a b c d e a b c d e d8 d10 d2 d9 d1 d5 d6 d9 d10 d10 d4 d3 d9 d3 d2 Ar 4s23d4 Ar 3d6 Ar 4s23d6 Ar 3s13d5 Ar 3d7 14 Which of the following statements provides an accurate statement comparing the atomic radius of Ca with that of K a Ca is larger because it has more electrons b Ca is larger because its effective nuclear charge is greater c K is larger because its effective nuclear charge is less d K is larger because it has fewer electrons e Ca and K are essentially the same size The ionic compound formed between calcium and chlorine has the formula a CaCl b Ca2Cl c CaCl2 d CaCl3 e Ca2Cl2 From the following groups the largest atom will be K Li Cs Pb Sn Si F O N a K Sn F b K Sn O c Cs Pb F d Li Si N e Cs Pb N 7 17 Which of the following ions has the largest ionic radius a Mg2 b Li c Al3 d Co3 e K Choose the correct molecular geometry and hybridization for ICl2 a b c d e linear sp hybridization linear sp3d hybridization bent sp2 hybridization pyramidal sp3 hybridization bent sp3 hybridization The molecular geometry of BrF3 is a T shaped pyramidal b trigonal planar c tetrahedral d linear e The correct Lewis dot structure for PCl3 has around phosphorus a b c d e one lone pair non bonding and three bonding pairs two lone pairs non bonding and two bonding pairs two lone pairs non bonding and three bonding pairs three lone pairs non bonding and two bonding pairs one lone pair non bonding and two bonding pairs The hybridization around Sn in the SnO2 molecule is a sp b sp2 c sp3 d sp3d e sp3d2 22 Which of the following molecules will be non polar no dipole moment a H2O b SO2 c ICl2 d ICl2 e SF4 18 19 20 21 8 23 Which is the correct order for boiling points of the noble gases a Xe Kr Ar Ne He b …

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