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Brady Anderson Course Reflection 2 The Your Visual World assignment that I chose was Your Visual World Art Architecture and Commemoration The Course Review Analysis that I chose was Course Review Analysis 3 I chose these for a specific reason I chose the Your Visual World module because I was especially interested in learning about Smokey Hollow and its history I chose the course review analysis that I did because I was able to think of an idea all my own that was important to me Your Visual World Art Architecture and Commemoration did a great job in displaying the importance of commemoration in architecture especially when learning about Smokey Hollow Smokey Hollow showed how important it was to commemorate things from the past and the way that art and architecture played such an important role in doing so The entire premise of this module was to learn about the importance of commemoration and I think that the way the module presented this did a perfect job in showing how important to the community the commemoration of Smokey Hollow was For the course review analysis that I chose I was asked to create a proposal for a monument that represented an important moment in my life I loved the idea for this assignment because it allowed me to truly engage with the work because I was analyzing and thinking about the most important moments that have had an impact on my life This review analysis really helped me engage with the importance of commemoration in architecture because it related to a moment in my life and I was able to really understand where the appeal and importance for monuments and commemoration stems from I chose these modules because I feel that they allowed me to engage the most with the learning and I truly felt like I was learning the subject matter from them

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FSU ARH 2000 - Course Reflection 2

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